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Sometimes I will go outside and talk on my cell phone while my children are playing,or when I just want some fresh air.There are a few neighbors who will come up and start talking to me ,even though obviously I am speaking to someone on my phone.I would never do that...I would simply wave and let them have their privacy.Do you agree?

2006-09-11 09:10:26 · 39 answers · asked by MaryBeth 7 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

39 answers

That is very rude.

2006-09-11 09:11:43 · answer #1 · answered by IthinkFramptonisstillahottie 6 · 2 0

Yes I do agree with you. Sometimes if I don't feel like being bothered and just want to go straight into the house I will get on the cell phone before getting out to the car. That way all I do is nod and go into the house.

2006-09-11 09:31:12 · answer #2 · answered by Jacks036 5 · 0 0

Yeah, it is rude because you are on the phone, but you know it happens to everyone, neighbors just always have been like that and it makes you feel SOOO rude too, because you don't want to hang up on the other person, but you can't just ignore your neighbor!!!

2006-09-11 09:16:04 · answer #3 · answered by what? 2 · 0 0

Yes. My husband does this to me when I am on the phone and it drives me insane. I have no idea what stops people from doing that, I was always taught it was proper etiquette to simply keep your mouth shut when people are on the phone. Its rude to interupt people, bottom line. I wish there was a polite fix, otherwise I really just want to tell them 'I'm on the phone in case you didn't notice, don't talk to me ' .

2006-09-11 09:13:50 · answer #4 · answered by saintlyinnocents 3 · 0 0

they probably dont think of it as being rude, i guess. Make sure you actually have your phone out at your ear (not a hands free device). Wave silently and mouth hello to people, or if they ask you how you;re doing nod and smile and whisper "good, thank you!" and then turn away. If you are friendly about it, they wont feel ignored, but they will get the point that you are busy at the moment if you dont talk to them at a normal volume.
You could also try to stay on areas of your yard where there are less people who can see you, if thats an option.

2006-09-11 09:14:03 · answer #5 · answered by kari 6 · 1 0

Yes I do agree, I would not bother someone while they were on the phone and would feel awkward standing there waiting while you were talking. That is rude.

2006-09-11 09:13:21 · answer #6 · answered by auntkarendjjb 6 · 1 0

yes, they're rude...... unless they're elderly and don't know any better. Then it's probably best to tell whomever you're on your phone with that you'll call them back. Take 2 minutes to talk, and excuse yourself because you have to make that phone call. Some older people don't understand the whole cell phone is still a phone thing...... just what I've noticed

2006-09-11 09:13:41 · answer #7 · answered by rachael 3 · 1 0

I have a lady at work that does that. I just dont understand. The phone is at my ear so there is no confusion. I really have no explanation. I would never do that to someone.

2006-09-11 09:13:16 · answer #8 · answered by JustMe 6 · 0 0

Unbelievably rude! I would pause my phone conversation and say "Do you not realize that I am on the phone? Or are you so self-absorbed and narcissistic that you have no manners at all"?

2006-09-11 09:14:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes thats completely rude tell them ure on the phone and its important

2006-09-11 09:12:55 · answer #10 · answered by firerox44 2 · 0 0

Yes, thats rude and a little dump of them. You need to smile and them, maybe give a little wave, and then turn around and ignore them or walk away and carry out your conversation.

2006-09-11 09:12:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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