actually they are both correct , they are a variant of each other is what states
it is amazing how many people answer questions without looking it up or knowing the truth
2006-09-11 08:58:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yeah it is inquiring, sorry to tell you like but your wrong. However i think people should not be fixated with others spelling and grammer and just concentrate on answering the questions.
2006-09-11 09:00:31
answer #2
answered by sherob1 4
The word is spelled with an I, but the name can be spelled anyway you want it to be. There are lots of different ways to spell a name. Ex. Carrie Carri Kerri Kerry Sean Shawn Shauna Shawna Shanna Terri Terry
2006-09-11 08:59:10
answer #3
answered by ANGELa 3
If you are just inquiring, it is spelled with an I.
But it seems that magazines and newspapers always spell it with an E.
Plus spell check says it's wrong if you spell it with an E.
2006-09-11 09:00:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
when in dout, the dictionary is your friend.
in‧quire /ɪnˈkwaɪər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-kwahyuhr] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -quired, -quir‧ing.
–verb (used without object) 1. to seek information by questioning; ask: to inquire about a person.
2. to make investigation (usually fol. by into): to inquire into the incident.
–verb (used with object) 3. to seek to learn by asking: to inquire a person's name.
4. Obsolete. to seek.
5. Obsolete. to question (a person).
—Verb phrase6. inquire after, to ask about the state of health or condition of: Friends have been calling all morning to inquire after you.
Also, enquire.
2006-09-11 08:59:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
sure, it bothers me very a lot! the way I see it, is that in the event that they "love" the band/musician a lot, then why won't have the ability to they spell the call wisely? it extremely is the comparable for songs. I surely am so stricken via pretend-followers, even of bands/musicians/songs i do unlike. i be attentive to folk are pretend-followers merely so as that they might look "cool", or something, it extremely is the ingredient that bothers me the main.
2016-09-30 14:19:43
answer #6
answered by fritch 4
Cincinnati Enquirer is our local bird cage liner here.
2006-09-11 08:54:35
answer #7
answered by CallMeDigitalBob 3
Grown Man is right. It's inquiring.
Nope.. hold the phone.. it can be either. They are variants of each other.
2006-09-11 08:54:42
answer #8
answered by jamie 4
Same thing; although, inquiring is more recognizable.
2006-09-11 08:59:23
answer #9
answered by bitchenbrod 2
It's like CATSUP or KETCHUP. Both are correct. Sorry, no one wins this one, it's draw.
2006-09-11 08:58:14
answer #10
answered by Crazymom 6