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Get over yourself. If you are a white male, you have the chance to do anything and everything you want. When you turn on the television you see your people in every frame. You have more women to choose from, more jobs, no one looks down on you.

I'm tired of white people denying your part in racism. You guys are at the top of the race pole so stop whining. When is the last time you saw a black president? Do you get pulled over by cops all of the time just for driving? Do you always wonder if someone thinks you are lesser because you aren't white? Blacks will never be good enough. How many white people lose their jobs because of Affirmative Action? How many black people don’t get jobs because they are black?

Ever wonder what it is like to be a minority? Have you ever dated a woman of another race; or a black woman? Black women are the least desired of all the races, you love to date your beautiful blondes and never a dark-skinned black woman a second glance. Don’t deny it.

2006-09-11 08:02:54 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Do you think this wouldn't have a negative affect on a black woman?

It ain't fun my friend and you have done your part to make minorities become minorities. Admit to your elevated position in society and stop trying to pretend that you care when someone calls you a stupid racist name like honkey. I don't even know what honkey means. Anyway, why don't you talk to some real minorities or better yet, date one and maybe you'll understand the struggle of trying to succeed. Slavery was only a several generations ago, it take a long time to build wealth. Segregation was around when my mother was a young woman; you think that wouldn’t affect blacks today when they are looking for jobs or a better life? Racism still exist, we all stereotype, so stop saying you don’t have a responsibility to other races or add to the negative view placed on them.

2006-09-11 08:03:37 · update #1

I never denied the part blacks take in their own postion, only it seems whites are too willing to deny theirs.

2006-09-11 08:32:44 · update #2

What we all must realize is that we all take part in the rasism in our society. I early posted a question addressed to blacks about their irrsponsibilty in putting an end to racism. You all need to take your place in line because we all are responsible for it and change. Thank you beenthere for at least being honest.

The only problem is that you are just as bitter about your postition as blacks are. It seems to me many Jews have caused much anger towards their race because of their ethnocentrism.

2006-09-11 08:39:29 · update #3

Funny how someone white describes Halle Berry as a beautiful black woman. Did you also know that she is not all black, she is half white, half black. Like I said, racist.

2006-09-11 08:43:22 · update #4

33 answers

I'm tired of thin people denying your part in bigotry. You thin guys are at the top of the pole so stop whining. When is the last time you saw a fat president? Do you get mocked just for driving or walking down the street? Do you always wonder if someone thinks you are lesser because you aren't thin? Fat people will never be good enough. How many thin people get jobs even though someone heavy-set and more qualified applies? How many large people don’t get jobs because they are fat?

Ever wonder what it is like to be overweight? Have you ever dated an overweight or large woman? Fat women are the least desired of all the groups, you love to date your skinny women and never give a heavy set woman a second glance. Don’t deny it.


Get the idea? Substitute the words "Hispanic, disabled, Native American, elderly, etc." for the word "black," and see what you come up with.

You're not alone in the minority department. I don't feel responsible for the situation of blacks in our society. . .I'm too d@mn busy dealing with my own situation.

2006-09-11 08:14:26 · answer #1 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 6 0

Talk about racist...most people I know don't have the time or inclination to contemplate this subject.
Affirmative action works both ways, have you checked out the university enrollment policies near you, checked out the top twenty universities?
You sound like someone burned you pretty badly recently. Either that, or you've just got a lot of anger issues. Yes, slavery wasn't all that long ago in our country's history, and yes segregation does probably still exist, although it's probably not admitted to anywhere, but this country was founded on the belief that we can make a better life for ourselves with hard work and some sweat. Maybe it takes more hard work for some than for others, but if you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get there.
Don't you think it's time to learn from the past (as we all should), take what we've learned from it, apply it to today and move on in a more positive outlook?

2006-09-11 08:19:31 · answer #2 · answered by Laurie K 5 · 0 0

Right on sister, I agree with you. Everything you said is so true. White people do more drugs, commit more crimes, brings guns and drugs to school at a higher rate and even brag that they don't even have to go to jail for it. White men are 400% more likely to rape Black women then a Black man raping a White woman. Of course, when it comes to White women, you can't rape the willing LOL! Let's no longer talk about crime rate, rate just means who they choose to arrest, let's talk about crime ACTIVITY.

Also, for the record, Africans didn't sell slaves, they were kidnapped, Blacks in America did not own slaves, that was a voter registration ploy and an urban myth. Blacks do not keep racism alive by exposing it, Whites keep racism alive by participating in it.

For the person who reported this lady, you are a racist because you did not report the racist Whites on here. Also, to say that White men don't look a Black women. Yeah right! Black women are the most attrative women on the planet. All the modeling shows have White directors going crazy over the darkest models who've just arrived from Africa. White men even preferred Black women to their own pasty wives during slavery. No wonder they're still angry and badmouthing Black women years later. I would be mad too if I were a rich powerful man and was rejected by a slave!

Please order and read the following books from Amazon or Ebay that I have in my sources. Take care my beautiful sister!

2006-09-11 12:28:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Talk about being raciest, and hateful, i think you just spoke it all. Why dont you grow up and learn that everyone in this society has been hated against. Its not just blacks. Im white. I dont hate against anyone. You could have a better life if you try. Thats most of the problem...People who are crying racism (no matter what race) are usually the ones that have nothing better to do then complain and cry about how bad they have it. There are tons of amazing black people. Who have awesome jobs, drive fancy cars, have the nice big houses. Very good education. These people exist in all races. Not just one. Who cares what its like to be a minority thats not our problem. Make something of yourself, be different, educate yourself, Learn to grow and love and expand your mind. That applies to everyone on this planet no matter what color your skin is. There is nothing to deny in all of this, and nothing that i will take blame for. You look at history a little better, and all those professional people. There are alot of blacks out there that get tons of respect. Open your mind and maybe you will see the "BIG" picture :) Have a good day!!

2006-09-11 08:23:27 · answer #4 · answered by jess_n_flip 4 · 0 0

Okay, this is rediculous. You cannot say that every white person is somehow responsible for the status of various ethnic minorities (you seem specifically concerned about how caucasians have affected black persons). Although I accept that society as a whole - mostly whites - have subjected black peoples to a lot, I personally have not done anything racist. EVER. My three biggest ever crushes have been on Asian men (two pakistani, one japanese) and I see no difference skin color makes to difference. I certainly don't go for blondes!

Only by constantly dragging the issue of racism up are we keeping it alive. Just as things start to reach some equality, someone says something about racism and it all gets set off again!

2006-09-11 08:19:27 · answer #5 · answered by Pebbles 5 · 0 0

No, I don't feel responsible in the least! Have you ever heard of reverse racism? I live in a southern state and see it all the time. I was a white single mom and couldn't get benefits because I was white and earned too much at $9.00 an hour. And now have a white husband that get's looked over for jobs/raises because he is a white male and the employer hasn't meant their quota for minorities that qualify for a job...so it stays open and affects the whole work force. I am a minority at my job...most employees are black women...I am the blunt end of jokes both hurtful and racial ALL the time...IT WORKS BOTH WAYS...I have dated black men and it was never about his race...you sound prejudice yourself...step back and take a good inventory of yourself and work to be a part of the solution...not the problem!

2006-09-11 08:15:40 · answer #6 · answered by Angelfood 4 · 1 1

Blaming your situation on caucasians and lumping all of us together as racists sounds pretty racist too me. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, if you'll pardon the expression. I am not oppressing you, I am not holding you down, I am not doing anything to you. I have to struggle for everything that I want even though I am white. No one gets handed anything. So don't call me racist. And my family was in this country during slavery but my family was Irish. Read your history and see how the Irish were treated in those days. They weren't much better off than the Africans. But they got off their butts and got jobs and struggled and made things better for themselves. They didn't wait for handouts. And most people who bring up slavery forget one big thing....the Civil War. You remember hearing about that don't you??? It's the war where the white people in the North went to war to free the slaves and end slavery forever in this country. Do we ever hear any thanks for that? I personally haven't. I am not saying that blacks in America have it easy, not by a long shot but, you have to get up and work and makes things better for yourself. Get an education and there are plenty of companies that will hire you for your qualifications. I have had any number of minority bosses over the years. And if you do your research, you will see that there are many, many black celebrites, athletes, business men, politicians, inventors, doctors, lawyers, judges, etc. who are doing very well. Try telling Condaleeza Rice, Oprah Winfrey that black women can't make it. Try telling Halle Berry or Tyra Banks that black women aren't attracive. If there seem to be more successful whites, maybe it's because they simply are more whites and we've had longer to get there.

2006-09-11 08:36:15 · answer #7 · answered by Bob 6 · 0 1

Actually, Racism in the United States was common place back in the 60's, so it hasn't been that long ago, without knowing your age, chances are your grandparents or great grandparents were a product of Racism back then, depending where they lived, ie..the Southern states in US.

Affirmative Action has supported the women and men of color since then, and women that are light skinned.

I am sorry you feel this way, being that it is 2006, I would hope that more people would not bring color into this society. We will never come together as one, and put Racism aside with this kind of attitude.

I can tell you are upset about something, and I do hope you have a safe and healthy journey, wherever you want it to be.

2006-09-11 08:18:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Good Christ--don't you have anything better to do with your time? You're bossy, loumouthed, asinine, and you give black people a bad name. When people stereotype black people as being "loud, obnoxious, boisterous and annoying," I bet they're referring to you, aren't they?

Here's a tip for you sweetheart: Grow the f*ck up. Start taking responsibility for your own actions. Work hard. Don't sit around expecting a hand out from anyone, and don't rely on Affirmative Action to get you a good job.

I WORKED HARD, WAS ACCEPTED INTO A GOOD SCHOOL AND NOW AM REAPING THE BENEFITS OF MY HARD WORK. Don't give me that cockamamie bullsh!t about it's easier for whites. I'll have you know that when I took my PSATs, SATs and filled out my college entrance paperwork, I never once listed my race. AND a good deal of my college professors were black. YES, THAT'S CORRECT, black college professors with tenure. If black people are treated so unfairly and it's all my fault, a) how the f*ck did they get tenure; and b) what do you think they did--pass me because they felt sorry for me because I was white?

F*ck you.

2006-09-11 08:50:15 · answer #9 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 0 0

Lol, no I dont feel responsible at all. I have black friends who have done well for themselves despite everything you just mentioned. These things you say somehow makes failure OK for black people? They shouldnt even try because the deck is stacked against them? Should I quit my job and move out of my house so a black man can take them both? Maybe I should turn my wife over to a black man, because she is white and black men dont want black women.

No, I dont wonder what it is like to be a minority, I just dont care. I couldnt care less if black people or Mexicans hold me responsible for their lot in life just because I am white. As long as they keep crying about it, they wont be competing with me in the job market, which means I make a better living for my family. When they adpot a defeatist attitude, that is that many fewer people not striving to succeed, which makes it easier for me. Same goes for white trash. I wish to send out a big heart-felt thank you too all the people out there who would rather cry about their poor station in life, rather than do something about it. You all make my life easier.

2006-09-11 08:33:16 · answer #10 · answered by n2bateyou2000 3 · 0 1

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