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Okay saturday i had unprotected sex and 100% chance im pregnant , It says it takes 5 days for the sperm to travel to the egg. Today is september 11.. When would be a good time to take a pregnancy test .

2006-09-11 07:17:06 · 16 answers · asked by WorshipMeKthx 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

16 answers

Wait 2 weeks from when you had the sex. That would be September 23. You can test on that day. You could try testing sooner, but with such low levels of Hcg, it is likely a pregnancy would not show up. It is possible that even if you are pregnant, a pregnancy test would not show up positive yet on that day. If your get a negative, but your period doesn't start, you can test again on the 26th. If still no period by the 30th, test again. Regardless of the outcome on the 30th, go ahead and set up an appointment with your OB so you can get a blood test, and if you are pregnant, you can start your prenatal care around the 6-7 week mark (measured from the first day of your last period). Also, just in case, ask your doctor to call you in a prescription for prenatal vitamins. That folic acid is so important early on!

2006-09-11 07:22:55 · answer #1 · answered by Cara B 4 · 1 0

There is no 100% guarantee that you are pregnant. There are many factors involved in a sperm and an egg making the correct connection to produce pregnancy. First you must produce a viable egg. Second your husband's sperm must be healthy. After the sperm have entered your vagina, they must make it through the cervix, which is a biological filtering system. The mucous in the cervix resists the entrance of abnormally shaped cells, of which there are many in a normal ejaculation. A sperm must find it's way to your fallopian tube than must make it into the egg. None of these steps is guaranteed to go off without a hitch. It can take up to 5 days for sperm to reach the egg. Wait for your next period. If it is late, then wait 5 days and take an in home pregnancy test. Nothing (except abstinence) is 100% guaranteed, including pregnancy tests. It is not uncommon for inaccurate results from tests you do at home.

2006-09-11 07:47:17 · answer #2 · answered by sevenofus 7 · 0 0

There's never a 100% chance you're pregnant. However, you need to wait at least 2 weeks to take a pregnancy test.

2006-09-11 07:21:31 · answer #3 · answered by ChemGeek 4 · 0 0

If by Saturday, you mean the 9th of September, I would say the 23rd would be a good time to test. Or wait until you've officially missed your period. That way you won't waste money on negative tests for testing too early.

2006-09-11 07:21:20 · answer #4 · answered by HoosierMommy06 3 · 0 0

There are pregnancy tests now that can confirm one week before your period is due which if my math is right (and your cycle is 28-30 days) means you can take one next week. But buy a bunch just in case and take one every week until you get your period or 6 weeks has gone by. And you better be taking 400mg of follic acid daily beginning RIGHT NOW to prevent birth defects.

2006-09-11 07:27:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They have a really new one out that can detect if you are or not even sooner, naturally I dont remember the name so you would have to go into the store and read a few boxes. But stick with name brands and not off brands.
Also make an appointment with your doctor A.S.A.P. because they are the best test.

2006-09-11 07:23:33 · answer #6 · answered by Baby Girl 1214 3 · 1 0

Somewhere around Sept 30 or after you miss your period. If you take one before it would probably be a really good idea to get a box of 2 just in case it comes up negative but you've also missed a period.

2006-09-11 07:22:24 · answer #7 · answered by Dragonfly 5 · 0 0

Your not 100% pregnant until you've tested positive by a doctor, but anyway, I would wait a few weeks before testing myself.

2006-09-11 07:20:54 · answer #8 · answered by jdecorse25 5 · 0 0

There are test that can be used earlier go to the drug store and check them out. I think it's called first response. and they can be used up to 5 days before your missed period.

2006-09-11 07:24:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can do a pregnancy test the day after you had sex(sunday)but now would be a better day.

2006-09-11 07:24:56 · answer #10 · answered by rogermyloverboy 2 · 0 1

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