Your boyfriend should go to jail.
2006-09-14 18:40:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Every state has their own laws on this. In Wisconsin, the age of consent is 18. And if Social Services or police find out, they will press charges and it doesn't matter if you parents allow it or not. In this state your parents could get arrested if they said they allowed it. You could get emancipated, but you must have a job and show that you can support yourself. Not just having your boyfriend support you or someone else.
2006-09-11 09:28:47
answer #2
answered by Molly 6
In this day and age, there is no excuse for "accidentally" getting pregnant. I agree, 16 is way too young. From 16 I was "dating" a guy who said he was 26, he was actually 32! He had it great, do you know how many older guys can’t wait for a naive 16 y.o girl. To him it’s a badge of honor. This guy is a pedophile! For the rest of your life you (or possibly tax payers) will have this child to take care of. He has had his fun and as soon as the “responsibility” part gets going he will be on his way.
If you don’t believe me, just look at the national statistics. You are so very special and unique in so many ways, unfortunately in this situation, you are just a statistic.
Good luck to you and God Bless.
2006-09-11 07:16:17
answer #3
answered by bonbelle06 1
And your dad has not beat his A**? You/him still needs to see a attorney...not sure what the laws(ref your underage) are in Virginia.. The fact that your 16 and with someone over 21...
I really hope this works out for you/your family......but the odds are against it.
Good Luck..really as long as the baby it's self is healthy..remember it did not ask to be it...always be there for it.
2006-09-11 07:01:07
answer #4
answered by ? 6
it depends really more then likely under the laws the nurses or doctors may have to report you too. I'd actually avoid any exposure to this at all costs. You don't want him going to jail especailly while you have a newborn. Just keep it hush and when u turn 18 have him sign the birth certificate then. B/c this would all have the authorities involved. Just keep it ro your selves and rasie you child on your own and when you become legal everything will be fine then! Good Luck to you!
2006-09-11 06:53:24
answer #5
answered by lillady 4
Your doctor is a mandated reporter to child protective services. Depending on what your state age is for consent your doctor may report him (and also your parents). If you are under the age of consent and your doctor finds out, expect that they will be reported because failure to report to CPS is a class A misdemeanor.
2006-09-11 06:56:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No! Of course not! if your parents are ok with it and as long as you didnt get raped it should be fine. He is the father of your baby so he has the right to be there. I had a cousin with the same situation as you and it worked out fine!
2006-09-11 06:56:21
answer #7
answered by Mari 2
sometimes parents say that they're ok with their young daughters pregnancy with an adult male. however, it's also possible that they could turn around and press charges against your bf. just to be safe, your bf should consult with a lawyer and find out about what he can do if it ever comes to that.
2006-09-11 08:27:04
answer #8
answered by Chris E 3
Your boyfriend needs legal advice regarding this situation. You and your boyfriend should consult with an attorney, because the statutory rape laws are specific to each state.
2006-09-11 06:51:31
answer #9
answered by coragryph 7
I don't know about VA. But the age of consent in most states is 16. As far as the doc goes, he probably won't even ask his age. I don't think it is that big of a problem.
2006-09-11 06:53:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Were you 15 when he got you pregnant? If so then yes, he can be prosecuted. I'm not sure how it really works, but here is the site where I found it.
2006-09-11 06:53:32
answer #11
answered by Anonymous