I couldn't have said it better myself, but I might be in the minority with you.
2006-09-11 06:51:54
answer #1
answered by The Angry Stick Man 6
Not sick of 9/11, just the media storm surrounding it. The timing was also "perfect" in that politicians for the next 15 to 20 years will use it for photo ops a scant few weeks before elections.
I do miss the wave of patriotism that swept through the country for the months surrounding 9/11. For the first time it seemed as if people cared about things and their neighbors. But unfortunately we allowed those emotions to carry us into a war not against the terrorists or for the oil, but to "liberate" a country from a tyranic dictator who "had" WMDs., all in the name of liberty and patriotism. But instead of the "proud of out country" type of patriotism we followed a "blind loyalty to the flag" type of patriotism. We were so blinded by out patriotism we tried to make Iraq another shining example of democracy even though that concept is foreign and alien to them.
Although, truth be told, I am guilty of watching so many 9/11 specials on the History Channel and Discovery this weekend that by last night I'd seen enough and chose The Family Guy over The Path to 9/11. I figure it'll be available unedited by Christmas anyway.
2006-09-11 14:02:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I like progress, resolution and fixing what is broke more than dwelling on what is wrong and vulnerable
I am sick of the justifications, and the dodging of simple questions like WTC 7 falling down so neatly undamaged, obviously rigged to implode as other structures that were actually hit that day did, but too neatly and in thier own footprint not on other buildings as maybe planned
I want life period
I want to be proud of my country, not going to be anytime soon so long as we do pearl harbor typed media events as we saw
I learned about a project for new american century that described what it would take to go and invade Iraq and remove Saddam, and it is all written out, even submitted in plain english to Clinton in '98 - see links below, check the publications and records that hit media and then see that this guy who started the sight is also a Fox News commentator but it began in '92 after Bush Sr. lost.
2006-09-11 14:01:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sick and tired of hearing about it, no I don't want my life to go back to the way it was before 9/11. Do I feel like I've been born again and now my life has meaning? No. This day is for us to remember those lost in the horrific actions of that day. To hopefully learn something of the events that led to these attacks. I also think it reminds people that we don't want something like this to happen again. If we forget and pull our troops out, we will be struck again. I don't care where anyone stands in their beliefs with God or the president. We as Americans need to remember what happened, to give some sort of meaning to the lives lost and those that will be lost in the days to come. We need to support our soldiers. My children who were to young at the time to know what was going on, are now understanding more and more of what that day meant. Don't be so selfish!! Instead of complaining about all the 9/11 talk, go donate blood, write a soldier, go talk to one of the families that had loved one(s) on those planes or buildings.
2006-09-11 14:00:27
answer #4
answered by spunkyshell2000 3
I wouldn't say sick OF 9/11, more like sickened BY 9/11.
As for our "latent desires" to kill our enemies. You are ill-informed! If we wanted - and that's IF we WANTED - to kill them we would simply go do that. We have that power, however, unlike many ppl around the world, we also use a little thing called restraint and civility.
As for wanting our lives back to pre-9/11, while I'd personally love to go back to that time, I'm afraid that will never happen!
2006-09-11 14:10:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes i am because not only does it hurt many people who have the real life memory but, they act as if the Oklahoma City bombing was not enough of a warning an really don't speak of it much not that i want to hear it because i was there!
2006-09-11 13:53:50
answer #6
answered by fox 2
When I think of 9/11, I think of my grandfather's birthday.. may he rest in peace.
Someone mentioned in another question here on Yahoo Answers that we should change our Labor Day or was it Memorial Day.. anyway, to 9/11. I think that is absolutely stupid.
It's very very sad what happened.
2006-09-11 13:57:29
answer #7
answered by curiositykillz 4
Some events change thing forever, change is inevitable as history has proven by the ignorance of conservatives the effort to go back before the event is just repeating history again. I will suggest to adapt to the change without giving up your freedom an live happy.
2006-09-11 13:56:03
answer #8
answered by idono 2
I'm sick of freedom hating, communist, un-grateful little b-itches like you.. pissing on the face of patriotism, liberty, and justice like you know anything about them..
My interest in the matter is getting rid of terrorism you stupid moron.. are seriously this dense?? The desire to kill our enemies (that murdered over 3,000 innocent people, my fellow american brothers & sisters) isn't remotely latent you numb-skull!! It's blatant.... you mess with me, you mess with my country.!! You have to be off your rocker, stoned, or just plain stupid to spout this crap..
If you don't like it that as a country we mourn the fallen, get the heck out you piece of crap... please move to Afghanistan or Iraq.. i'm sure they'll agree with your twisted point of view.
2006-09-11 14:06:58
answer #9
answered by xjujijimex 2
I'm tired of the media beating it to death. Most people that were directly affected by it don't want to rehash it over and over... I have friends who are FDNY & NYPD and if you bring up that day, they will answer your question and then change the subject as quickly as possible.
2006-09-11 13:55:36
answer #10
answered by zippythejessi 7
well i want this day to be over, but im not sick of it. it was a devastating time and its hard to get over it. you obviously didnt lose anyone or feel deeply sorry for what happened. i felt like i wasnt born again but gained more strength from that day.
2006-09-11 13:58:04
answer #11
answered by jopuppy 5