I would like to tell you that it makes your voice heard by the Powers That Be and will influence them to change their actions. In reality, it's like pissing yourself while wearing black trousers; there's a warm feeling, but no visible effect.
2006-09-11 06:51:21
answer #1
answered by Asher S 4
The purpose would seem to be obvious, to make your voice heard. However, it's simply entertainment to some. I talked to a police officer recently and he said that they see the same people at every protest, no matter what is being protested.
Does it do any good? I think it still does at some level. If you live in a small community and some action by the city council cause most of the people to show up and protest, I can imagine that would have an impact.
However, we live in a society where we simply have no access to the powers that be. When the President makes a speech, he always hand picks the crowd and anyone who even appears to be protesting is quickly shuffled out for "security reasons." There have been plenty of recent examples of this but we all do what we can do, right?
2006-09-11 13:59:59
answer #2
answered by Big Ed 4
you do it to be heard where normally you wouldn't, it does solve some issues not all ( women's voting for one ) - I think it depends on how you protest , how many people are in the protest, and what you are protesting, sometimes like a game of uncle one wont stop until the other is forced to.
2006-09-11 14:00:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's the exercise of free speech. But it probably does little to change of solve anything. The best way to communicate how you feel about an issue is by casting a ballot in an election.
2006-09-11 13:53:42
answer #4
answered by Kathy C 2
sure does help to get noticed,i like a good protest against the government,,the purpose is to show your not the only one against another stupid cut back or whatever
2006-09-11 13:52:14
answer #5
answered by steve 5
it gives people with no jobs and little ideas a venue to act like they have a purpose in life and that their views should be heard.
2006-09-11 13:52:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Mostly ego venting, but now and then can do some good.
2006-09-11 13:50:35
answer #7
answered by bonzo the tap dancing chimp 7