i haven't... and ... wouldn't... simply because i'm scared of ghost. even if they say it's going to be a good spirit... heck no, i've experienced and encountered a ghost of a 9 yr old boy who was the most angelic when he was alive, but he sure wasn't being angelic anymore when he started haunting our school. i see ghost /shaddows walking around all the time, i don't even intend to say anything to them unless they start to bother me, then i yell at them to leave my house because they starting to scare me.
2006-09-11 06:34:43
answer #1
answered by Mrs. JSV 2
Yes, Very Curious Indeed, (A Bit Of A Giggle Really), These Days I'm Getting Very Sceptical About Ghosts And It'd Be Nice To Get Some real Proof That They Exist.
2006-09-11 06:30:40
answer #2
answered by Spaghetti MY 5
No when you participate in a seance you are opening yourself up to a spirit realm that you know nothing about. You never know what will come out. It may be the last thing you do without having fear in your life.
2006-09-11 06:30:35
answer #3
answered by jusme 5
I wouldn't because it is not very interesting to contact dead or spirits. They cannot tell me anything interesting. I would rather purify my senses to enable myself to contact the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because He possesses all beauty, all fame, all wealth, all power, all knowledge and all renounciation. He is the most wonderful and beautiful person and only by seing Him can the living being become fully satisfied.
2006-09-11 06:33:10
answer #4
answered by H. B 3
I took part in one when I was about 10 years old. The worst part was that one of the girls just had to be the spirit. She couldn't stop knocking on the walls and banging stuff when we weren't looking. It really took all the fun out.
2006-09-11 06:34:42
answer #5
answered by rebekkah hot as the sun 7
No, because it's bull$hit designed to con credulous people. No one has ever proved that spirits exist, or that you can contact them if they do. You might as well believe in crystal spirituality or tea leaves. Get a grip.
2006-09-11 06:30:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have participated in a seance, but nothing happened. They Ouija board didn't work for me either. I would try it again to see if it's real...what do you have to lose? Life is short!
2006-09-11 06:32:09
answer #7
answered by MIA 4
don't know anyone who's interested in this kind of stuff
I'd gladly join not that i believe it works just the contrary I want to prof to my self is just nonsense. But if I'd be wrong I'd have a lot of old beliefs to change and questions to find answers to.
2006-09-11 07:30:21
answer #8
answered by GhostB 3
No, I haven't, and I wouldn't. I wouldn't because it is contact with the spirit realm.
2006-09-11 06:33:12
answer #9
answered by Janeybaby 2
Yes because I think the dead are very wise.
2006-09-11 06:30:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous