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People bash the President every day of the year. The protests of the war are also continuous. Why can't these people just have today for remembering the people who senslessly died. Unknowingly, these people gave their lives for our freedom. I wish these people would have a little respect. Give it a rest for a day.

2006-09-11 06:14:21 · 13 answers · asked by mcnees79 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

OK, you got me on the part of "giving" their lives...........but I still say that their families deserve to greive without hearing protesters. What I am talking about with this question, is protesters at the site of ground zero while people are trying to greive. Would you want someone at your family member or friends grave site yelling and picketing while you are trying to greive for them??? I don't think so. I am not saying not to voice opinions to Bush or whoever, just give it a rest at ground zero where people are mourning the loss of their loved ones.....but noone ever said that freedom meant having to be considerate, did they?

2006-09-11 07:26:26 · update #1

13 answers

Typical liberals , never miss a chance to show how intelligent they are .

2006-09-11 06:24:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Criticizing the government that sold a war on false pretenses in front of the UNITED NATIONS... thereby taking the lives of many American soldiers - Is a very important task to some people. Maybe you should be asking how important that fact is to you?

What about the soldiers who died? You do not wish to "bash" the government who lied to them so that they were in the line of fire.

Also, you mention them unknowingly dying for our freedom? How do you figure.? Since then we have had a stranglehold on the freedoms we used to enjoy, now there is limitations and footnotes.

If these people REALLY died for our freedom, then we must exercise said freedom to protest an administration who exploits the 9/11 incident and possibly even tarnishes their memory by using that key event to sell a war that kills more Americans every day. Is any one else just disgusted?

Catyb is right....senseless.

2006-09-11 13:32:12 · answer #2 · answered by nutsack.jack 1 · 2 3

president bashing didn't start with Bush, and when we all supported our prsident, he used that to go to war with Iraq, for no reason, and refuses to fing Bin Laden, who IS responsible! I'd say today is VERY appropriate to address the government with grievances that we have. Now, using today to promote conspiracy theories, or to say that america deserved what happened (two answers I got when asking for a moment of silence) I agree with you on that. Have some respect

2006-09-11 13:29:00 · answer #3 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 3 0

The people who died on September 11th did not "give" their lives for anybody's freedom. Their lives were taken from them in a terrorist attack. The people who have "given" their lives are the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Is the world safer? Have they found Bin Laden dead or alive? Most experts would agree that we are no safer now than we were then. Every death as a result of actions taken in response to September 11th has been just as "senseless"

2006-09-11 13:29:06 · answer #4 · answered by cateyb 1 · 2 4

Bush and his cohorts are responsible for the deaths of tens and thousands of people due to their illegal wars which have been justified by a pack of lies. No one who has taken the trouble to look beneath the media propaganda and seen but a fraction of what is going on can possibly support the man or his policies.

Every patriotic American needs to indulge in 'Bush Bashing' as a matter of great urgency and importance.

2006-09-11 13:28:33 · answer #5 · answered by Bring back Democracy 3 · 2 4

I support President Bush 100%.

2006-09-11 13:22:27 · answer #6 · answered by Michelle 3 · 3 3

sorry cannot disagree more. "these people" did not "[give] their lives for our freedom." their lives were snatched from them in a senseless and heinous crime against humanity. it is out of respect to them that we must as americans stand up and be heard.

it is for this reason, if no other, that on this day in particular i will not stand down. Semper Fidelis

2006-09-11 13:45:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

How many people are going to die in Iraq today. Show a little respect, do some research, turn off fox news, don't listen to Rush Limbaugh spew his particular brand of hate. I personally do not like the policy's of this president 24/7 for the last 6 years and I see no sense in laying off of him for the one day that he caused.

2006-09-11 13:19:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 6


2006-09-11 13:16:56 · answer #9 · answered by SVern 3 · 5 3

I completely agree and have been posting such across the site. No one seems to want to listen, though..

2006-09-11 13:27:22 · answer #10 · answered by PraTrp 3 · 3 2

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