I've heard a lot of theories about 9/11 like:
Building 7 was a controlled demolition
The WTC building collapsed like a demolition because it fell into itself with nothing remaining (chairs, etc)
The steel would not be weakened by jet fuel
A missile hit the pentagon and not a plane
Flight 93 was shot down
So, where is everyone getting their info. Do you have any links I can look at? What do you think happened and why?
14 answers
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Politics & Government
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Well, I still believe the official account of what happened. I will check out the links given. Thanks. My heartfelt condolences to everyone that lost a family member, friend or colleague. As an American, I feel like they were all my family.
06:33:55 ·
update #1
What you seem to be describing is from a video online called "Loose Change" which depects the artists view of what may have happended on 9/11. Unfortuntly among some very important concerns are a lot of "science fiction." A very helpful website I found on that particular issue is:
It goes into detail about the movie, siting the claims it makes as well as giving arguments and citations for things that were wrong.
I hope that helps, especially on this day that we are to remember 5 years after what happended that day.
2006-09-11 06:23:32
answer #1
answered by akenaton 2
building 7 was hit by debree when the other building collapsed and made a 20 story fire in the building , this weakened the steel and collapsed
the other buildings ( 1 and 2 ) were very uniqe the way they were built , they had a hollow core for all the elevators , once the plane hit the building the jet fuel ignited and burned the fireproofing off the steel , once a load bearing beam failed the concrete floors just toppled ontop of eachother , the loud sound you hear in some of the videos is the huge concrete slabs falling on each other
you are correct in saying the steel would not be weakened by jet fuel , exept the jet fuel burned the fireproofing therefore making it very easy to weaken the steel
a missle did not hit the pentagon , ask the familys that lost loved ones , the hole matches the plane , there was debree from the plane there , many people witnessed the plane hitting the pentagon , the plane vaporized just like any other plane that has hit a building at that speed in the past
flight 93 being shot down is new to me
2006-09-11 06:22:26
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't have any links for you to research, but I just thought I would weigh in on your thread about what I believe happened:
"The steel would not be weakened by jet fuel"
No, it wouldn't, not by jet fuel alone. With the fire heating up the fuel over 1,000 degrees that caused it to melt the steel. I mean, that is common sense to me. For an example: take a cutting torch alone to a piece of metal and heat it up so you can bend it and shape it. How much more could be done with a massive fire AND fuel on top of that?
"A missile hit the pentagon, not a plane"
This I don't believe, and it's amazing to me the conspiracy stories out there that a missile did hit the Pentagon. I will never believe that, not after the articles and stories I've read on the internet. We were under attack from terrorists, plain and simple, and they chose to fly a plane into the Pentagon to cripple our great country. You people who believe that are going to tell me that the government orchestrated the disappearance of the Pentagon workers and the family's are going to WILLINGLY stay quiet about it? Come on. Where's your sense of reason?
"Flight 93 was shot down"
This one I forgot I heard until just now. I don't think they ever verified it and pretty much chalked it up to the plane just crashing in the field where it did. I don't believe it was shot down. If it was, then you're gonna have to prove it. And I'm a tough case! lol
Trying to substantiate your claims with excerpts from Michael Moore's biased 9/11 documentary doesn't count as research. If you're going to provide sources for us to look at and research, at least use reputable news outlets such as cnn or foxnews.
2006-09-11 07:44:55
answer #3
answered by TxCatLuvr 3
I had so many questions about the collapsing buildings. I found I needed answers and found only politically biased answers. I was building a restaurant with a 3500 gallon aquarium and had in my employ a structural engineer. I asked an unbiased question about this and, after two weeks can to me with ten pages of "notes" in support of his theory that 7 was brought down by the fire, weight of debris and the resulting earthquakes from the WTC's collapse (68 meters away).
Common sense tells me the jet fuel was just the accelerant in the fires. Basic chemistry points out that a chain reaction occurs in combustion, as melting points of different materials are met the resulting gases can ignite increasing the temperature to a point thereby reaching the next material's melting point...and so on and so on...
2006-09-11 06:40:48
answer #4
answered by mymadsky 6
That's all hogwash!! Why, just the other day I melted my iron skillet in my oven. Steel melts at 450 degrees you know. And that missile thing at the pentagon.....sheesh don't people realize that 100 ton jet airliners vaporize into 16ft hole all the time. I like wearing a helmet where ever I go so I don't get hit in the head by weakened jet engine parts falling out of airplanes. Jet fuel weakens steel you know.
2006-09-11 06:20:06
answer #5
answered by mikeygonebad 2
Not sure where name building 7 came from, but agree completely about jet fuel melting steel. Would be interesting if any pictures of cities in Japan after Atomic and Hydrogen bombs were dropped, and see if any building structure still stood.
2006-09-11 06:27:47
answer #6
answered by Mister2-15-2 7
I know some people who were involved in the investigation. At my shore command I was yanked from my office to help run some simulations involving missiles. We proved that it was a plane that hit the Pentagon.
A good place to start is with the site 911myths.com. Snopes is another.
2006-09-11 06:17:40
answer #7
answered by darkemoregan 4
Try infowars.com
No, today of all days is not the one to give it a rest.
When the towers got hit, I thought it was Osama bin Laden's group. I had heard that steel gets remarkably weaker when heated. I bought the whole thing. Now, I am not so sure. I am beginning to wonder if not everything you said is true...
2006-09-11 06:24:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm not SURE what happened. I will never believe a plane hit the pentagon. I would like to know what they did with the people on the plane they said hit it. I do believe our government was in on it and that it was planned. We did not elect Bush the Supreme court did. I believe that was all part of the plan! We will never know the truth. I fear what is in store for us next!!
2006-09-11 06:22:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, i wasnt there to see it real but just what i saw on tv.. it makes me wonder sometime why the 2 towers polvorized like that in couple of minutes at least it could be chunkier. not to mention the 7 WTC. But its done and somebody should be punish ( hope not the innocent people/or involves innocent people again)
2006-09-11 06:22:57
answer #10
answered by mai-kee 2