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... to help all those soldiers fight the war and catch all the terrorist

2006-09-11 06:09:30 · 11 answers · asked by Gjseitivkskr 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

what do u all think about all the terrorist

2006-09-11 06:13:37 · update #1

11 answers

When you turn 18 you could join the military.

2006-09-11 06:20:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The soldiers love to get care packages and letters from home. It may not directly catch the terrorists, but it will help keep the soldiers spirits up, which in turn keeps them sharper and focused on what they're doing. The site I like is mysoldier.com, you can write letters and/or send care packages to soldiers. Check it out.

2006-09-11 13:14:55 · answer #2 · answered by spunkyshell2000 3 · 1 0

Man, has it been so long? All the fair-weather patriots have turned back into self-absorbed hate-spewing jack-asses. The flags have come down. Some of the ones that are up are torn and tattered with neglect.

I was on this yahoo answers site. Some of the military bashing on here is shameless. "Army guys go to war to die. They love dying in war. Have you ever seen an army guy die outside of war?" Yes, I have. People I know...people with real faces and real families die here. People who dreamed of being something better by serving something bigger than themselves die here. People who came into the Army to make the world a better place for everyone...and themselves die here.

I know that I am not in Iraq to avenge 9/11. I know Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. I also know that someone has to bring peace to a region made unstable by the assinine foreign policy of "let's use the war on terror to attack anyone we want to". I am duty bound to serve this country. I am not a machine. I am here because I believe in the good things about the army. I want to be more "Band of Brothers" than "Stripes" (Loved Stripes, but that is not the army I chose to join).

It doesn't make you smarter or a better liberal to bash the people who hold onto the memory of 9/11. It just makes you and asshole. 9/11 should be remembered and held in reverence for generations upon generations to come. It should not become a commercial vehicle. It should not become the butt of a joke. It should not become a target for self-loathing morons who need to lash out because their mothers didn't breast-feed them enough. It also shouldn't be the excuse our government uses to declare war on every nation they want to suck natural resources out of to pad their own wallets.

I want a better world for my children. I want a better world for your children. I am doing something about it. If you aren't going to do anything productive to be a positive force for change, then shut your mouth and move out of my way. I am not saying join the army. Even the small things make a difference. Keep 9/11 in your heart all year. Remember how easy it was to come together as a people. Rememeber the Heroes. Remember the stories...Do it all the time...Not just once a year.

9/11...I remember it every day in some way. I suppose it's easier because I have to shake the sand off my blanket every morning, but I don't hate. I grieve for the lives lost. I celebrate the heroes I don't know and the ones I do. It's been 5 years. In five years I have seen so many heroes come through my life. Some have not made it to this point. Some made the ultimate sacrifice. Lance Corporal Bihn Li... Specialist Dillon Jutras... I remember you. I grieve for you. I celebrate you. You are true heroes. The ones who game back scarred physically...mentally. I remember you. I thank you. You too are true heroes.

I remember 9/11. How can I forget?

2006-09-11 13:14:24 · answer #3 · answered by theronjustron 1 · 4 0

You wish you can do something? Well, you just did by showing you care enough by asking everyone else to take a moment to remember. That shows you care and want everyone else to. So we THANK YOU very much.

2006-09-11 13:21:00 · answer #4 · answered by jepa8196 4 · 2 0

Everyone check out TheRonjustRon's answer...he is a hero and we should all be thanking him and people like him for what they are doing for our country. It's people like him who help us still be able to claim that freedom we so take for granted. God bless him and all the armed forces. Thx.

2006-09-11 13:24:44 · answer #5 · answered by peachy78 5 · 0 0

i feel sorta bad i dont have a flag, i forgot all about it, dont get mad and yell "how could you forget" i have ALOT on my plate right now so it isnt hard for me to forget thing, shoot yesterday i forgot my nephews name and ive lived in the same house as him since he was born almost 3 years ago and i helped pick his name out
but anyways, to all of those who have lost friends and family to this very tragic incident, im very sorry, hang in there i hope you have all been able to get through these past few years intact
god bless

2006-09-11 13:15:55 · answer #6 · answered by amythys 3 · 0 0

What's sad is that the war hawks aren't sending their sons and daughters to support the war.

2006-09-11 13:13:37 · answer #7 · answered by powhound 7 · 0 0

sounds like a statement to me not a question.

2006-09-11 13:12:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i join you in your prayer. you can help at home by making sure everyone is safe.

2006-09-11 13:14:58 · answer #9 · answered by loretta 4 · 0 0


2006-09-11 13:12:35 · answer #10 · answered by tinkerbell 6 · 0 0

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