if we do not succeed in iraq then we may be planting the seeds of a new terror that will hurt our future generation. if we lose the war on terror then we will face terror- plain and simple...
2006-09-11 05:56:07
answer #1
answered by john s 3
No problem with building the Iraqi government to stand on its own, but I suggest that it is the government that the Iraqi people want, and not one put upon them by the US. If we can be there for them while they pull that type of government together, then (and I say this with reservations) it may have been worth it.
Three things I will note here: 1.) Our casualties here in Iraq are far less then they were in North Korea during the same span of time; 2.) I would prefer not being told that we are fighting for US freedoms over there. 3.) There was no connection between the events of 9/11 and Iraq. Iraq was a target of opportunity.
2006-09-11 12:59:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well for openers, the terrorists are only there because of US involvement and If bush gets out, Iraq will cease to be the target and Iraqi civilians and American troops will cease to be slaughtered.
Do you actually think the terrorists are there to just destroy Iraq, they are there because of US involvement and the sooner we get out, the sooner innocent Iraqi civilians and American soldiers will cease to be slaughtered.
If Bush wants to fight terror, why is he not standing up to Iran who is a know terrorist state, and is threatening nuclear power and what about north Korea and what about Syria who is a known backer of terrorism. Instead, he is hiding behind the United Nations. Why does he not turn Iraq over to the United Nations as well???
I'm sure it has nothing to do with oil and Haliburton.
This is clearly an illegal war, (Congress approved military action in Afghanistan, not in Iraq) but this is only one illegal violation bush has committed and not counting the 46 other laws he has blatantly broken, including illegal wire taps on American citizens.
But, not to worry, after the fall elections, Impeachment will be just down the road.
Darryl S.
2006-09-11 13:12:58
answer #3
answered by Stingray 5
Why don't you get your facts straight before asking stupid questions? War in Iraq has to do with oil and greed of the Bush adm. Bush is committing WAR OF TERROR on Iraqi people.
WAR ON TERROR has to do with 9/11 not a single Iraqi was involved with the attack. Because of Bush a entire country has been distroyed and now he is spending trillions of dollers to rebuild it. He can spend our hard earned money like it was dirt to build buildings but he can not bring the over 100,000 civilians that have died back to life.
2006-09-11 13:08:51
answer #4
answered by rose 3
We will never win the "total war on terror". Do you honestly believe that at some point the LAST terrorist will be killed or captured?? We need better homeland security not continuing to spend billions of dollars and countless lives in Iraq. I think instead of bashing all us "Bush haters" you'd better be coming up with a better solution to the problem besides chasing terrorists all over the world...........It's not the "Bush haters" problem alone, it affects us all.........comprendo???
2006-09-11 13:07:12
answer #5
answered by carpediem 5
Since when does Iraq have ANYTHING to do with the war on terror? Facts from every source confirm Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11....
So why do you insist on linking the the war on terror with the war in Iraq?
2006-09-11 12:56:41
answer #6
answered by mymadsky 6
Wow you're stupid. Guess what. We didn't succeed in Iraq. They are in the middle of a civil war. Tens of thousands of people have died since we invaded. The war on Terror the war in Iraq are not the same thing.
2006-09-11 12:56:37
answer #7
answered by Franklin 7
What would the Bush lovers think if we do not succeed in Iraq? Would their thoughts be any different from Bush haters?
How long will success take anyway. Will I live to see it?
2006-09-11 13:05:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What does Iraq have to do with the war on terror?
What kind of moron declares a war on a tactic?
Lose in Iraq been there done that: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/10/AR2006091001204.html
2006-09-11 13:12:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
since no one has defined, in realistic terms, what success is; there is no way to acheive success.
for instance, how do you define a terrorist? If you can't define who your enemy is, how do you know if you beat him or not?
In WWI and WWII we had defined enemies that were already at war. We knew who to shoot. (Japanese, Germans or Italians)
Saying that we are going to kill all Muslims or a somehow segmented group of Muslims (or any group for that matter) will turn only moderates into extremists.
No one has defined what conditions mean we can stop fighting. At some point we will exhaust our treasury and not be able to carry the fight because we will have bankrupted our domestic economy.
I can answer your question when you can tell me what we will win.
2006-09-11 13:05:15
answer #10
answered by joe f 3