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20 answers

Id rather say that i feel blessed.

2006-09-10 21:15:19 · answer #1 · answered by HumbleOpinion 2 · 0 2

I think the question wasn't just on having full stomachs, but having so much in life, which could mean more than a fullfilled diet, but also all your material things, the question could go further but I don't think the the poster meant it this way but it could also be extended to education, job, medicine and a somewhat good future etc....
I feel fortunate being born where I was in this day and age, over others before me and others born into countries in the third world with a bleak future from the moment they are conceived.
Do I feel guilty, sometimes even though I haven't done anything wrong, just like I have when I have walked past a homeless person knowing that I'm going home to a safe warm house, and my couch is free and I have extra food in the fridge.
Feeling guilty is a natural behavior, we would be pretty self absorbed if we all didn't feel it about people a lot less fortunate than us at sometime.
Overall most people do feel deep empathy though the majority of the time than guilt. As we need that to know how fortunate we are, and that's when motivated people end up doing something like volunteering, doing a good deed or making a donation.

2006-09-10 22:00:40 · answer #2 · answered by nickieca 3 · 1 0

I tell people that I am working myself towards being poor and they look at me like I'm crazy.
What I mean by that is, I try and approach life as if I were poor and do without. I do not consider what other think of me or of status.
I live within my means, only use credit for my mortgage and don't get caught up in a lot of trendy junk. What surplus I have usually goes to my kids.
I don't do guilt. The world is full of misery and I do what I can when I can but am not directly responsible for the state of the world.
SUV = Selfish User Vehicle.

2006-09-10 21:41:05 · answer #3 · answered by GJ 5 · 1 0

Very much so, that is why I do something about it, we all have to work on taking the focous off of ourselves and see beyond, see other's hurts and misfortune, why is that the american people are so into themselves and though they see the hurt of others in other countries, just sit there and do nothing about it, as some people who answered this question, just want to look at it as "being blessed" yes indeed we are, but why look the other way and even confess it. Why not be proactive and do something to help your brother or sister, because it's like Jesus said, I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drind, I was naked and you clothed me, (and because you did it onto others you did it onto him)
Why not do something about it and feel glad for helping others much less fortunate than anyone of us?

How long are we just going to sit there and do nothing? Take a look at some of these websites:



2006-09-10 21:34:35 · answer #4 · answered by You are loved 5 · 0 0

Not at all. I feel guilty when I've wronged someone, but those people aren't starving because of anything I've done to them.

Every country in the world is more than capable of producing enough food to feed its people. Nowadays, wherever you see large scale starvation, it's caused by the local government's destructive policies.

2006-09-10 21:29:14 · answer #5 · answered by Bramblyspam 7 · 0 1

NO, and for those who feel guilty..all you have to do is to share your wealth to relieve the guilt.

Some people work hard for what they have so there's no reason to feel guilty. When you work, you get paid for your time and service. Cash your check and spend your Money on your hearts desire.

Share with the less fortunate if justified and go on about your business.

2006-09-10 21:30:16 · answer #6 · answered by Vera W 3 · 0 1

I appreciate what I have, and often give to Christian groups that help the poor here and abroad. I feel sorry for less fortunate. The bible says , give and it shall be given to you, pressed down , running over shall men give unto your bosom. I like to give and I'm blessed for it.

2006-09-10 21:18:02 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Guilty? More determined to change it, perhaps, but guilt is not really the right word.

2006-09-10 21:22:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I feel bad, but not guilty, because I don't think I have "so much", just enough. It makes me feel blessed too.

2006-09-10 21:19:35 · answer #9 · answered by beetee 3 · 0 1

"Guilty" is not the right word. "Guilty" assumes that I have some personal reason to feel shame; that I have created or contributed to the situation.

I feel empathy, and sorrow, but not guilt.

2006-09-10 21:21:08 · answer #10 · answered by silvercomet 6 · 0 1

yes, it is unfair to see your kids eating everyday in restaurants, playing and laughing. while others are dying everyday from hunger and sicknesses. it is something i think about but don't have an answer for it. i could help some kids in the neighbourhood, but is it enough????????

2006-09-10 21:20:16 · answer #11 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

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