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I am a girl and im wondering if its normal to only orgasm once during sex? For me, right after I orgasm, my hornyness completly goes away. Like, Im not in the mood at all.. and even if I keep going, I don't get horny again, nor do i orgasm again. Im wondering if this is normal because my bestfriend can orgasm like 6 times during sex and can keep going after she has one

2006-09-10 18:49:18 · 3 answers · asked by Katrina G 3 in Health Women's Health

3 answers

Most girls don't at all, so you're lucky that you can even once. Some women can multiple times, but that is very little of the female population. Either your friend is one of those few, or she is BSing you. You are normal.

2006-09-10 19:11:22 · answer #1 · answered by PuppetyDog 3 · 1 0

All girls are different. Some don't orgasm at all. You orgasm once and the urge gone. Other girls keep the urge going and can have multiple orgasms. I am a male and I was with a girl and we made love for 4 hours. During that time, I orgasmed 4 times, she orgasmed 17 times. It was incredible. But afterwards, we were both very sore. My penis was kinda raw and her vagina was very sore and rubbed raw. So we never did a long session like that again. But she would always have 4 or 5 orgasms during regular sex.

If you want to try it, right after having sex (and when you say that you've lost the urge), try having your boyfriend (or significant other) start playing with you slowly, maybe by playing with your breasts, licking them and maybe fingering you, stroking your clit and such, possibly start tonguing you and licking on your clit. See if the urges start again. But do it slowly. Then when you get worked up again, let him really start sucking on you clit and continue sex. I bet you'll orgasm again, maybe more than that.

2006-09-11 03:57:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It appears like you're surely having sex to delight your significant different. no longer a sturdy theory! you want to detect strategies to love your self, artwork on accepting issues (which have occurred to you) that you may't change. i know you'll likely in no way be in a position to ignore, yet possibly understanding that you probably did not ask for any of those issues to ensue to you, nor did you deserve them in any appreciate, may actually help you down the course of therapeutic and the means to love your self, and then surely then will you be in a position to really delight in sexual thoughts! so some distance as your companions bypass, in the adventure that they truly care about you they could understand what you're attempting to administration and in no way placed you in a topic the position you may want to be this uncomfortable!

2016-11-26 00:37:00 · answer #3 · answered by keeven 4 · 0 0

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