yep if she presses charges
2006-09-10 17:00:20
answer #1
answered by 6
Yes he can go to jail if social services gets involved either by your school or by a parent. He may just have to do community service since I'm sure that it was consensual but never the less it will appear on his record. Maybe you should go ahead and emancipate yourself, go to social services for help and get aid, financially,medically and start learning what it's like having to do what your parent is trying to do for you. Give your mom some time, she's probably scared for you and just doesn't know where to turn. Talk to your OBGYN they sometimes can help with social services help. If you haven't finished school sometimes your county will provide programs that will help you out with baby and school. Please get a GED or diploma it will end up helping you as well as your baby in the end. Good luck to you, stop getting stressed and start making a change, do what you need to do
2006-09-10 17:04:15
answer #2
answered by Nikie 3
Ok look It depends on your State Law. Becuase Ever state Has It's Own Law's On the age of a minor.Im from Texas and 16 is consider a Minor hear.But if your 17 Your Considerer an adult.
2006-09-10 17:03:11
answer #3
answered by Tony C 2
Yes, he will. And he will be forced to register as a Sex Offender for life. Is it really worth it to ruin the rest of his life just so you can have sex between now and the time you turn 18? It's not fair, but get a grip and exercise some self-control. Going without sex until your next birthday won't kill either of you, and it may make the rest of your lives much better in the long run.
2006-09-10 17:00:25
answer #4
answered by My Evil Twin 7
You are still a minor...even if he was 34 you are still a minor and that is the recipe for disaster and jail.
Stress is normal at your age, and fighting a lot with mom is too, I suggest you try to be patient, having a kid is not like making a sandwich, before you jump into something you might regret (like having a baby at your and your body are still growing up, plus think will you look after a baby, pay to cover the baby's needs) think things through.
Running or hiding is never the answer. If you want to be treated like an adult, act like one.
Good luck.
Look for articles about Statutory Rape to get a better idea.
2006-09-10 17:04:19
answer #5
answered by White 7
as far as i know:
nope, he could be up to 23, and you 17 (or 16, not sure, but 16 seems too young, so i'll say 17) and its concensual, you both are straight. it'll be even less illegal if you two get married, but i dont know how much of a good idea that is concidering your age because you dont wanna be blamin each other for not having enough years to just have fun and not have to worry about kids, but then again, if you're pregnant, you might be doing that, but hopefully wont if you stay together.
2006-09-10 17:03:39
answer #6
answered by ¿¡¿¡Que!?!? 2
The age of consent in CA is 18 otherwise if your partner male or female is under 18 that person is guilty of statutory rape.. even if you voluntarily comit the act. In your state the law say you are not responsible enough to make that decision and the person that is over 18 is taking advantage of a minor......doc
2006-09-10 17:15:28
answer #7
answered by doc3986 2
Your mom and dad can press charges on him. but if they have no problem with it then i dont think so.
The Facts About Emancipation
What is "emancipation"?
Emancipation allows youth to be freed from the custody and control of their parents and to have many of the rights and responsibilities of an adult.
How do I get emancipated?
There are three ways a minor may become emancipated:
1) get married;
2) join the military; or
3) go to court and have the judge declare you emancipated.
Do I need my parents' consent to get emancipated?
Generally, yes. Minors, whether emancipated already or not, need parental consent and a judge's consent to get married. Likewise, a minor needs parental consent to join the military. To be emancipated by a judge, a minor must give his/her parent(s) notice of the court hearing, and the parent(s) may go to court to contest the emancipation.
What are the requirements for a judicial declaration of emancipation?
You must be at least fourteen years old.
You must be living apart from your parents with their consent or acquiescence.
You must be managing your finances and have a legal source of income.
The judge must find that emancipation is in your best interests.
The judge also wants to see that you are in school or have a GED.
What are the new rights that I get if I become emancipated?
Live where you choose.
Sign binding contracts.
Bring a law suit.
Keep your own earnings.
Get a work permit without parental consent.
Enroll yourself in school.
Consent to your own medical, dental, and psychiatric care.
Stay out as late as you want.
What are the new responsibilities I will have if I get emancipated?
Support yourself financially.
Get your own medical insurance.
Pay all of your own bills.
What things won't change when I get emancipated?
You must go to school until you graduate or turn eighteen.
You cannot work as many hours as you want — child labor laws and work permit rules must be followed.
You cannot get married without the consent of your parents.
You cannot have sex — statutory rape laws make it illegal for anyone to have sex with a minor (the only time a minor can have legal sex is if s/he is married and s/he has sex with his/her spouse).
You could be tried as an adult, in certain cases, if you commit a crime.
You cannot drink alcohol until you turn twenty-one.
You cannot vote until you turn eighteen.
Can my parents get me emancipated?
No. Emancipation is meant to be a positive step for a minor, not a way for parents to get out of their parental responsibilities.
Once I get emancipated, is it forever?
Not always. If you were emancipated through marriage you will still be emancipated even if you later divorce. However, the District Attorney's office may petition to have any minor's emancipation taken away if your main source of income is welfare. It is possible for the judge to take away your emancipation if you are not able to support yourself without public benefits. If the emancipation is taken away, the District Attorney may try to make your parents pay back the welfare money that was paid to you while you were emancipated.
How can I get help with emancipation?
Emancipation is a major decision and requires careful thought and planning. If you would like to discuss all of your options, including emancipation, you can call Legal Services for Children.
2006-09-10 17:05:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes we do foolish things when our emotions are high. Take a few deep breaths. You are still young. In some states NO, but you need to look it up.
It seems that your mother is putting alot of pressure on you but dont make life long mistakes because of it. Get help in your school. Speak to a social worker before its to late. Sometimes it helps to get an opinion from someone who doesnot have an agenda.
2006-09-10 17:07:31
answer #9
answered by InSight 2
He can but that does not mean he will. The age of consent most place is 16, so you do not have to get permission from your parents to have sex. Know you are a minor and if you live with your parents they can press charges against him. Again a judge will hold a hearing before prosecuting him.
2006-09-10 17:00:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I am 17, 18 in a couple of weeks. My boyfriend is 2 years older then me. My mum makes it so difficult sometimes for me to want to stay home, she tries to give me curfews, tries to keep me home most evenings and will ignore me until i apoligise for no reason. I love her to death but i refuse to give up my boyfriend or my friends to keep her happy, she needs to realise i am growing up and if im making mistakes then i am...If you want to emancipate yourself from your mum make sure its for the right reasons, maybe wait a little while longer till you are 18 (the adult age in australia) everyone else might read your quesiton and my answer and think we are being typical teenagers, but thats just half the fun right! its our excuse!....
in australia the legal age limit to have sex is 16. You should look up your states laws. But unless you mention the minor age difference to the police or hospital/doctors you attend regarding your pregnancy then its none of their business right?
2006-09-10 17:04:52
answer #11
answered by Anonymous