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bcuz i told my teacher i have ADD and i do but she don't believe me bcuz i don't have medication for it

2006-09-10 15:58:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Other - Entertainment

8 answers

First, sorry but Chester is a little wrong. ADD is attention deficit disorder and ADHD is attention deficit hyperactive disorder. My son has ADD and we chose not to put him on medication because he was at the lower level for ADD. No you do not have to be on medication.It's yours and your parents decision if you are a minor. Meds do help a lot of people but not my son. Have your parent/s write a letter to the teacher or the doctor will letting her know it's your choice to take meds or not.

2006-09-10 16:16:36 · answer #1 · answered by gormom 3 · 0 0

nope, don't HAVE TO be on meds.

however, if you have ADHD (as it's currently being called by the medical world), you've also got a written diagnosis from your doctor. call his/her office and ask for a copy to be sent to your school so it can be placed in your file.

simple as that.

oh, you're probably also eligible for a "504 plan", which would assist you in the modification (if necessary) of your school work, placement, et cetera. do yourself a favor, look it up on google, wikipedia, whatever.

good luck.


no, i'm sorry "sixty", but i'm not... all ADD and ADHD diagnoses HAVE been lumped together under the ADHD label. i'm not saying that it makes sense or that i like it, but that's the way it is. my son has those letters (plus a few more) in his "personal alphabet" and i've consulted with enough child psychologists, doctors, and therapists to start at least one halfway decent football team.

so there.

2006-09-10 23:02:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You do need an official diagnosis from your doctor, phychiatrist, etc before you can go around telling people that you have ADD. Otherwise, they are not going to believe you. I'm sure there are homeopathic and natural ways to treat ADD without having to resort to prescription medications, and I know quite a few people with ADD who just don't bother taking medications because they don't like the way it makes them feel.

2006-09-10 23:02:19 · answer #3 · answered by rita_alabama 6 · 0 0

Well I'm 17 and I've had ADD/ADHD (along with Bipolar, ODD, and SADD) all my life, but I was diagnosed with it when I was 8-9. I personally do not like taking meds becase i do not like some of the side effects. I am so full blown ADD/ADHD that meds dont help me anyways.

2006-09-10 23:26:18 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

You absoloutly DO NOT need to be on madication if you have Attention Deficit Disorder. What you do need is a diagnosis from a real doctor (psychologist, psychiatrist, pediatritian, etc.) in order to tell people that you have ADD. It could not be ADD it could be another disorder (anxiety, the early onset of Bipolar Disorder, Depression, etc.)

2006-09-14 15:43:44 · answer #5 · answered by jc2946 2 · 0 0

No, you don't have to take medication to function with ADD or ADHD. You simply need to learn to organize and focus. I work with children who have "diagnosed" behavior problems. Many of them with ADHD have successfully learned to maintain focus in school without medications. If you have been diagnosed with ADD, talk to your doctor about ways to function without taking medication. He may have pamphlets to help. If you haven't been diagnosed, don't make that decision yourself. See a doctor.

2006-09-10 23:09:14 · answer #6 · answered by TJMiler 6 · 0 0

You do not have to take medication for ADD. There are other treatments for the mental illness i.e., behavioral, nutrion, biofeedback etc.

2006-09-10 23:06:15 · answer #7 · answered by En1gma 3 · 0 0

no meds are needed but you do need to see a doctor. They will have to tell you if you are.

2006-09-10 23:26:46 · answer #8 · answered by queenbee 4 · 0 0

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