Pearl Harbour was, inadvertently and ironically, an event that helped end the war. had the US continued to pretend nothing was happening while millions were being slaughtered, the war could easily had gone the other way. it was the Japanese getting the US involved that helped the Allies to win the war - after all, you came in when everyone else had been at war for going on 3 years and money, men and weapons were disappearing. It was a massive boost.
9/11 was the beginning of the darkest and dirtiest war since the WWII, and for this goes down as a worse event for me.
respect, 5 years on.
ADDITION: the person who asked this question seems to believe that more were killed on 9/11 than in the Hiroshima bomb!! what an ignorant, uneducated fool!! (See link)
2006-09-10 11:04:53
answer #1
answered by ministe2003 3
December 7th was much worse. Lots more people died, including soldiers. Had the Japanese not been so confident with themselves, they could have destroyed the oil refinery in Pearl and defeated the American Navy right then and there. It was a suprise attack that could have been prevented if the radar watchers were more careful.
As for September 11th, it was pretty bad, but there are a lot of conspiracys as to what really happened. I don't believe them because they're just a cheap shot for people to get more people against Bush. It didn't affect us in any war. There was no military loss, much worse civilian tragedies happen all over the world, but not too many militaristic ones that are caused by a battle in a war. Now if America was already in WWII when Pearl Harbor happened, it would be a much different story.
2006-09-10 18:03:54
answer #2
answered by Izzy 5
The Japanese actually attacked us. Saddam never did, and it's dubious as to whether he had anything to do with the WTC. So I'm going with 12-7-1941 overall, even though our current generation has been more directly affected by 9-11. The true impact of the U.S. Government's "war on terror" has yet to be seen.
2006-09-10 18:03:36
answer #3
answered by Zombie 7
I really think there is no comparison in your question. December 7, 1941 and WWII had much more of an impact on the US than the current terrorist situation has ever had. Consdier the number of citizens killed. There were approximately 3000 killed in the WTC attack and about another 3000 killed in the wars. How does this loss of 6000 stand up to the loss of over 418,000 men killed in WWII. We lost nearly an entire generation from our population.
The full impact of this loss will never be known. What will never be created from this group? Who was never born because this group died before having children in many cases? Most of this rhetoric is purely philosophical, but the cost in people of WWII has taken probably 50 years to make up. I believe that outside of the US Civil War, WWII has had the greatest impact on the citizenry of the US.
2006-09-10 18:12:17
answer #4
answered by rhutson 4
Neither of these events could be called worse than the other; they are too similar for comparing the harm they have caused.
The only real difference has been the reaction of the American people to the two tragedies.
In '41 Americans united behind their president and gave him free reign to defeat not only those who attacked us but any others he saw fit. Nobody seemed to care that Germany had no connection to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The people had the vision to see the bigger picture, the rise of national socialism as a threat to the West.
Today we demand to be shown direct links between Iraq and the attack on the WTC. The vision to see the rise of jihadism as a threat to the West is much lacking.
In '41 Republicans rallied behind their Democratic president and gave him free reign to wage the war as he saw fit. Today there is but one lone Democrat who gives the president that courtesy.
2006-09-11 05:23:04
answer #5
answered by caesar x 3
Four years after December 7, 1941 we had the war won. Here we are five years past September 11, 2001 and no resolution. War? What war?
2006-09-10 18:01:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am thinking carefully. Saddam Hussein, although he had tenuous links with al Qaeda, had nothing to do with Sept 11th.
That said, I believe Sept 11th will in the long run have a much larger impact on our view of the world. This is especially true about the folks who believe in the literal interpretation of the Koran. They would like to install a Caliph (a successor to mohammed, of sorts) in the Middle East. This caliphate would be ruled by islamic law called Sharia Law . Sharia law is incompatible with democracy and the freedoms we enjoy. This whole system is brought about by Jihad or islamic holy war. Jihad is the way of the mujahadeen (holy warrior) . It is also a duty of every muslim. How do we know this is true? The radical muslims tell us this - often. The so called "moderate" muslims are either complicit in this goal, afraid to speak loudly against the radicals or are actually in the minority.
2006-09-10 18:02:27
answer #7
answered by nobody 5
Al Qaeda with Saddam Hussein? What are you talking about...did you even bother to read the Senate report that came out late last week?
Classic example of someone who doesn't "get" Middle Eastern affairs. Since they all look the same and are our enemy, they must all work together, right? What a simpleton...
2006-09-10 18:01:40
answer #8
answered by The ~Muffin~ Man 6
September 11 2001
It was a major shock to the current rule of the Americans
2006-09-10 18:00:47
answer #9
answered by aazib_1 3