I am a pragmatist , I believe that what is necessary for all peoples well being is needed . (Some are now calling me a commie ) "Liberal" means having concern for other peoples beliefs , human rights and welfare.Right wing conservatives :mostly those that point and gawk as those less fortunate , eventually learn , but only through tradgedy. Its like an uncaring motorist that speeds near 45-50 miles per hour in a residential area , they dont realize the harm until someone or they themselves are hurt. I witness driving of this nature , every day . I have come to realize that how you operate your vehicle shows what type of person you are. Observe for yourself , notice that the ones that jockey for a front position in the traffic , 7 out of 10 times they have a right wing sticker on thier bumper .The left -liberal is not my belief either. Progressive refers to "progress" , but unhappily leads to somewhat wealthy gripping thier 401k and bank account , equity and property , when thier well-being is just as important as those less fortunate . Is it any co-incidence that there are very few wealthy left-wing progressives?I obey the speed limit , do not tail gate , and always let people in in front of me , when they are trying to merge into slow traffic . Yes Im the one that makes you angry because Im not going fast enough to please you . So , I am closer to the left simply from my belief in God and Country , my service in Somalia changed my life. I just wanted to make an analogy to help you come to your own conclusion , because what your are likely to get here is alot of anger . Observe next time you are driving , notice the amount of motorists that drive selfishly versus the civil drivers . The aggressive hostile driver will possibly be "right wing" , the patient courteous one will possibly be a "liberal". Your question is a good one , but I think coming to your own conclusion through observation is a better way of finding a answer. If I may be so bold , judging from your query , that you are a Republican ? More power to you , literally .Unless the "Godless left wing liberals" take it from you . Your rights and beliefs are just as valid as mine or any "Left wing progressive" . Peace.
2006-09-10 09:13:53
answer #1
answered by Fair Warning 2
1)economy fueled by the central gov't (not the people)
2) laws made by the central gov't (not the people)
3) no classes( if someone else has something you don't have or more than you...you must be getting shafted)
2006-09-10 15:27:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Just look up Socialism, its the same thing.
2006-09-10 15:34:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous