Having debated in a group with them on those beliefs, they have a valid approach to their practice. But certainly not the only valid one.
I respect their logic and their ability to explain their perspective, and found them to be very personable as individuals.
2006-09-10 07:48:58
answer #1
answered by coragryph 7
Merry Meet all human beings, by using fact the definitions are be attentive to at present: All Wiccans ARE Witches. All Witches at the instant are not unavoidably Wiccan, and all Wiccans/Witches are Pagan, yet Pagans at the instant are not unavoidably Wiccans or Witches. In easy and Love, Alawnduin
2016-09-30 13:21:33
answer #2
answered by alia 4
They do seem a lot more commercial than a lot of others that I have heard of. But on the other hand, Scott Cunningham and others are in every bookstore in America. The Frosts are just a little more upfront about (apparently) being in it for the money.
2006-09-10 17:40:17
answer #3
answered by apollo124 3
Well, I have only read one of their books, the magic power of witchcraft, but the impression that I got was that they take a simple approach to magical work. The information in the book was straight forward with out all the fluff found in other sources. I would read more of their writing when I had the chance
2006-09-10 17:37:57
answer #4
answered by kveldulfgondlir 5
I am not fond of them, in their work or practice. there is a support group for former frost witches called "frost bitten" I think a mentor should be there for their students, & not charge 20$ per answer to a seekers question. Their problems in the past involving predatory sexual behavior, and child abuse aside, I think these are bad people, and they give witches a bad name.
2006-09-10 08:01:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ugh, I got one of their books, umm, name, ummm. The Power of White Witchcraft? Healing Power of something or other.
It was creepy and it sucked. It was full of a bunch of examples of how to "witch" people--hello, free will? How come it's OK to stomp all over everybody's free will in the universe? I think you should learn to have a good life without forcing people to bend to your will. I took that sucker to the used bookstore and traded it in--I would have thrown it out, but I used the trade credit to buy something more edifying. Maybe that's bad karma. Hope somebody else doesn't buy it and use it to charm me into doing what he/she wants. Ugh. I'd hate to think people were acting like that. They didn't set a good example. I don't dig them and based on that book, I'm not getting any of their other stuff. They're pretty negative in my view.
2006-09-10 10:56:42
answer #6
answered by SlowClap 6
I feel that their teaching is very good for them. As for me I choose to see ways of the other. Great things is becoming one with-in one self. When you look into your body and soul do you see what you want to see and like it?
2006-09-10 09:30:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sorry, if I had known anything about them, I would put up my opinion. Unfortunetly, this is the first time I have ever heard of them. I wish I knew though....
Blessed be!!!!
PS You know that people who dont know are goin to answer, but does being Wiccan count for something?
2006-09-10 08:48:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I dislike how they charge for lessons. People shouldn't have to pay to learn about Wicca.
-Wiccan Teen )o(
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20060910140449AAM5hpV&pa=FYd1D2bwHTHwIb1vFug5SMm8tLhHZOTV.NIXtOxDbasXHSNdcvoKbnQd25S9M7eGhhU0J1LabXMlkQ--&msgr_status= <<< Important question for Wiccans/ Pagans!
2006-09-10 10:12:48
answer #9
answered by Seeker 3
I havnt heard enough about these to tell ya my opinion. Why not ask this q on Religion+Spirituality, you'll get alot more answers on there than you will here.
Blessed be!!!!
2006-09-10 08:05:42
answer #10
answered by Sith Rules 1