I think keep up the honey and lemon but add some ginger also go to bed and take things easy .I am on my way over to give you a thorough check up to make sure you are OK and don't worry i won't use medicine i will use the traditional massage technique
2006-09-10 03:59:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes they work really well if you catch it soon enough. Gargle with warm salt water or listerine several times a day. drink tea with honey and lemon throughout the day. Cleanse your nasal passages with warm salt water and dip Q-tips or use a squirt bulb to do this. Although all of these will help you get rid of a sore throat keep in mind that if it has strep throat you need to see your doctor for an antibiotic. Don't do any kissing so it can't spread to someone else. Buy some throat lounges to keep your mouth moist. Strep throat is very serious and can lead to other major problems in your body such as heart disease so don't let this sore throat go on for many days. Best of Luck to you.
2016-03-27 05:22:13
answer #2
answered by Lorraine 4
if its bacterial then gargling with antibac mouth wash will help but if it is viral then you have no chance as medical science hasn't yet come up with any antidote to any virus yet........you could try some of those throat lozenges with local anaesthetic in them such as dequadin or dequacaine. tyrozettes also have a mild antibiotic in them.
honey & lemon can be helpfull as the bacteria often thrive more in a alkaline enviroment so the citric acid in the lemon jiuce can help nutralise that & the honey has a natural antibiotic effect.....thats the theory behind it anyway but i reckon its like trying to kill a tank with a pea shooter
2006-09-10 05:05:55
answer #3
answered by robertgreyin 1
If you can find a star fruit, slie one up, eat with salt.
Would you consider Chinese herbs? There's this herbal jelly, works wonders 'GuiLingGao'. The more modern versions most likely don't have turtle. It's really effective; it comes in form of a jelly, and you have it as dessert.
Ifthat doesn't work, then please go see a doctor. Or even, go see a doctor now, and unless necessary (like you were given antibiotics), try the 'GuiLingGao' before trying the medication.
And of course try plenty of fluids, avoid cold drinks.
btw did you gargle with warm salt water? The water needs to be really warm for it to work best.
2006-09-10 04:21:39
answer #4
answered by ekonomix 5
Somehow, the nerds got honey and burbon confused with honey and lemon and thus we have a cure that does not help in the least. Really need to go to drugstore and ask pharmicist and get a bottle of something that works. Read the lable and you will find - ta da - alcohol. LOL Hope you get some relief soon.
2006-09-10 03:56:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I find a mixture of 2 parts honey and 1 part apple cider vinegar works pretty well. Gargle with it every hour and swallow it. I've used it for years and it healed tonsillitis even when the medicine couldn't. I hope you feel better soon. I know that you know to keep your throat moist with hot teas and keep the fluids going.
2006-09-10 04:46:20
answer #6
answered by missingora 7
If you don't mind taking a bit of alcohol, here's one which my ex-boyfriend taught me. Pour yourself about a quarter of a mug of ginger wine (Lindisfarne is best). Then put in a dash of a strong spirit like rum or whisky. Boil a kettle and pour a dash of boiling water into the mug. Lean over it and inhale, breathing deeply (it's probably best if you sit down first). Then when it's cooled down to drinking temperature sip it slowly. You can sweeten it with a bit of honey if you like. It really does work as it kills infection, and warms you up so you feel better!
2006-09-10 03:58:24
answer #7
answered by ferventramblings 1
try going to the doctors or u could buy some sweets called army and navy most corner shops and newsagents sell them good luck and hope u get better
you could also try boiling some mint leaves in a pan and pour the liquid into a bowel and sit wit a towel over your head and inhale the steam good luck
2006-09-10 03:58:59
answer #8
answered by keli2162 1
Try a shot of vodka with a little lemon juice and a small spoon of honey. It beats all those expensive stuff from the chemist.
2006-09-10 03:52:17
answer #9
answered by Hacker 3
Drown yourself in chicken soup with a lot of cayenne pepper. I'd bet, however, that you picked up strep. And you know that antibiotics are the only way out of that one. Don't be an idiot and pass an infection along to others.
2006-09-10 03:56:24
answer #10
answered by Z Town Mom 3