put ice packs on it every 20mins.
keep it elevated, and stay off of it.
if its not better within 5-7days then see a dr.
2006-09-09 18:16:06
answer #1
answered by Tweetalette 3
For swelling the first twenty four hours should have ice or cold pack after that heat pack, heat towels and maybe an ace wrap with low to medium pressure. When swelling goes down, tape it to the next toe for two weeks because if it's fractured there's nothing the Dr. can do for it. By taping it to the next foot it will help mend as proper as possible.
2006-09-10 01:19:24
answer #2
answered by Peach 4
Only use ice after an impact to prevent as much swelling as possible, then you use heat afterwards. You do not continually use ice.
Another poster already said it, soak in warm salty water, Epson salt.
If it is an issue with the bone or an ingrown toe nail, you should go to the doctor, both can lead to an infection and both can kill you if left untreated.
2006-09-10 01:16:12
answer #3
answered by ? 2
Elevate it above the level of your heart and put ice on it for 20 minutes every 2-4 hours. Use IBU for pain.
2006-09-10 01:17:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Come on now....are you REALLY talking about your TOE being swollen??? I'm bettin' that it's not your TOE that you're thinkin about!
2006-09-10 01:16:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
why is it swollen? maybe you have an infection or something which, in that case, you need to see a doctor. if you just dropped something on it or whatever- then soak it in cold water & take ibuprofen.
2006-09-10 01:14:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Rest, ice and elevation. Dont wear anything restrictive on it (tight shoes are out of the question)
2006-09-10 02:20:45
answer #7
answered by Buzz s 6
soak it in warm salty water. Epsom salts are best. If possibly broken or in need of treatment go to dr.
2006-09-10 01:13:15
answer #8
answered by winkcat 7
why is it swollen?....ice till you can't stand it (he he) and then some more.
I had a friend that broke almost every bone in his foot and swore by one hot tub and then one cold tub (switch between the two)
2006-09-10 01:14:20
answer #9
answered by ? 6
put it in ice, or if it is a hang nail, cut it!
i feel sorry for your toe
2006-09-10 01:18:48
answer #10
answered by Lucas R 3