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12 answers

you cant teach someone by telling them what they are doing is wrong, she has to find out for herself. have her open a checking account in only her name. and do not give her your money. when she starts slipping into the negative and sees the consequences then she will understand

2006-09-09 13:38:09 · answer #1 · answered by wantme_comegetme 5 · 2 0

I think you need to take away the credit cards. Give her X amount of money...or better yet, buy her GIFT CARDS for the supermarket, and for necessary places and say this is it until next pay day or whatever...if she's gone through it too bad.

It's way too easy to shop with a piece of plastic and when you're used to a certain lifestyle it's hard to give it up. She is spending what she feels she needs to, to live the way she wants...but if it's beyond your means she should either get a job or get another job or learn to tighten her belt.

I used to make a lot more than I do now and it was really difficult to adjust. I decided I am only going to go out and SHOP once a week. That's it. If I go any more I spend more...and I'm talking only about groceries here. So the kids have to be happy with what's in the cupboard and if they eat everything now too bad...same with clothing...treat it right, look after it...that's all you get so get something you really want but it has to last. The boys are good it's my daughter who spends the most so I just learned that it's worth the drive to the designer outlet stores to buy stuff. It's way cheaper than the malls and you get a lot more for your money.

Sure hope she isn't into computer shopping...that is the worst!!! Pull the plug!!! LOL

2006-09-09 13:48:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think the best option in your case is to get her her own account (only you and she may access it), and let her use only that account for her personal expenses. Otherwise, if you keep giving her access to unlimited amounts of money, she will be tempted to keep spending. I used to have this problem and I'm married now and we both have no money--this has taught me a thing or two! Another option is to get that account for her, but only put money SHE earns into it--that way she will understand that she had to work long and hard just for a couple pairs of jeans and some boots!

P.S. The key to this problem is also good communication. Sit down with her and let her know she is concerning you with her spending. Work out a budget together, agree and compromise. That way it is not just you telling her what to do and what not to do--marriage needs compromise and communication. Good luck and God bless.

2006-09-09 13:45:22 · answer #3 · answered by lanneypoo4u 2 · 1 0

Many Americans spend way too much. It's amazing how most Americans get married without really talking about money, religion, etc...

You won't change her. To think that she magically is going to change because you tell her something is a joke. This is serious. She may get so out of control you'll lose cars, house, etc...

It may get to the point that you just say it's me or the spending. She obviously doesn't respect you much and thinks she can do as she pleases. I feel sorry for you; what a mess.

2006-09-09 13:40:34 · answer #4 · answered by Ice4444 5 · 0 0

Give her a spending limit with the credit cards, etc. Have those cards that need to have the balance paid all at once. You are doing this for her own good. Debt is no fun. Look over what you spend on clothes, food, etc. and what you earn. If she wants to buy things for herself, put some money aside each month. I think when you buy with cash, you can see where the money is going.

2006-09-09 13:46:11 · answer #5 · answered by sugar1973 2 · 0 0

Buy the book The Total Money Makeover by Best selling author and Financial Counselor Dave Ramsey or go to www.daveramsey.com. I am in no way affiliated with him but i listen to his radio show alot and have read the book and it was a big help to me.

2006-09-09 16:23:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unusual Alot of women are good with money like me...can you run the checkbook yourself and dole out certain amt for food that she can shop with? Tell her to please discuss all purchases over $25 that are not food or gas ok? There are budgetting books..

2006-09-09 13:42:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe it would help first to project how much her overspending could land you both in debt - and maybe if you then explain how that could lead to problems she'll be more inclined to listen to you when you offer to show her how to budget. If you haven't got her full attention, she'll never learn what you want to show her

2006-09-09 13:43:48 · answer #8 · answered by big pup in a small bath 4 · 0 0

you're not from now on going to love it yet it is uncomplicated- comprise the karate on your funds. Yeah- you heard me! it type of feels it is something he has been doing for awhile. for this reason in case you comprise it contained in the funds, its no longer going to be a topic of argument as a burden. No diverse then in case you probably did your nails each 2 weeks or your eye brows. all of us want to have something that we try it is all our own that helps us unwind and make operating not straightforward properly worth even as. no longer that our kin and homes are not from now on- yet its significant to shop an outdoors interest that keeps that "you" alive so that you're not from now on only a mom, husband, spouse, or father. i wish you've something too that you do or have that keeps you linked to your self. It makes us more desirable proper companions and oldsters. optimistically this can be the surely "further" ingredient that he desires. If he went out with his friends once a month as a conference- it is diverse then him immediately desirous to bypass dangle out with the lads once you adult men are not from now on financially in a position to bigger wholesome that in. you may't change someone. someone who has not straightforward circumstances dealing with their funds will maximum in all probability continuously have not straightforward circumstances. Then they get bitter even as somebody else takes administration over it. Your inheritance will be further up more desirable than once- you basically gotta stay reliable and stand your floor that its basically on your retirement. best of success.

2016-11-25 22:45:36 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I don't know but if you ever figure it out could you let me in on the secret? I have a man with a similar problem.

2006-09-09 13:44:17 · answer #10 · answered by Sara Lee 2 · 0 0

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