I dated this guy off and on for almost 3 years, I first noticed that he would call just when I was getting ready to leave, or just when I got home. I thought wow, we have a strong connection. Then I noticed he would always call when I was on the phone with my baby's daddy and god forbid if i didn't answer it., Then I noticed if I was home and didn't answer his call he would call back over and over but if I was out and he called he would only call once (caller Id told me how many times he called) These are just some of the coincidences, Finally the one that made me go ewwww, was when I was cleaning my house and singing, If I only had a brain ( you know from the wizard of oz) and the phone rings I picked it up and it was him singing that exact same song. At first I thought I was paraniod, but now I think he was somehow watching me, or my house or something. What do you think? There are alot more freaky stuff, but like I said I thought I was imagining it all. He was also an abusive
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