im a guy, 5' 9'' and about 125 lbs
im not anorexic/bulemic and i eat whenever im hungry
everyone says im too skinny tho
25 answers
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➔ Diet & Fitness
oh and btw im 15 and i dont really think i look too bad but theres so many overweight people out there nowadays and they are like overpowering me... heh
12:12:48 ·
update #1
ALSO, lol i have never broken a bone in my life which i thot was a bit strange cuz i skateboard (for about a year now) ive never gotten the chicken pox AND i only get a cold about once a year...
just a few more notes i thot might help.
12:16:42 ·
update #2
I think skinny guys are sexy. I don't like body-builders they look heavy. If you like the way you are - stay the way you are, ignore what people say. Skinny people live longer. And yeah - they are better scateborders!
2006-09-09 12:17:00
answer #1
answered by Snowflake 7
Who the heck is 'everyone' anyway? And how much respect do you have for them instead of for yourself? Maybe I should be the one asking questions here! LOL The only problem with being skinny, if you ask me, which you did, is you will die in a famine before the rest of us and we can't even eat you when you die! There is, however, one other problem, maybe. Personally, I don't wanna hold a rack of bones to myself. But, if you don't look like all the other skinny guys I've seen with greasy unkept hair, smelly B.O., pimples all over, then you are fine. :P
2006-09-09 19:14:22
answer #2
answered by ravin_lunatic 6
That is very little weight for a guy with 5.9'' but if you eat what you like and you feel healthy and happy then nothing is wrong with it.
Only one recommendation - you should work out more to build up some muscles - with your weight you may not have a lot of muscles. And that may make you more prone to injuries. Besides - too skinny is not very attractive on a guy. Perhaps marathon running is for you....
2006-09-09 19:11:15
answer #3
answered by spaceskating_girl 3
I think it's great to be skinny, as long as you're eating a proper diet. Make sure you're eating good foods at regular times. Eating when you're hungry is good; but make sure that you don't have anorexia (loss of appetite) for whatever reason (there are many). If you want to be more muscular, do weights 3 times a week. Otherwise, it may just be your genetic metabolism.
2006-09-09 19:16:53
answer #4
answered by danaluana 5
If you are otherwise healthy, then you're fine. Everyone's body is different - yours just happens to be thin. Depending on your age, you may start to put on more weight as you get older - or not! The important thing to look at is not the scale, but your overall health - if it's good, then you have nothing to worry about.
2006-09-09 19:14:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's way better than being 5' 9" and 225 lbs.
2006-09-09 19:09:35
answer #6
answered by WORDZ 1
i am 5 ft 9 and a half and 128.2 lbs
so we are in the same boat
but we are not to skinny
2006-09-09 19:09:51
answer #7
answered by gitrdonssss 1
It is not necessarily bad.....but...if you are TOO skinny, you have no reserve to call up on when you need it. You may get sick easier, you may break bones easier. There is no extra calories and fluid you can call up if needed. Pops
2006-09-09 19:13:42
answer #8
answered by Pops 6
I hope not. Im realy skinny and always think"it doesnt make sence, I eat and eat but never get fat. I think we have fast matabalisms
2006-09-09 19:15:23
answer #9
answered by Danny K 1
no nothing wrong with it.
i was 5'10" 115 for over 10 years.
i loved how incredibly fat people would tell me i'm too skinny. i would say, if i could get some of that thigh meat you've got, i'd love it.
2006-09-09 19:10:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous