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The Arabic word "Allah" is a contraction of two words:

al: the article "the"
lilah: masculine deity

The word simply means "the god". The Qu'ran states specifically that Allah is the "God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob". In Aramaic versions of the New Testament, Jesus does refer to God as "Alaha".

It is speculated (mostly among fundamentalist Christians) that Allah was a pre-Abrahamic god of the pagan Arabian peninsula, and some evidence suggests that these people may have actually referred to their chief deity in this way. Regardless, this offers no evidence to suggest that the god that modern Muslims worship is actually a pagan diety. Those ancient Arabs would simply have been calling their cardinal gods "the god" in their own language.

2006-09-09 11:02:38 · answer #1 · answered by marbledog 6 · 0 0

Allah is not a moon god, and there is no theory like it either, this seems to be a sick fabrication of a illiterate mind of a prejudiced.
Allah is the Arabic translation for the only one who is to be worshiped, if you have read the bible you must know that the last words of Jesus Christ were "Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachtani?" which translated into english means, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? It shows that Jesus never called him God and come to think of it we never call him Eli, so whether we call him God, Allah, or whatever he remains the one and only Lord of heaven and earth, the creator of all living and non living things, it is just one of his names. Let me remind you here that all of us, doesn't matter what religion we belong to believe in the one who created us and everything around us, and that's the one we all worship, so it really does not matter what we call him.

2006-09-09 11:03:57 · answer #2 · answered by johnyBgood 2 · 0 0

Not a fundamentalist theory... a fundamentalist LIE. Allah is the same old jealous, petty, capricious, mass-murdering psychopathic diety of the Abrahamic death-cults of desert monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) that is described in the Old Testament... Yahweh... Jehovah... whatever.

Christians seem to think that around 2,000 years ago this diety developed some kind of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), in which he manifested a hippie-like personality (Jesus... spent some time on earth... now can be eaten in the form of a cracker), and a Casper the Ghost-like character with pedophilic tendencies (suspected of having impregnated a 12 or 13 year-old virgin... and being venerated for it).

Moslems, however, do not share that belief; they see him as his same-old psychopathic self, essentially unchanged since his old-testament days... except that he seems to have updated his reward system about 1,500 years ago, when he started handing over virgins (in heaven) to be defiled by insane zealots, as a show of gratitude for them having carried out mass-murder and killing themselves in his name. (I think that's what happens to Catholic nuns, after they die. Where else would they find enough virgins?)


I find him very interesting to note that most Christians... including Christian preachers... haven't got the slightest clue about the historical roots of their own religion, let alone any other religion.

2006-09-09 10:37:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It is simple nonsense.

Allah ( Ilah ) is the name for God in Aramaic the language that Jesus spoke.

Jesus never prayed to God or even referred to God using any word but Allah.

People who say that Allah is a false God do not know what they are talking about, and they are most certainly not following the true teachings of Jesus.

Love and blessings.

2006-09-09 10:36:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My weak understanding is that Islam, Jewish, and Christians share the same God. I have read about that Moon god stuff. But I am pretty sure the divisions come between Jesus, Mohammad. And NO One has shown up yet to be the Annotated One!

Sad isn't it?

2006-09-09 10:39:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I respect all peoples beliefs. I wonder if Allah doesn't come
down from the oldest known name for God, Agla. Which is found in King Solomons writings, and is believed to be the name for God used on Atlantis.

2006-09-09 10:37:25 · answer #6 · answered by Tegghiaio Aldobrandi 3 · 0 1

The origin of the name "Allah" has nothing to do with Islam! Just as the fact that Lucifer was a Roman god of light has nothing to do with the Christian concept of Satan.

2006-09-09 10:36:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God in arabic called Allah ask arabian jews&christians

2006-09-09 11:49:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

honestly, people are going to have to do better than that rubbish. Allah is the God of all the prophets from Adam to Muhammad. The Bible in arabic calls god Allah!

2006-09-09 10:35:18 · answer #9 · answered by abdulaziiz 3 · 1 2

no - Abraham was a gentile / pagan who worshipped the moon god before the one true God called him to follow. It is very likely that Sarah's servant Hagar was still a follower of the old pagan traditions and influenced Ishmael with the pagan teachings that were deeply rooted in her.

2006-09-09 10:38:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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