I was like that and my husband (then bestfriend) he stuck it out for 10 years before i was ready to even date him LOL...If you love him give him sometime, he may change his mind.....
2006-09-08 21:22:50
answer #1
answered by ABBYsMom 7
dont waste yr time honey. Your youth doesn't last and he has stated his purpose-fun at his convenience for as long as he feels like it, then move on. If you have any desire for a family definitely ditch him like a hot potato! Thank him for his honesty and tell him you are looking for a more substantial relationship then totally forget him -write him off the list. . Let him sift thru the "leftovers" and get what he can, while you get the freshest,and the best for yourself. Women have to start treating themselves as treasures -men have to have something to offer other than temporary intimate friendship-you can get that anywhere. Someone in for the long term who is planning for the future is what you are worth-you are too expensive for this guy-he's not willing to pay the price,apparently, ever. Good luck and take care of yourself.
2006-09-09 04:20:30
answer #2
answered by FoudaFaFa 5
Of course you should. First of all hes so young that he has no idea what he wants in the future. and second of all if the relationship was meant to be hell change his tune pretty quick. Meanwhile hes too young to be married but he was mature enough to tell you this right off the bat. Sounds like a decent guy
2006-09-09 04:11:49
answer #3
answered by david k 3
Unless you never want to get married then date him. But who knows he may have a change of heart if you two become close and serious. Just go with the flow and go out with him and then you never know what may lead from there!
2006-09-09 04:17:37
answer #4
answered by Humming Bird 4
if you want to get married... never! I dated a guy for 3 years... then it ended. It was not good. 3 years for a learning experience...
2006-09-09 04:09:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if you want a family soon, then find someone else..because if he saw u as the girl he wanted to spend his life with, he wouldnt tell ya he wants to wait forever, even though he knows u wanna get married. plus, he will be really old by the time he decides to get married, and what are you left with....
2006-09-09 04:15:09
answer #6
answered by Dead Birds Don't Poop 5
if you really want to get married... i suggest not. because if you do and he doesn't what is even the point? but if you're not in a rush to get married either why not take the chance go for it!
2006-09-09 04:31:07
answer #7
answered by yeahh..its..me 2
I think you should because he may come around and think totally different. We all have the right to change our mind. If he doesn't then you two can share a little of your life together and have special memories.
2006-09-09 04:11:00
answer #8
answered by luvlisteningtomusic 6
If marriage is your goal, why date someone who doesn't share that same goal. He seems like a big waste of time to me.
2006-09-09 04:10:03
answer #9
answered by mad 3
Marriage sux.. jus date da dude
2006-09-09 04:13:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous