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how do i lose weight quickly as some exercises build up me up more?

2006-09-08 10:52:53 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

35 answers

Stop eating

2006-09-08 10:54:59 · answer #1 · answered by Maid Angela 7 · 1 0

Exercise at least an hour everyday, dont try going on strict diets, exercising programs, starving yourself, or taking diet pills these methods wont work because they either work for just a couple days but then afterwards you gain 10% more than your weight. How you ask? well... you starve yourself and then you would want to eat at the end. Don't cram in your 3 meals in one or don't eat one meal instead of 3. It won't help what so ever. This is what you should do. Try limiting bad fats little by little(small amounts). Once a week to be precise. But you can eat the yummy snacks but ONLY small amounts. Make sure you know how to read the labels on the back. You must avoid foods that says partially hydronated oils or any kind, saturated fats, and trans fats. You can eat the ones that says poly- or mono- saturated fats, these are good fats. That way, you can get use to it and you will end up as healthy as ever and you can be at the size that you want. It just take patience.

2006-09-08 11:08:33 · answer #2 · answered by Red Panda 6 · 0 0

You answered your own question - Lose weight - Fast.
Muscle weighs more than Fat, per cubic inch. So if you build up muscle, even if you reduce your waistline you could gain weight.
Taking weight off from just the places where you want to lose it is much more difficult.
You need to take daily vitamins.
Cut out as much fat from your diet as possible.
replace the fat intake with protein intake.
Change the type of Carbs you get - fruits and starches aren't bad, refined or processed carbs like white sugar are dietary suicide.
Donate blood. A pint of blood equals one pound and your body will make more blood and the new blood will be clean of the pollutants that get stored up in your blood, like excess minerals and such. you can give blood every 8 weeks.
Target your workouts towards the parts of your body needing re-shaping.
Fast one day per week. That's a 14% reduction in your weekly caloric intake right there. Drink plenty of fluids on the day you fast, and the rest of the week you should dramatically increase your Fiber intake - I recommend a cup of Oat bran per day - it will lower your cholesterol and replace what otherwise would be 8 ounces of FOOD in your system.
Don't try to lose more than 8 pounds or so per week. it's unhealthy, especially if you really only have 10 or 20 to lose. If you have 40 or more to lose then you can do it in 6 to 8 weeks if you're careful, without being unhealthy. If you're a man, cut out the red meat and most dairy products especially milk and eggs. all the Salads with Fat-Free Dressing and Vegetables you want.

2006-09-08 11:11:21 · answer #3 · answered by Clout 3 · 0 0

A healthy way to lose weight is to adopt a vegetarian diet.
First you need to overcome the psychological problems of feeling that you need to eat meat.
The idea that meat is good for us is put forward by the Meat Marketing Board.
We can live more healthily without meat. Several Olympic Gold Medallists have been vegetarian, for example Carl Lewis.

You also need to cut out processed and packaged foods. They contain unnatural colourings and flavourings, and often include MSG.
MSG (mono sodium glutamate has the effect of eliminating our natural messages which tell us when we have had enough to eat, so it causes us to eat more.

Eliminate sugar and artificial sweetener, sodas. Eat much more fruit. Eat green leaved vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Don't exercise too strenuously. Gentle exercise will burn calories without building heavy muscle.

You will become healthier, lighter, fitter, less aggressive, and be able to think better

Good luck

2006-09-08 12:36:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its no good to loose weight quickly trust me been there done it and bought the TShirt.

I would recommend that you have a healthy breakfast such as a bowl of porridge with a little honey or fruit

Lunch have carbohydrates but no protein with it

Evening eat protein with salad or veg no carbohydrates in the evening.

Cut the dairy products out and have semi skimmed milk oh yes do not forget the 2 litres of water a day.

Good Luck

2006-09-08 10:58:59 · answer #5 · answered by Mike A 1 · 0 0

I lost 17 lbs in 3 weeks on the Cambridge diet and felt so great as a result that I began working out every day. It all depends on what works best for you from a dietary point of view. See the website below for more details if you are interested in Cambridge. It's FDA approved and comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

2006-09-08 12:26:53 · answer #6 · answered by 'tisJustMe 6 · 0 0

Just eat healthy food and excercise often-allow yourself a little treat each week maybe something sweet from the weight watchers range.
Losing weight takes time- you will find that you lose quite a bit over first week or so - then the process will slow down.

2006-09-12 10:01:16 · answer #7 · answered by Little Minx 4 · 0 0

Well the simple answer is that you have to use more energy than you consume!

Cut down on the high energy foods, fizzy drinks, alcohol (gasp!) etc and increase your aerobic physical activity, swimming, cycling walking etc. Physical activity increases your metabolism.

Just simply starving yourself really isn't a good idea as your body will first of all deplete your muscles rather than fat and also your metabolism will slow down as your body goes into famine mode.

Start the day with a descent breakfast, as this kick-starts the metabolism and makes you less likely to snack all morning!

Don't bother with faddy diets, the long and the short of it is that you have to use more energy than you consume. as an addition to this the Atkins diet will give you very bad breath, you might get thinner, but no-one will talk to you!

I should take my own advise sometime too!

Best of luck!

2006-09-08 11:08:25 · answer #8 · answered by PeterPanda 2 · 0 0

NEVER lose weight fast! It's a naive and dangerous approach. Weight loss should be controlled, and only go with a method that offers you a personal metabolic assessment - everyone is different.
Dieting is about flushing and redistribution of fat, and then turning fatty muscle into lean muscle tissue.
"Fat and happy" is nuts! Fat tissue stores toxins. Toxins kill.
Be careful, and good luck.

2006-09-08 13:53:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the quicker you lose weight, the faster you gain it back but twice as much. Just remember then, eat 3healthy portions meal 3 times a day, drink 2L water, have fruits nuts and yoghurts for snack and exercise 3 times a week doing yoga/swimmin or runnin..

2006-09-08 11:02:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

5 portions of fruit & veg each day, 1.5-2l of water, exercise and cut out all high fat processed foods, all alcohol, all sugars, read the labels, and cook everything from fresh, no convenience foods at all! Don;t lose weight quickly, try to modify your diet completely and it will be a better for you in the long term, a quick weight loss will go straight back on

2006-09-08 10:57:08 · answer #11 · answered by SunnyDays 5 · 0 0

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