Ace --- He's No 1 in our list of male dog names.
Acapulco --- For the dog that likes to go loco.
Achilles --- Homer's hero. Strong and brave.
Admiral --- One for the sea dog.
Adolph --- Small moustache, dictatorial, likes to wear uniforms?
Adonis --- Oohh so handsome!
Ajax --- Classical hero of the Trojan wars.
Alamo --- Connection with Texas?
Alard --- Noble and brave.
Albert --- Albie for short.
Alexander --- Greek and Great!
Alibi --- For the "it wasn't me" dog.
Alfred --- Or Alfie--The king who burnt the cakes.
Algernon --- French: With a moustache or whiskers.
Alloy --- For the dog that's a mixture.
Almond --- For a sandy brown dog. Call him Al.
Alpha --- Top dog name for a top dog.
Alpine --- For the big, big dog.
Ambrose --- Greek--The nectar of the Gods.
Amigo --- Aaah--My friend. Top dog name.
Anarchy --- For the dog who breaks all the rules.
Angus --- Celtic. Means unique choice.
Aniseed --- Greek--Fiery spirit.
Anvil --- Forged from steel.
Archie --- A very popular male dog name.
Archimedes --- Greek who loved to bathe.
Argus --- Creature with 100 eyes.
Aristotle --- Ari for short. For the ethical dog.
Artie --- Shortened from Artemis.
Aruba --- Idylic caribbean island.
Ashes --- The color of soot.
Assam --- Indian province. Famed for its black tea.
Astro --- Orbitting your world.
Astral --- Is he your star?
Atom --- A tiny dog that you don't want to split from.
Attila --- King of the Huns--My paws are shaking!
Aztec --- Tops our male dog names.
Babylon --- Begins the Bs of male dog names.
Bachelor --- What he'll probably be all his life.
Badger --- A puppy that loves to dig?
Baffle --- Are you puzzled by him?
Bailey --- Shorten to Bill. One for the roamer.
Ballad --- Does he have a story to tell?
Ballistic --- Not the name for a quiet, shy dog.
Baloo --- A big cuddly bear? Name your dog Baloo!
Bamboo --- He'll grow tall and strong.
Banker --- A male dog name for the upwardly mobile.
Bandit --- Or bandito. For the most wanted dog.
Baritone --- Covers the full range when howling. Call him Bari.
Barney --- Suit a large, lovable hound. Cute male dog name
Barnum --- For the dog who acts like a clown!
Barrel --- Overweight, perhaps?
Basil --- Greek--meaning kingly.
Bear --- A large, lovable, sometimes clumsy dog.
Beau --- Ooh Beau! Gosh, I can't wait to meet him.
Bee --- For the buzzy, busy boy.
Beech --- Solid and sure.
Ben --- Or Benny. Most traditional of male dog names.
Benji --- The handsome young film star.
Bentley --- Sleek like the car.
Bernard --- A Saint of a dog. Call him Bernie.
Bean --- The name of my best friend. He's luverly.
Bib --- For the boy with a white front.
Binkie --- Lively and friendly.
Billy --- The Kid. Young and reckless.
Biscuit --- An English cookie. Often brown.
Bishop --- Reserved and dignified.
Blue --- An old favorite. The true color of a clear sky.
Bluff --- Name your dog this if he's always outsmarting you.
Bisto --- Dark and delicious.
Bobby --- Super name for a lively, faithful friend.
Boeing --- Is he jet propelled?
Boots --- Marked as if he's wearing boots?
Bonaparte --- Want to send him in to exile? Call him Boney.
Bonzo --- A fun name--for a fun, and famous dog.
Boogie --- For the boy that likes to dance.
Boomerang --- Top name for the pup that always comes back.
Boris --- Russian. Derives from a word for fight.
Bosun --- A friend of mine who loves to paddle in the sea.
Bouncer --- For the energetic, zippy boy.
Bounty --- For the pup that loves to hunt.
Bourbon --- Royal dynasty. A dark biscuit and a smoky drink.
Bowser --- A nautical ring to it.
Boy --- Easy to remember. For the forgetful owner.
Brag --- Another short and sweet name for your puppy.
Bran --- The color of corn.
Bruce --- Celtic King. \Brutus --- Big and Bad.
Buck --- One you can't pass on.
Budget --- Cost a fortune? Call him Bud.
Buddy --- Top dog name.
Bumble --- .Busy and bright.
Bullet --- One for the speedier dog.
Bullseye --- Bill Sykes dog.
Burgundy --- Red or white French wine.
Burundi --- A unique dog name. African country.
Buster --- This is for the home wrecker.
Butch --- Could be a brother of Buster. Tough guy.
Buttons --- Marked up his front--Then try this puppy name.
Buzz --- Buzzy or Buzzer. Needs no explanation.
Byron --- The enigmatic poet completes our male dog names.
Caesar --- Starts this list of male puppy names.
Cactus --- Is he prickly?
Cadillac --- A real top dog name. Call him Caddy.
Cairo --- A top puppy name.
Cambell --- A scottish clan.
Capone --- Strictly for a gangsta.
Captain --- For the dog that likes to run things.
Carib --- Origin of the word cannibal. For the hungry dog!
Carthage --- Hannibal's home town.
Casper --- The friendly ghost.
Cassius --- Top dog name for a Boxer.
Cassidy --- Something of an outlaw?
Cavall --- King Arthur of Camelots' dog.
Chad --- African country and a cute puppy name.
Chaka --- Lion hunter.
Chalky --- For the pure white dog.
Champ --- Top of the male puppy names.
Chanyaka --- Blackberry in russian.
Chaplin --- The king of silent comedy.
Charcoal --- As Black as.
Charley --- One of the most popular of male puppy names.
Checkers --- Is he marked black and white?
Chieftain --- At the top of male puppy names.
Chekhov --- Prominent Russian writer. For the perceptive dog.
Chestnut --- For a brown boy.
Chum --- For your best friend.. Aaah
Chunky --- Ooh--I like this puppy name--He's all muscles.
Chutney --- Indian. A spicy, fruity mix.
Clyde --- Foremost Scottish river.
Cobble --- A rock. Solid and sure.
Colonel --- Top rank dog name.
Comet --- Heavenly body. Greek: meaning wearing long hair.
Comrade --- Memorable name for your closest pal.
Conan --- The Barbarian. I've met a few of these.
Consort --- Because he's going to be your companion.
Corporal --- Has he earned his 1st stripe?
Cossack --- Russian and proud.
Crackers --- Slang for mad. Would suit a lot of puppys.
Crete --- A small island, and a unique puppy name.
Crusoe --- Shipwrecked, deserted, abandoned?
Crunch --- I wouldn't like to meet him on a dark night.
Crusader --- Name for a dog on a mission.
Cupid --- I'd like to meet this heart stealer though.
Curly --- Top dogs name--If he's got a permanent wave.
Custard --- Yellow and yummy.
Cyclone --- Wwwoow. Get out of his way!
Cyclops --- Got a one-eyed giant of a dog?
Cyber --- For the dog that loves the computer. Like me!
Czar --- Ends the Cs of male puppy names. He's Russian. And The Boss.
Damian --- The dog from Hell.
Dandy --- Is he smart and likes to be brushed?
Danny --- Gaelic. And the VIP of male puppy names.
Dante --- .Hot from the inferno.
Danube --- Would suit a blue dog.
Dart --- Quick and sudden mover.
Darwin --- Has he evolved from a mixed mating?
Dasher --- He's here, there and everywhere.
Deano --- Fun dog name.
Delta --- A unique puppy name.
Demon --- Wow--a freaky male puppy name.
Dempsey --- Another top dog name for a Boxer.
DeNiro --- "You looking at me". No, honest I'm not!
Dennis --- The Menace. Name for a home wrecker.
Deputy --- For fans of the Dawg.
Dictator --- Enough said, Call him Dick.
Digger --- Something all of us dogs like to do.
Dino --- Stone age dog belonging to Fred Flintstone.
Doc --- What's up with this dog? Hates the Vet?
Dodge --- Short for Dodger. Good at avoiding you.
Domingo --- Or name him after the tenor. Shortens to Dom.
Doubloon --- A golden treasure. Shorten to Dub.
Drake --- A male duck! A dragon! Nice dogs name though.
Dragoon --- Military link to this top ranker of male puppy names.
Dribbler --- Got a Boxer. Here's its name then.
Drifter --- Has he got a tendency to roam?
Droopy --- Nice dog---sad name.
Drover --- Top dog name for a Collie or Corgi.
Druid --- Celtic. Pagan priest.
Drum --- Is he noisy? Call him this.
Dublin --- Irish and a unique puppy name .
Dudley --- Aaahh. Cuddly Dudley.
Duke --- Noble and brave.
Duncan --- Good name for a hound dog.
Dusty --- Does he like a roll?
Dusk --- Nice name for a dark pup.
Dutch --- Connection with The Netherlands?
Dylan --- Is he a reformed rebel. Like Bob.
Dynamite --- Short fuse
Eastwood --- A tough guy heads our list of dog names.
Echo --- Name your dog Echo if your repeatedly calling him.
Eddy --- Does he go round in circles chasing his tail?
Eden --- Always in the garden?
Edison --- An electric personality that lights up your life?
Eel --- A slippery character?
Eiffel --- Tall and french. A poodle perhaps?
Einstein --- Is he deeply interested in quantum theory?
Elmer --- Teutonic. Noble and famous.
Elmo --- If he's a ball of fire--name your dog after St Elmo.
Elton --- Is he a spoilt prima donna.
Elvis --- Name your puppy after the king of rock. Or maybe not.
Ember --- Small and glows brightly.
Emmett --- Gaelic. A dog name that suggests strength.
Emperor --- A genuine top dog name.
Engels --- Commited and loyal.
Eric --- Would suit a dignified dog.
Equal --- Add him to your list of dog names.
Eros --- Greek god of love. Oooh those greeks really do it for me!
Errol --- And so would Errol--if you gave him a chance.
Etna --- Volcanic? Then name your puppy this.
Everest --- For the gigantic puppy.
Excel --- Name your dog this if he's top of the class.
Exeter --- .Nice city. Put it on your list of dog names.
Exorcist --- Has he helped to banish your demons?
Fagin --- For the puppy that likes to steal.
Falstaff --- Shakespeare's shrewd and boisterous character.
Fakir --- A mystical Indian holy man. Does he like yoga?
Fang --- The sled dog hero of Jack London's book.
Fargo --- Would he like to ride in stagecoaches?
Fate --- Because you were destined to meet.
Faust --- Sold his soul to the devil?
Fawkes --- Explosive character?
Feathers --- Always chasing birds? Call him Feathers.
Felix --- One smart cat. Put him in your list of dog names.
Fellini --- One for the film buff.
Fergus --- Celtic. Refined and revered.
Fidel --- Something of the dictator about him
Fido --- A classic puppy name.
Fig --- Small and sweet puppy name.
Figaro --- A master schemer like the barber of Seville
Finnegan --- As Irish as a jig.
Firewall --- Protector and defender.
Fiscal --- Cost you a lot of money?
Flag --- Red for danger.
Flak --- A bursting anti-aircraft shell. Wow!
Flash --- A blaze of light.
Flint --- Hard, brown and capable of igniting. Oooh Flint!
Flipper --- Bit of an acrobat.
Fluffy --- Aaah-I love this dog name. He's all cuddly.
Flush --- Good name for a spaniel who likes to chase game.
Fly --- Buzzes here, there and everywhere.
Fortune --- Of course, he's worth that much.
Foxy --- Add this shrewdy to your list of dog names.
Freckles --- For a spotty dog.
Fred --- Not a classic--but a cute puppy name.
Freud --- Fond of the couch?
Frankenstein --- Call him Frank --- A lovable monster!
Frasier --- French: Curly haired.
Frenchy --- A connection to France. A poodle perhaps?
Friday --- Robinson Crusoe's companion. Or, born on this day?
Fritz --- A cool German dog name.
Frisky --- A typical male.
Frodo --- From Lord of the rings. An odd character.
Frosty --- Is he rather reserved.
Fudge --- Soft, sweet and usually golden.
Fulcrum --- The focal point of your life?
Fussy --- Almost finishing our list of dog names--one that speaks for itself!
Fuzz --- Policeman's dog?
Names Starting With "G"
Names Starting With "H"
Galahad --- Top dog name for a noble knight.
Galatia --- .An ancient Roman province.
Galaxy --- Simply a super star.
Galileo --- Another star. But this one's a gazer?
Gambia --- African country. And a unique puppy name.
Gambler --- Does he like to take risks.
Gambol --- What all puppies love to do.
Gandhi --- A rebel with a cause.
Ganges --- Prominent Indian river. And a cute puppy name.
Garlic --- Smelly pup. Then name your dog Garlic.
Garnet --- A precious stone. Usually dark red.
Garrison --- A military post.
Gascony --- French region bordering the Pyrenees.
Gator --- Terrific name for a snapper.
Gatsby --- If he's truly Great.
Gaul --- Unique dog name. Ancient region of W. Europe.
George --- A good friend of mine.
Genesis --- Is he your 1st dog. Call him Gene.
Genie --- His wish is your command?
Gent --- Latin. Graceful, elegant.
Geometry --- Top dog name if he knows all the angles.
Geronimo --- An elusive native american.
Gigolo --- Is he fickle? Call him Gig.
Giles --- For a very posh dog.
Ginger --- Is he ginger? Or, perhaps he likes to dance, like me!
Gizmo --- From the movie "Gremlins".
Goliath --- For the big, big dog!
Glacier --- For a large, white dog.
Glen --- Scottish. A narrow secluded valley .
Global --- For the dog that likes to get around.
Glory --- Is he worthy of praise? Of course he is!
Goldie --- A puppy name that needs no explanation.
Gordon --- Flash. As quick as.
Greco --- Latin. Greek.
Grenade --- Highly explosive.
Growly --- 101 Dalmatian's pup who wanted to be fierce.
Grecian --- Grey hair? Name your dog this.
Griffin --- Mythical animal.
Gucci --- One for the chic pooch.
Gurkha --- Famed warriors from Nepal.
Gus --- Shortened from Angus. A true Scot.
Gypsy --- A classic dog name.
Habit --- Are you addicted to him?
Hacker --- Charmed his way through your defences?
Hadrian --- Roman emperor and wall builder.
Hamish --- Top Scottish puppy name.
Handsome --- Call him Handsi.
Hannibal --- Top military man. And a cannibal.
Harry --- Call him Hal.
Happy --- What all puppys should be.
Harrier --- Loves to run and hunt?
Havoc --- Does he create this?
Haven --- Has he found his sanctuary with you?
Hazard --- A source of danger?
Hawk --- For the right wing dog.
Hector --- What the Heck has he been up to now?
Hegel --- Something of an idealist? In to metaphysics?
Herby --- Simply a nice, fun dog name.
Hercules --- For the hunk.
Herman --- Top German Shepherd name.
Hero --- Saved your life?
Hibernia --- The Latin and poetic name for Ireland.
Hippo --- For the large, water loving dog.
Hobbit --- Tolkien's tiny human with hairy feet.
Holmes --- After Sherlock. Inquisitive, and shrewd.
Homer --- A home run and a Greek poet. Good combination.
Hobo --- Has he finally settled with you.
Honshu --- Japanese island. Suit an Akita.
Hoot --- Simple. He makes you laugh.
Hopi --- Peaceable. Cool puppy name.
Hornet --- A real buzzer with a bite.
Houdini --- Can he get out of anywhere?
Hover --- Top dog name if he's always under your feet?
Huck --- Shortened from Huckleberry.
Hulk --- Definetly fits some dogs.
Humphrey --- Tough guy? Call him Humph.
Hyde --- Changeable Character?
Names Starting With "I"
Names Starting With "J"
Icarus --- The mythical birdman of Crete.
Ice --- Top male puppy name if he's defrosted you.
Idol --- Do you worship him?
Igor --- Russian for George.
Ike --- I Know Everything. Also top US general and ex-president.
Imp --- A little demon?
Inca --- A ruler of the Inca Empire. And a Unique dog name.
Inch --- Is he winning someone over little by little. \
Indigo --- A blue-violet color. Strange dog, but nice name.
Indus --- .Latin for Indian. And a top male puppy name.
Inky --- Cute dog name for a black dog.
Indy --- Short for independent. For the free wheeling puppy.
Inferno --- For the puppy from Hell.
Ingot --- Because he's pure gold.
Iona --- Tiny Scottish Island--and another unique dog name.
Ivan --- The Terrible. Russian Tsar.
Ivanhoe --- The legendary Knight.
Ivor --- Welsh for Lord.
Ivory --- Is he as precious as? And a pale yellow color?
Jack --- An evergreen male puppy name.
Jackpot --- That's what you hit when he arrived.
Jaffa --- A very sweet orange from Israel. And a Top dog name.
Jake --- Easy to learn dog name.
Jason --- And his golden fleece.
Jay --- Another easy to learn male puppy name.
Jasper --- Red, yellow or brown variety of quartz.
Java --- Unique puppy name if he's coffee colored?
Jaws --- No explanation needed!
Jazzy --- Lively and spirited. Super male puppy name.
Jet --- Black and supersonic?
Jeeves --- Not a servant, more a refined companion.
Jekyll --- The dark side of Dr Hyde!
Jericho --- Any walls come tumbling down?
Jester --- Like Joker below, except medieval.
Jig --- Irish, lively, and a cute puppy name.
Jingo --- One for the nationalist.
Jock --- Athletic? Also slang for a Scotsman.
Joey --- A young kangaroo. Is he a wooly jumper?
Joker --- A clown? Interested in Stand-Up?
Jolly --- Joyful, chirpy and happy. As all puppys should be.
Jonah --- Please don't saddle your puppy with this.
Joseph --- And his coat of many colors.
Jouster --- Is he in to saddled combat with lances?
Jubilee --- A cute male puppy name.
Judge --- Do you feel you are being evaluated by him?
Juggler --- Bit of a tricky dog?
Julius --- A budding Caesar perhaps?
Jumbo --- Strictly for the big dog.
Junior --- Not the only dog in the house?
Jupiter --- Largest planet. A supreme Roman god. And a top male puppy name.
Jura --- Part of the Alpine mountain range.
Names Starting With "K"
Names Starting With "L"
Kaiser --- German for emperor. And a top male dog name.
Kali --- Swahili for fierce.
Kabuki --- Japanese theatrical drama. Suit an Akita.
Kamikaze --- For the extremely reckless dog.
Karma --- Was he fated to be with you?
Kashmir --- Beautiful region of N. Asia.
Katmandu --- The capital of Nepal. Mountainous and intriguing.
Khan --- After Kipling's tiger Shere Khan in Jungle Book.
Keats --- Name your dog after a notable English poet.
Kelly --- As Irish as Guinness.
Keno --- Does he like a ball game.
Kenya --- E. African country known for its wildlife.
Kin --- Because he's now part of your family.
King --- Canine royalty. And a popular male dog name.
Kong --- Big, bad and misunderstood?
Kremlin --- Russian seat of power. And a unique male dog name.
Kudos --- Does he deserve praise? Well he is exceptional!
Kuro --- Means black in Japanese.
Kyoto --- The one-time capital of Japan.
Laddie --- Scottish for a boy. And a top male dog name.
Lagos --- Capital of Nigeria. And a unique puppy name.
Lancelot --- Famed mythical knight.
Lance --- Popular male dog name.
Lanza --- Likes to sing. Call him after the legendary tenor.
Lava --- The molten rock that gushes from a volcano.
Leaf --- Because he's blown in to your life.
Lear --- Shakespeare's mythical King.
Legend --- What he will eventually become.
Leo --- A lion?
Lenin --- Wants to be the Boss? Call him Len for short.
Lennon --- Call him after a rebel and musical genius.
Lex --- Superman's arch enemy.
Libra --- Brought some balance in to your life?
Licorice --- Dark and distinctive
Liege --- A faithful and devoted subject.
Limbo --- The state you were in till he arrived.
Limerick --- Irish city, and a humorous poem.
Lindy --- A lively dance. And a top male dog name.
Lingua --- Always licking you? Latin for tongue.
Linus --- Son of Apollo. The most handsome of the Greek Gods.
Litmus --- Has he passed his test?
Lobo --- The grey wolf. And a top male dog name.
Loco --- Enough said.
Login --- Has he gained access to your heart?
Logic --- Because now it all makes sense.
Loki --- Norse God. A real bad boy.
Lotha --- For the dog that likes to loaf about.
Loot --- Very expensive boy?
Looter --- A brazen thief?
Loyal --- Because that's what he's going to be. Guaranteed.
Lucifer --- Demon dog.
Lucky --- Applies to both of you.
Lunar --- Visitor from another planet?
Lupus --- The latin for wolf. Fun name Loopy.
Lurch --- From the Addams Family. And a cute puppy name.
Lyric --- Do you dance to his tune?
Names Starting With "M"
Names Starting With "N"
Mac --- Cute male puppy name for a Scottish pup.
Macho --- Enough said. Glad I don't have to call him.
Maestro --- For the real Master.
Mafia --- .For the puppy you don't say no to.
Magic --- Top male puppy name.
Magna --- A grand name.
Magnus --- As Norwegian as the fjords.
Magnet --- Your drawn to each other.
Majesty --- Gosh, a real top dog name.
Major --- .For the military pup.
Mali --- W. African country and unique dog name.
Mango --- A sweet and juicy tropical fruit.
Marcus --- Roman roots.
Marley --- Name your puppy after Bob--the king of reggae.
Marlon --- Or after Brando. A great actor.
Marmaduke --- Great Dane of comic strip fame.
Mars --- The red planet and Roman god of war.
Marx --- After Groucho or Karl.
Maverick --- For the non-conformist dog.
Maxim --- Would suit a puppy wise beyond its age. Call him Max.
Maxy --- Short for Maximilian. Means greatest.
Maya --- A term for magic in Hinduism.
Mayo --- Beautiful Irish county.
Measles --- For the spotty dog.
Mercury --- Messenger of the Gods.
Merlin --- The fabled Wizard.
Merry --- What all cocker spaniels are!
Meteor --- A shooting star.
Metro --- Top male puppy name for the city dweller.
Micro --- Definetly for the tiny dog.
Midas --- For a golden boy.
Midge --- A cute puppy name for a little guy.
Midnight --- Dark and bewitching.
Minoa --- Ancient Cretan culture and a unique puppy name.
Ming --- Simply because he's as precious as fine porcelain.
Minstrel --- A wandering medieval entertainer.
Minty --- A cool puppy name.
Mizar --- .A star at the corner of the Big Dipper's handle.
Mole --- Does he love to dig? Like me!
Monsoon --- A period of very heavy rainfall.
Monty --- Short for Montgomery. Posh dog!
Mosaic --- Top puppy name if he's a bit of a mixture.
Moses --- Found him in the bulrushes?
Motto --- Straight out of a Christmas cracker.
Mozart --- A remarkable prodigy. Just like your puppy.
Muffin --- Just a cute male puppy name.
Mule --- Stubborn?
Murphy --- As Irish as leprechauns.
Musty --- Does he like to roll in the muck? Don't we all!
Muttley --- Cartoon dog with a distinctive laugh.
Mystery --- Unknown history? Call him Mister.
Mystical --- Has he cast a spell over you? Call him My.
Nap --- Short, sweet and a cute male puppy name.
Napoleon --- French Emperor and military genius.
Neon --- Is he vividly marked?
Nelson --- One eyed, one armed English naval hero.
Nero --- Naughty dogs only.
Ness --- Call him after the Loch Ness monster.
Neva --- Russian river and unusual puppy name.
Nibbles --- Cute puppy name.
Nikki --- Top name for a Husky.
Nikko --- Japanese town. Good name for an Akita.
Nimbus --- The halo of light around a saintly head. Wowee!
Ninja --- Are you going to train him as an assassin and saboteur?
Nipper --- Applies to most puppies. Good for a tiny pup.
Noah --- Noticed him busily building something in the shed?
Nobel --- Because he deserves a top prize.
Noel --- Cute puppy name if he arrived a Christmas.
Nomad --- Top male puppy name for a wanderer.
Noodles --- Another cute male puppy name.
Nubia --- Ancient desert region of the Nile valley.
Nugget --- Pure gold!
Nutmeg --- Brown and spicy.
Names Starting With "O"
Names Starting With "P"
Oasis --- Kicks off the boy dog names.
Oberon --- A satellite of Uranus and a unique dog name.
Oceania --- Collective name for 25,000 Pacific Islands.
October --- Did he arrive in time for Halloween?
Odessa --- Ukranian port and an unusual puppy name.
Odin --- The Norse god of wisdom, war, art, culture, and the dead.
An early example of monopoly.
Odyssey --- A long, and eventful journey. Exactly what you are
about to embark on.
Olympia --- The site of the original Olympic Games.
O'Malley --- Top Irish dog name. Would suit a wolfhound.
Omega --- The final letter of the Greek alphabet.
Omen --- Definetly a good one! And a top boy dog name.
Opal --- Gemstone, usually white.
Opus --- Musically, a piece of creative work.
Oracle --- Any Tarot cards under his basket?
Orator --- A great speaker, or barker perhaps?
Orbit --- Has he got you going around in circles.
Orca --- Killer whale. And the name of a cocker predecessor.
Oriel --- A bay window. But also a really nice boy dog name.
Orient --- Did he come from the East?
Orkney --- Tiny island off of the Scottish mainland.
Orwell --- Name your dog after a great writer.
Oscar --- Because he deserves an award.
Otter --- Does he love to swim?
Otto --- Top name for a German shepherd.
Outlaw --- Is he a bit of a renegade?
Owl --- Simply a cute boy dog name.
Ozzy --- As mad as Mr Osbourne?
Paddy --- The ultimate Irish dog name.
Palladium --- A precious metal. Call him Pal.
Palm --- An unusual boy dog name.
Pan --- After Peter Pan who never grew up.
Pancho --- Villa. Rebel and outlaw.
Paprika --- A reddish brown spice.
Parthia --- Ancient country of S.W. Asia.
Pastel --- A soft and delicate hue.
Pasha --- Title for a military officer inTurkey.
Patches --- Popular dog name for a tri-color.
Patina --- The sheen on an object. Call him Pat.
Patrician --- An aristocrat. Posh dog name.
Paws --- The canine version of Jaws.
Pea --- Small and sweet. A cute dog name.
Peaches --- Golden yellow, like velvet.
Peanut --- .Popular boy dog name. For a tiny dog.
Pebbles --- A small stone. But a precious one to you.
Pegasus --- The mythical winged horse.
Pepper --- Hot and colorful.
Pericles --- Early Athenian champion of real democracy.
Peril --- Does he like to take risks?
Pernod --- A fiery, yellowish, French liqueur.
Pewter --- A silver, grey alloy
Phantom --- Hard to find sometimes? Call him Fanta.
Phaser --- "Star Wars" stun gun.
Piccolo --- A small high pitched flute.
Pickle --- Has he got you in to a "pickle"?
Pilgrim --- His journey is at an end.
Pip --- If you have "Great Expectations" for him.
Pinky --- Simply a cute dog name.
Pinto --- Top dog name for a spotty dog.
Pirate --- Another cute dog name.
Pistol --- Hair trigger temperament?
Pluto --- Just wouldn't be complete without it.
Plato --- Greek philosopher. It also means broad shouldered.
Planet --- Was he one of seven?
Poacher --- Fond of hunting?
Pogo --- Always bouncing up and down?
Polar --- Pure white and from the North.
Ponto --- A popular Victorian dog name.
Popcorn --- Another cute puppy name.
Pledge --- Do you swear to look after him. Come what may
Prado --- Spanish national museum of art and sculpture.
Prank --- A fun puppy name
Priceless --- .Well he is! Call him Price.
Prince --- A classic boy dog name.
Prune --- Is he black and wrinkly?
Puddles --- .Oh my. He's done it again!
Puff --- A real cute puppy name.
Punch --- A heady mixture.
Pukka --- Yes --- he's the real thing alright.
Puzzle --- Is he a bit of a problem?
Pythagoras --- Greek mathemetician. Call him Pye.
Names Starting With "Q"
Names Starting With "R"
Quack --- One of the cutest of male dog names.
Quake --- Is he an earth shaker?
Quartz --- A hard, glossy mineral.
Quest --- Because the hunt for him is over.
Raffles --- Fictional gentleman burglar.
Rags --- A cute puppy name.
Raj --- Means to rule over.
Rajah --- An Eastern prince.
Raisin --- Dark or golden
Ramble --- For a dog that loves his walks. Like my best friend!
Rascal --- A nice name for a delinquent.
Rasputin --- The charasmatic "mad monk".
Raven --- Black and shiny.
Rebel --- Anarchic? Radical? Is he endlessly going on about dogs rights?
Red --- Short, sweet, and apt.
Reef --- Top puppy if he's the color of coral.
Regal --- Majestic, glorious and stately. Wow what a puppy.
Relish --- Simply because you "relish" him.
Rex --- The most traditional of male dog names.
Rio --- Because he loves to party.
Richmond --- A beautiful park near London.
Ripple --- Has her arrival caused a "ripple effect".
Ritz --- Elegant and stylish.
Rocket --- Well he is almost jet-propelled.
Rodeo --- Another cute puppy name.
Rollo --- First duke of Normandy. And a chocolate treat.
Romany --- The language of the Gypsies. Top dog name.
Romulus --- Founder of Rome. Who, was reared and suckled by a wolf.
Romeo --- Does he like the ladies?
Rona --- Tiny Scottish island with just one inhabitant.
Roubles --- Russian money!
Rover --- Probably the most popular of male dog names.
Royce --- Upmarket dog name.
Rupee --- Indian money.
Rudolph --- Or Rudy. Almost completes our list of male dog names.
Rufus --- The latin [canis rufus] for the small red wolf.
Rusty --- Yellowish-red. Or, brownish-red. But not through neglect.
Names Starting With "S"
Names Starting With "T"
Sable --- Starts our list of male puppy names.
Sage --- Suit the wise and intelligent pup.
Sailor --- For the nautical pup.
Samba --- Real roots music.
Satan --- Try calling this name in the park.
Saturn --- The golden planet between Jupiter and Uranus.
Scamp --- Always in trouble!
Scruffy --- One of the most popular of male puppy names.
Shadow --- Does she follow you everywhere?
Shaggy --- What else but for a shaggy dog!
Shaka --- Legendary king of the Zulus.
Sierra --- Spanish word for a range of mountains.
Silky --- The texture of some of our coats.
Sinbad --- Legendary sailor of the Seven Seas.
Sirius --- The Dog Star. And the brightest in the sky.
Skippy --- Likes to jump and skip? A real cute puppy name.
Skipper --- Well he is in charge isn't he? Call him Skip.
Skye --- An Island off the Scottish mainland.
Smarty --- Brimming with confidence?
Smiley --- Does he put a smile on your face.
Smoky --- Hazy, and lazy.
Snafu --- Is he causing chaos and confusion?
Snoop --- Nosy dog, as we all are. Or, rap star.
Snuggles --- Top cute dog name.
Socrates --- Athenian philosopher. An advocate of free speech.
Solar --- The energy of the Sun. Call him Sol.
Solo --- Independent and confident?
Somerset --- A sparkling English County.
Sorcerer --- A wizard of the Black Arts.
Sparky --- One of the classic's of male puppy names.
Sparta --- Ancient country noted for its rigorous militarism.
Spell --- Are you under it?
Sphinx --- Mythical beast of ancient Egypt.
Spice --- "Spiced" up your life?
Spinach --- Popeye food. And a cute dog name.
Spot --- Evergreen dog name.
Spitz --- A dog from the North.
Splice --- To join together.
Sponger --- Because he's totally dependent on you.
Sprite --- An Elf or Pixie. And a fun dog name.
Sprocket --- A roller with teeth.
Stalin --- An opportunist dictator.
Star --- Straight to the point.
Steinbeck --- After a great American writer.
Stellar --- The principle star.
Stinker --- Top dog name for a smelly pup.
Storm --- .An atmospheric disturbance.
Suki --- Well I had to include myself, even if it's a girl's name.
Sunny --- Completes the S's of male puppy names.
Taboo --- He's always breaking them.
Taffy --- As Welsh as Leeks.
Tahiti --- Tropical paradise. And a unique dog name.
Tango --- For the dog with fast paws.
Tarquin --- The last of the 7 legendary kings of Rome.
Tattoo --- Because he's for life.
Taurus --- The Bull. The 2nd sign of the zodiac.
Tempest --- A memorable storm. And a popular dog name.
Texas --- For the big dog.
Thimble --- One of the cutest of male puppy names.
Thistle --- The national emblem of Scotland.
Thumb --- As in "Tom Thumb". For a little titch.
Thunder --- Causes a very big bang.
Tigris --- S.W Asian river. And a unique puppy name.
Tinker --- A traveller. And a top dog name.
Tiny --- Enough said.
Titan --- Mythological giant from Greece.
Toby --- Short for Tobias. And a jolly "little brown jug".
Tolstoy --- A pacifist who inspired Ghandi. And author of War and Peace.
Tonic --- He's been a great pick-me-up.
Tornado --- A whirlwind has arrived!
Tramp --- The immortal dog name.
Trojan --- Did he arrive inside a wooden horse?
Trump --- Does he hold all the aces?
Treacle --- Black and shiny.
Trinidad --- Beautiful Island. Great people. Call him Trini.
Trotsky --- For a wannabe dictator.
Tsar --- Another Russian dictator.
Tuppence --- A great male puppy name.
Turnip --- Almost ends The T's of male puppy names.
Tyrant --- Wow this dog is Bad. Call him Ty.
Names Starting With "U"
Names Starting With "V"
Ultra --- Heads the U's top dog names.
Unity --- The state of being one. Harmony.
Uranus --- The 7th planet from the Sun.
Urchin --- A little scamp. And a cute puppy name.
Ursa --- A constellation. Either the Big Bear or the Little Bear.
Utopia --- An ideal and perfect place. And a top dog name.
Vandal --- Home in bits?
Vanilla --- Sweet and white.
Vegas --- For the puppy that likes to take risks.
Velvet --- Coat as soft as silk?
Venice --- Artistic treasure house and focus of the Renaissance .
Verona --- The setting for Romeo and Juliet.
Vesta --- The brightest of all the asteroids.
Vesuvius --- It destroyed Pompeii. Your home is much smaller.
Veteran --- Before you know it he will be. Call him Vet
Villain --- What--a cute little puppy!
Voodoo --- A top dog name if your under his spell?
Vulcan --- Big, floppy ears like mine? Name your puppy after Spock's planet.
Names Starting With "W"
Names Starting With "X"
Wallace --- Would suit a thoughtful pup. Shorten to Wally.
Wag --- Because he wags his tail. Cute dog name.
Waif --- He was lost--but now he's found.
Welcome --- Every time you come home expect a huge one.
Whisky --- A top Irish or Scottish puppy name.
Whisper --- Never barks? Call him Whisp.
Whiskers --- Another fun, cute puppy name.
Whiz --- Why is he always in a hurry?
Wolf --- The gray variety being our direct ancestor.
Woof --- A fun puppy name.
Woodstock --- The daddy of all free festivals. Call him Woody.
Wriggles --- .A real cute top dog name.
Xerxes --- A renowned Persian King. And a top boy dog name.
Names Starting With "Y"
Names Starting With "Z"
Yak --- A very shaggy Ox from central Asia.
Yahoo --- The search engine. Or, Swift's uncouth yokel.
Yasmin --- Simply a cute puppy name.
Yeller --- "Old Yeller" the cross breed movie star.
Yoda --- The wizened Jedi master from Star Wars.
Yogi --- Famous cartoon bear of Jellystone Park.
Yorkie --- Nickname for someone from Yorkshire. Suit a terrier.
Yummy --- A cute boy dog name.
Yuri --- Gagarin. The 1st man in to space.
Zach --- Short for Zachary.
Zanzibar --- Port city of Tanzania. And a unique dog name.
Zebra --- Has he got black and white stripes? Strange dog!
Zeppo --- One of the Marx Brothers.
Zest --- Bursting with energy. As all pups should be.
Zeta --- The sixth letter of the Greek alphabet.
Zeus --- Supreme ruler of the Greek gods. And a top boy dog name.
Zen --- For the puppy seeking enlightenment through meditation.
Ziggy --- Comic strip character. And Bowie's martian.
Zingaro --- Italian for gypsy.
Zimbabwe --- Southern African country. Call him Zimba for short.
Zodiac --- An unusual boy dog name.
Zoo --- If he's a new addition to your menagerie.
Zulu --- People of S.E. Africa. Ends this short list of puppy names.
2006-09-08 08:22:29
answer #1
answered by glamourgirl718 2
Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you
A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.
2016-06-01 00:20:28
answer #7
answered by ? 3
Jake, John, Buff, Auston, Scooter, Rascal, Gizmo, Sady, Sparky
2006-09-08 09:04:41
answer #10
answered by vitamin r 3