Okay so. I made out with this guy, like two months ago. For me, it was awsome, I hadn't even realized that I liked the guy until then. Anyway, I talked to him and asked if he could imagine going out with me and turning this into a relationship. His answer was: "It depends on how the things evolve" ... I didn't get it. Anyway so, we had vacation and I didn't see him for a whole month. Basically I got over him - or so I thought. All the feelings came back in the first week I saw him again. I wrote him a text message asking if he were interested to continue where we stopped before vacation. He never wrote back. So I'm thinking, he isn't interested. But then in class he gives me these looks... What does it mean? And how do i make it stop or move forward... I'm losing my mind here...
14 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
I'm sorry since when does MAKING OUT mean SEX?????? We just kissed... I need to get a dictionary I think... anyway we just kissed and held hands n stuff
07:39:08 ·
update #1
Let him go and he will come running towards you. If he doesn't, then his loss!!
2006-09-08 07:30:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
He seems to be pretty much strictly interested in the physical part of the relationship without all the attachments of a full-on relationship. At this point, it becomes up to you whether or not you are ok with a strictly physical relationship. From most experiences I've witnessed, these types of relationships rarely work our for the best, someone always ends up getting hurt. I'd recommend moving out and trying to find someone else.
2006-09-08 14:32:21
answer #2
answered by clubhousemgr 2
Well, from what I am getting out of this, you have offered yourself to him on a plate, a relationship I mean, and he isn't responded to that, so the offer and option is there, and if he doesn't take you up on it, then I would assume he isn't interested. Don't worry about the looks he is giving you, cause that doesn't mean anything. It isn't like you are giving him mixed signals, like I said, you have offered whole hearted, so now the ball is in his court......good luck and remember, don't beg him........it's his turn now to answer you or make his move, you just sit back and wait.
2006-09-08 14:33:09
answer #3
answered by dixiegirl 3
This guy just sounds like he just use you to make out Thats all he wants from you trust me guys are so stupid Yeah i know what you mean when you stopped liking a guy but then you see him. It suxs. Maybe he might be interested and he could not be find a another guy then he might want you even more. The looks he give are they like i want you or leave me alone. Dont look at him or not think about him.
2006-09-08 14:35:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ya'll sound young, he probably likes you but is unsure of what it all means, dudes are simple and he might be scared of what all the relationship stuff means, so just talk to him be a friend first, Don't put all the relationship pressure out there for a while just be a nice friend and if its meant to be it will grow. Then you can get your relationship stuff going.
2006-09-08 14:34:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First of all you had sex with the guy you didn't even know if you liked him. That's a real slutty thing, you gave it away. Then he is not interested and you give up, now hes given you looks.
Drop it, he's playing head games with you now. Next time don't screw someone right away, maybe that's the reason he is not seriously interested in you.
2006-09-08 14:32:41
answer #6
answered by Mightymo 6
Tell him you need to know the answer so you can decide if you can either go out with him or just move on and try to find someone else who does care about you!!
2006-09-08 14:32:21
answer #7
answered by djduffy2006 1
A/ He is not into you like you are into him
B/ He is just as nervous about the whole thing as you are
C/ He is a jerk who enjoys stringing you along
D/ All of the above...
Put the qtn to him and see what answer he picks out.......
2006-09-08 14:44:24
answer #8
answered by boston857 5
tough situation...but I think I can help
if he said that then he wanted to see how things turned out, like what else would happen, so try to start where it left off, ask him out on a date or something...he might not even got those messages...
good luck!
2006-09-08 14:31:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Let him see you with another guy. There's no better way to call out a guy's true feelings for you.
2006-09-08 14:36:26
answer #10
answered by Lawn Jockey 4