most girls put ;) :] =] in emails and other things...dont read into things so much, she probably didnt mean anything by it...
2006-09-08 07:27:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Its just a wink, chill out. Not like she is confessing undying love for your. Its just something cute and silly to add on to a message. So breath and relax. If you think you two can go farther with any of this since you are getting closer, then talk about it, see what she thinks. But for goodness sake, don't read anything into a smiliey.
2006-09-08 15:07:11
answer #2
answered by Bloody Kisses 4
she might like you some friends over years get closer but you sound a bit paranoid with these winks mabe she is just flirty, think do you like her in that way?? ask her bout the winks if you must.. but maybe just keep a cool and dont look too deep into yuor emails!!!!!!!
2006-09-08 14:28:46
answer #3
answered by Alex 2
lol, i send people winks in my emails all the time, and mostly they dont mean a thing. my friends (yeah, guys) send winks back, and thats it. dont take that to think that she's interested in you! i know i would laugh if one of my guy friends thought that! ;)
2006-09-08 14:28:25
answer #4
answered by annie 4
I agree with the majority... it's nothing.. I give 'hugs' in my chats and emails. I'm an affectionate person. But I don't mean much by it. If you are THAT worried about it... ASK her! You ARE out of high school correct? Not going to get cooties, correct?
Best of luck.
2006-09-08 14:39:49
answer #5
answered by Valeria 4
get over it havent you got betta things to worry about than a stupid little wink on an email
2006-09-08 14:27:46
answer #6
answered by sensual 3
For most people, the emoticons used mean nothing except a temporary punctuation. I think you are reading WAAAAY to much into this.
2006-09-08 14:27:58
answer #7
answered by QuestionWyrm 5
calm down and relax x
2006-09-08 14:29:08
answer #8
answered by amy h 2
shes just being YOUR FRIEND. dont look too close into it. but if you like her, you can tell her. :)
2006-09-08 14:26:40
answer #9
answered by Surf n' Snow 5
idk. maybe she wants to be more than just friends.
2006-09-08 14:27:44
answer #10
answered by Jess614 2