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I had an abusive teacher when I was in grades 7 to 9,He used to make fun of me infront of the entire class and usually called me
'Confused person' and loved to make fun by asking tricky questions and getting me confused,so that he could call me 'Confused Confused' and make the class laugh again.

Now I am in college,and my past haunts me,
Even though I make some good decisions in life and get good grades , I feel , I really am Confused person not able to make up my mind at times and have a constant fear to talk to new people feeling that they too would laugh how I behave and talk in a confused manner.When somebody talks to me I try to avoid eye-contact cause that makes me a little uneasy.

Is this due to my bad past or was my teacher really correct about me?

I dont have money for professional help,is there any other way I can be myself again and cut down those past haunting thoughts and be less confused in life?

2006-09-08 05:26:31 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

18 answers

the sollege should have couselors go see them. ask a teacher for some help too

2006-09-08 05:29:57 · answer #1 · answered by kleighs mommy 7 · 0 0


Did you know, there's a chemical that can be administered, from a distance, in exquisitely precise dosages if the target victim is under surveillance that can mitigate a kind of mild disorientation making you forget things in the present moment? Alan Alda hosted such a segment where a white mouse was dosed and was at a lose to get out of something it would otherwise done with ease.

That ' teacher ' is a serious abject. We've all dealt with lowlifes like that. The trick is, remembering the fact that that's what they are. The board of education is just that. A lot of blockheads trying to make do on a budget. Get it together man. It's to everyone around you's advantage to have you go through life thinking like that. This way you don't notice the good your life produces falling away like crumbs so the vultures can feed on it. Take stock. I don't mean ' be proud ' - that's b.s. You are as valid as any other human on the sphere. Got it?

2006-09-08 06:02:14 · answer #2 · answered by vanamont7 7 · 0 0

When you're a little kid teachers are supposed to be a figure of respect, someone you look up to and who tell you the truth and are full of knowledge to impart to the children in their care. Not always true, I'm afraid. Your teacher was a jerk. Someone who is not deserving of the title.
You are getting good grades now and you have to put the memory of this IDIOT behind you. We all get confused at times and feel indecisive. And sometimes we don't. Go out with your friends and enjoy your college life. You don't have to be the life and soul of the party to have a good time. Just a smile can be very endearing. And being a good listener is a great way to make friends - people love to talk about themselves.
Take care.

2006-09-08 05:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by Jackie J 4 · 0 0

i am in the same boat. in grade school and high school teachers would call be dumb or lazy and point out that out i would be asked a Q and i'd be like 'idunno' and instcutor would make some nasty remark about it. Only i never saw it as abuse coz i thoguth abuse was just hitting someone. It wasn't until recently that i realised that i had suffered verball and emotional abuse.

That didn't ssem fair to me, i was confuse coz i had a learning disablity.

I'm in college now and i still think about it a lot. I'm an average student, i work hadr for my grades too. Life has always been confusing for me

Talk to a school counsellor, i do. It shouldn't cost anything except if they're doing testing or something. They can't solve all ur problems, but it's what keeps me graounded an sane to know someone is lsitening and helping you help you in a way.

2006-09-08 05:42:38 · answer #4 · answered by Angel_Kitten 2 · 0 0

You're old teacher should be fired for the way he treated you!!!

When you constantly hear negative things about yourself, you start to doubt yourself and start to feel you are that person and sometimes we become that person we're told so often that we are. This is also the reason a lot of people stay in verbally abusive relationships, they are told they're not worthy of another persons love and they start to feel it to be true.

You're going to have to take baby steps to repair the damage done by this teacher.

Start with what you're good at. There has to be something out there that you're proud of yourself for. Let yourself know each time you do something great, that "hey, I just did something great". Help others, this usually helps build my confidence in myself. I feel better when I make another person smile.

Volunteer for comittees in school, or start a small study group. This should help you socially.

2006-09-08 05:33:13 · answer #5 · answered by Heather S 4 · 0 0

A similar thing happened to brother when he was little- he was ridiculed constantly and was spanked in front of the class one day for correcting the teacher( in grade2)- when we were in preschool he had had gaffer's tape put on his mouth by a nursery school teacher. Consequently he is very shy and introverted (he has mild autism and is very very intelligent- meek and quiet)- he hated school for years until he hit university and found professors who encouraged him. He now has a Master's degree, a full-time job, has travelled all over Europe , and has a kazillion friends. The point being, that man was a jerk- and a weak person who had to bully a kid to feel good about himself...that is cowardice- he holds no power over you- you are free, you survived and you will succeed. Best Wishes.

2006-09-08 05:40:26 · answer #6 · answered by Mrs.Foster 4 · 0 0

This is a perfect example of how powerful the subconscious mind is. Your "teacher", someone you probably looked up to, ingrained into your mind that you are a confused person. I had a similar situation in that I had a teacher that after I had lost lots of weight told me "Oh, you will always be fat" and that always stayed with me until this day where I continue to struggle with my weight. I have used hypnotherapy to "re-program" a lot of the junk that was fed to me in my adolescence. IT WORKS!!!
A very good friend of mine is a hypnotherapist and he has helped many people with many issues. He has a website you might find helpful....www.improveyourselfhere.com

YOU ARE NOT CONFUSED!! You just THINK you are. Once you eliminate that beleif from your mind you will feel much better.

I desire you much success.

2006-09-08 07:17:58 · answer #7 · answered by Eli 2 · 0 0

first thing id do is i would confront this douchebag n ask him why he made fun of u n called u names, then id hit him just because that is whatd id do. n if that doesnt work id say ud have to either learn really hard to look someone in the eyes n feel comfortable with it n be able to talk to someone like a close freind or family memeber about this. n if that doesnt work u can get help from the college physisian person, cause my college has one of these ppl u can go talk to n i think it is free. but confronting this guy should help, just dont take my advice n hit him, thats just what id do cause he sounds like a douche bag

2006-09-08 05:35:26 · answer #8 · answered by snooppoopaloop69 3 · 0 0

Every one has bad high scool experiences, don't let it ruin your life. Think of the power that gives to your former teacher. He was abusing his position of authority by treating you like that and it sounds like he is the one who needs professional help. Maybe he should address why bullying students makes him feel good about himself? Perhaps you should think about confronting the man, now that you are equals. Break the hold he has on you and get on with your life.

2006-09-08 05:31:35 · answer #9 · answered by rachely1 3 · 0 0

Join a support group online. They are free, the people are really caring, and they will help you until you can apply for medical assistance so you can get counseling from a professional.
There are lots of medical support groups at Yahoo. I would recommend typing your symptoms into the search engine at the groups page. Good luck, and email us back so we can see how you are doing.

2006-09-08 05:34:40 · answer #10 · answered by Melinda C 2 · 0 0

Try to forget the past. Try getting friends who will help you. I read this try keeping a journal. And when someone talks to you, try to look them in the face.It will be hard at first. I am shy too. Well, good luck. And two thumbs up!

2006-09-08 05:37:42 · answer #11 · answered by mirth2850 1 · 0 0

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