You need to go to a doctor
2006-09-08 03:42:58
answer #1
answered by Xaper 3
I have a 32 oz thermal cup and I drink hot green tea all day. It warms you from the inside and helps you feel better. You are probably feeling cold, because even though you may still have weight to lose, your body is still trying to adjust to what you lost already. My mom had a weight loss surgery a few years ago and she still walks around with a jacket on in the summer time. Exercise can give you more energy, but I wouldn't advise it on 100 calories. Have you tried the 2-4-6-8 thing?
2006-09-08 03:58:25
answer #2
answered by ♥ Butterfly ♥ 4
Becuse your bodys shutting down. Your diet program is all wrong. 100 Calories?! per day is not good. a normal diet is about 2000-2500 for a healthy person. Your body is loseing lots of its nuetrients and eating its self away. You need to get some major help or else your going to end up becoming really sick. Know 100 calories does not contain enough nutrients and energy to keep you going. Eating that less is like running around in snow with nothing on. your bodys going to slow down and eventully shut down. For your health I'd really talk to a doctor and get some professional help. There is 10000's of ways safer than starvation, in the long run starving your body will only cause you health issues.
2006-09-08 03:42:18
answer #3
answered by ashtonw05 3
Hi there. Look, I dont know what is going on for you in your life but first thing I would like to say is that whatever space you are in mentally, its really ok. Im not trying to be a doctor to you or anything, but my perception after reading what you wrote is that you are hurting inside and not real happy about yourself. Taking in 100 calories a day and so little fat, etc. well, you know yourself thats not good. Besides, what you are going to do in the long run is go into starvation mode and not lose any weight but gain and youll be defeating the purpose. When you just take such a drastic cut in calories, fat etc your body goes literally crazy inside and doesnt know what to do. You will kill yourself slowly doing what your doing. You have got to know that what your doing to yourself is self destructing behavior. Please, be responsible with your eating. I am certified personal trainer and I have been in your shoes in the past. I was a victim of abuse many years back and to date have trouble accepting my body and my looks and over time I have had to do alot of stuff to get my esteem up etc. First, I had to tell myself what happened happened and then I had to start loving myself and being responsible. I personally enjoy eating but I am responsible about it. And I work out so I feel I have a good balance and control all around. What Im getting at is the reason you feel the way you do is because you threw your body into this weird crazy mode. One minute it is getting nutrients and calories and such and the next its not! You cant do that to your body. Look, your body requires every day a certain amount of fat for protecting organs and calories to help maintain your metabolism. Being cold is a sign of a slow metabolism. Being tired b/c you are not eating and have no food to break down to produce energy. Your muscles will soon be eaten away and literally your body will shut down, i.e. organs will fail. I am not trying to scare you but this is reality honey. I wont make you wrong for whatever you do but please either seek some help or get responsible about what you are doing. Its ok if you want to watch what you eat but go do weight watchers or curves or both. You have to keep this in mind, you eat to live not live to eat. Im happy you want to look good and that you want to watch but there is a limit too. Anorexia is not gorgeous...and how do you know you are overweight? Are you saying your overweight? To me it sounds like you are doing the Atkins Diet which can prove deadly sweetheart. My friend did this diet and sure she lost weight but her cholesterol sky rocketed over 300! Play it smart. Eat more and work out a few times a week if you are that worried. Believe me, not knowing how old you are, trust me though, you will not look attractive if you are walking around looking like Nicole Richie. Love yourself enough to get educated.
2006-09-08 03:53:47
answer #4
answered by Uncertainty 2
I hate to say this, but you are ALREADY in the anorexia. You've lost a great deal of weight and are restricting heavily. You may be at a "higher weight", but you are also probably viewing yourself through a distorted filter. Please get help ASAP. They symptoms you are experiencing are indicative of the fact that your body is shutting down.
I hope you have a good treatment team. At minimum, it would be good for you to have some support by seeing a therapist (ED specialist) and an MD (to make sure you are medically stable). A nutritionist and support group would also be helpful, but may feel like too much for you all at once. Because of your severe caloric restriction, inpatient or residential would be helpful, but it doesn't sounds like you're ready yet?
Hang in there. Get some support---at whatever level you're comfortable with.
Here's a link to find therapists, nutritionists, groups, inpatient treatment, etc. for ED's.
Good luck! You shouldn't have to be in so much pain.
2006-09-08 03:49:08
answer #5
answered by EDtherapist 5
food is fuel. you are starving to death. don't do this to yourself. use some dam sense. you need a thousand to fifteen hundred calories a day as an absolute minimum just to survive. you need protein, carbs and fat. eat well, exercise, and develop good sleep habits.
2006-09-08 03:47:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You are cold and tired because it takes calories to be warm and energetic. EAT SOMETHING! Get help. Beauty may be painful, but it is not worth dying for. Chances are, you are skinny enough. In my experience, most men like curves not twigs.
2006-09-08 03:43:51
answer #7
answered by nmtgirl 5
well because you dont eat. Eating is the answer, its not good to stop eating. I advise you to go see a doctor if you really want to loose weight...seriously. You can end up hurting yourself.
2006-09-08 03:43:04
answer #8
answered by mtsoccerx 2
You are MALNOURISHED! You need to seek help. There are better ways to loose weight w/o starving yourself. You will loose weight faster if you eat 5-6 little meals a day and exercise.
2006-09-08 03:40:48
answer #9
answered by Dorothy 2
You just answer your own question
2006-09-08 03:43:15
answer #10
answered by Lil' Gay Monster 7