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If you have an explanation..... where are you getting this logic? you're just a mere man who knows nothing but earthly things!

2006-09-07 20:38:47 · 29 answers · asked by clint_lewin 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Logic is all we have to understand reality. Logic is what brought us every scientific discovery ever made, every invention, every technological advance that we take for granted in today's modern society. We rely on logic, because logic demonstrably works.

Religion, on the other hand, never brought us one single solitary fact about anything demonstrably real in all of human history. Religion is a complete and unmitigated failure as a means of discovering anything about reality.

So, given that reason is the only route to truth, what can reason tell us about the concept of a deity?

All reasoned arguments rely on axioms, i.e. things which we take to be true, but which are not amenable to proof. The most obvious axiom is the validity of reason itself - It is trivially obvious that we can't use a reasoned argument to prove that reason is valid, because we have to presume that reason is valid in order to make any kind of reasoned argument.

I have another axiom, which I'm sure no sane person would dispute: That the order and complexity that we see around us in the natural universe, and particularly in the intricate structure and functions of living organisms, could not possibly just exist fully formed, with no cause, no origin, no precursor of any sort. I can't *prove* that this is the case, but it seems inconceivable to me that anyone would dispute it.

So, the logical consequence of accepting this axiom is that, for the very same reason, it's not possible that the order and complexity of the universe is sourced in an intelligent deity who designed and made the universe and *himself* exists fully formed with no cause, no origin, no precursor of any sort. I don't think any reasonable person would dispute the axiom presented here, and acceptance of the axiom leads to an indisputable proof of the non-existence of an intelligent creator.

Anyone who (against all reason) asserted that the order and complexity we see in the universe *could* indeed exist fully formed with no cause and no origin, in order thereby to save the concept of an uncaused intelligent designer, would find that they had invalidated said designer by making him redundant - i.e. if the order and complexity of the universe could just exist fully formed and uncaused then it would not need (in fact, could not possibly have) a designer.

Either way, the concept of a creator is invalidated.

Also, Quantum Mechanics strongly suggests that nothingness is a state that cannot exist in reality, since that would be 100% deterministic, and QM says that existence is probabilistic rather than deterministic. It should hardly be necessary to point out that this also precludes the existence of a creator, since it would be impossible to have a state of 'nothingness' from which a 'something' could be created.

A third disproof of the classical deity of the monotheistic religions is that a tri-omni deity cannot possibly exist. That is, a deity who is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-good is disproven by the existence of evil, and we have known this for thousands of years.

No doubt there are other disproofs, but that should do for now...

Of course, if you're willing to let yourself believe in unsupported ideas on the basis of an invalid ontology then no amount of logic is likely to enlighten you.

2006-09-07 20:55:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

There is no god. What's so hard about that statement?

The logic behind it is - one, there's no solid proof a god (or gods) exist. Two, the outlandish stories and beliefs that revolve around god and his creating the universe, planet, people, animals. Do you really believe man was created from dirt and woman from the man's rib?

Do you believe that the earth was flooded by god to rid all the sinners of the world? If so, where'd all that water go? Cos there isn't enough water on this planet to do so.

And, conversely, where's the logic behind "there is a god"? There is none, because it would go against everything that faith stands for. You can't have logic and faith. They conflict.

2006-09-07 20:45:39 · answer #2 · answered by umwut? 6 · 6 0

The logic behind the statement is that from past history, nobody has ever seen any God. God has not directly communicate with human being. Even in the Bible's description, God's son, Jesus, also must be born as human in order to communicate with people. If there is a God, why doesn't the God just appear in the sky & communicate directly to people? If he do so, definitely all people will believe him.

2006-09-07 21:01:43 · answer #3 · answered by Theresa Y 1 · 2 0

The logic behind there is no god is greater than the logic that there is a god. I am but a mere human but what differentiates me from you is that I do not believe in something which logically can not exist. I can give you countless examples but I am more than certain that you will disregard them based not on understanding of the subject but of ignorance of the subject.

2006-09-07 21:25:55 · answer #4 · answered by A_Geologist 5 · 3 0

It is a belief and since a belief isn't based on facts it is based on opinions it doesn't have to be logical to anyone else. I don't ask you to explain the logic behind your believing in a God. If you were truly interested I might try to explain, but the way you worded your question is more like you saying I am right and you are not, you are not looking to understand others beliefs, it seems more like you are looking for others who agree with you to confirm we don't think logically.

2006-09-07 21:13:36 · answer #5 · answered by curls 4 · 2 0

Please explain the logic behind the statement "there is a God"?

If you have an explanation..... where are you getting this logic? you're just a mere man who knows nothing but earthly things!

You have no logic. You can only parrot that statement without facts.

there is no logic to it... it's just wishful thinking for those who wish to live guilty lives.

You tell 'em GLH, although i doubt if it reaches their brain.

2006-09-07 20:42:15 · answer #6 · answered by lnfrared Loaf 6 · 6 1

OK and you explain the logic behind "There is a God"

All any of us have is a set of beliefs and some ancient books written by "MERE MEN" long after the events they write about actually took place. None of this logically proves that God exists - that's why people who believe in God are required to have FAITH.

Faith in something is what you have when you can't prove it.

2006-09-07 20:41:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

Hmmm... personal experience?

Asking God if he exists and getting "No" for an answer proved it to me.

I was at an all-time low in my life, ready to kill myself, desperate for something to save me. I'd already begged God for YEARS to help me out of the horrible family abuse situation I was in. Years of being a pious, innocent little kid, waiting faithfully for some help... nothing.

Finally, that fateful day I couldn't take it anymore, I asked him to give me a sign -- ANY sign -- that he existed. I was so desperate, I would have taken a slight breeze for a "yes." A leaf falling, a car driving by, a psychosomatic tickle on my nose. Nothing happened. I asked again. Nothing. I apologized for my insolence, and said that I really, really needed some smidgen of hope right now. Nothing. I said, should I stop believing in you? Please, give me a sign! Anything! Or I'll stop believing.


So, if you really want to know, ask the source.

Oh yeah... and if you're thinking "Maybe he was talking in your heart," I'll have you know that all I felt was FEAR. Horrible fear at directly questioning everything I'd ever been taught. Fear of being struck down by a bolt of lightning that never came. No wonder Christians avoid seriously asking this question. It's scary to confront such a huge source of denial.

But, it has a happy ending -- I'm perfectly at peace with myself and the world now. Sorry, believers....

2006-09-07 21:00:56 · answer #8 · answered by Heather 3 · 2 0

I will explain that statement if you can explain the logic behind the assertion that a supreme being, of whose existence there is NO documented evidence, created the earth in seven days.

Oh, wait...SIX days. The supreme took a day off.

2006-09-07 20:46:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The very definition of faith is belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Therefore, faith that God exists has no logical proof, and you're really not in a position to be asking this question.

2006-09-07 20:44:53 · answer #10 · answered by MysticTortoise 3 · 6 0

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