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Isn`t it rediculous to ask us to simply believe without evidence? what is the point, there is no logic at all. Is it just poor parenting?
If I had run off before my Kids were born, they wouldnt know me but would still `believe` in me... thats not enough. I let my children(grown up now) live their lives, but I still advise and support them and maintain contact.
Is whatever form of God you believe in not just an arseh*le bad parent then to turn its back. What kind of pr*ck would refuse to help his children simply understand who they are?
Whats the big deal? Why all the secrets and cover-ups?

P.S. I have absolute belief in God, a very different being to that which religion has invented.. My system of belief also pre-dates all world religions by thousands of years and I know the spirit because I can visit whenever I choose........... Some early faiths use the name `Pan`,..... it means including everything/everyone/everywhere..... Nice bloke, but a bit too `earthy` for some.

2006-09-07 19:47:50 · 23 answers · asked by mr_spike432 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Oh sh*t, sorry `brenda` I reported point gaming but your answer hadnt appeared... sorry if you get in trouble...

2006-09-07 20:08:47 · update #1

23 answers

Why do we need faith? Because it's an escape from reality and avoids the need to think, use commonsense and logic. It's like a drug, it's a very easy way out for simplistic minds. Consider the following.

Blind Faith is as bad as being Blind Drunk.

When someone takes excess alcohol it affects their mind and body. Alcohol can drive a person into the evil world of insanity, violence, murder and hatred. We all read about crimes of passion and the killing of innocent life as a result of excess alcohol. This problem is known as being Blind Drunk.

When people are subjected to the brain-washing effects of excess religion it also affects their mind and body. Religion has a history of evil, insanity, murder and hatred. We all read about holy wars and the killing of innocent life as a result of excess religion. This problem is known as Blind Faith.

Notice the commonality of the two – Blind Drunk and Blind Faith, they both affect the commonsense and logic processing of the brain, and can turn otherwise decent people into savage insane murderers full of hatred.

Either way, when you are Blind Drunk or have Blind Faith you are Blind to the Truth, so religious people should say no to religion once and for all, and learn how to be a decent humans being again. Under the influence of Blind Faith the mind suffers a form of madness, and is unable to think or act rationally in many aspects of life's reality.

2006-09-07 19:50:16 · answer #1 · answered by Brenda's World 4 · 1 1

Hmmm, I think everyone has faith, but not necessarily the same type of faith.

For instance, did you have faith (belief) that people would answer your question?

Do you have faith (belief) that the sun will rise tomorrow? Or that you will have air to breathe? Or that certain people will behave a certain way.

If so, then you have a form of faith.

I've often wondered why God doesn't show himself to us and demands our faith instead. I've come to realize it this way. How dare we demand that God perform on command like a cute little bunny out of a magician's hat? You would not expect this out of the President of the U.S. or a ruler to just answer us at our commands would you? But somehow we expect that God will be there on our command? Pretty egotistical to demand that of any higher being? God is on high and it's not up to him to prove anything? Not one darn thing.

But I also found an interesting thing as to why God wants faith. Because it is a step in giving up our ego to submit to him. Becase we then accept that he is higher than us when we have faith in him.

A few years ago, I finally got to the point where I wasn't sure whether God existed or not, because I was very disillusioned with life. I was praying that God would show me one way or another because I was at the end of my rope. I turned and said, God how can I know if you exist or not. He told me to just simply trust him without proof. You know what happened. When I took that step, then he started to prove His existence. Because I trusted in Him. He showed me in ways like answered prayers. And by answered prayers, I mean after praying I would find problems resolved and things would come together. Perhaps once or twice I could consider simply coincidental, but repeatedly I don't think it's possible to just be coincidence.

The trick to having prayers answered is to have that faith as just the grain of the mustard seed. Just a tiny bit will do for a start. And then as you develop a relationship with God, you will see answers to problems.

2006-09-07 20:04:54 · answer #2 · answered by Searcher 7 · 0 0

Just as an earthen pot can contain only a limited volume of water, the intellect can comprehend the truth or things to a certain extent only.Some people accept the things in the light of faith and some people apply their intellect to rely.Faith works only when the intellect has thoroughly examined the object of faith.As a matter of fact, faith is the culmination of process of thinking . There can be no faith in the absence of knowledge. Faith comes in only when the intellect fails to express the whole truth.

2006-09-07 20:05:47 · answer #3 · answered by thinkpose 5 · 0 0

You asked "Isn`t it rediculous to ask us to simply believe without evidence?". This is faith, to believe without evidence, or else its no longer faith, Heb 11. The bible says that without faith its impossile to please Him and also that we are saved by faith through the grace of God and not works, Eph 2:8-9. The bible teaches that we cannot get into heaven without ifaith, and faith and works isnt right either. We have the ability to learn through the Holy Spirit and others to teach us. We were not left alone and i see you dont understand, coming from an unsaved person. He is with us but in you eyes you just dont see it cause as the bible says its hidden from the unrighteous. Great question.

2006-09-07 20:05:47 · answer #4 · answered by Airman_P 2 · 0 0

I have Faith although I am not religious. I think if I have nothing to believe, or hope for then what the heck are we living for. some examples of my Faith are that the sun will rise tomorrow, that I will be the best person that I can be , ect. Just believe and have Faith in something and your life will be worth living

2006-09-07 19:56:02 · answer #5 · answered by hawkesnest 2 · 1 0

Faith is something to do with God.
First let me explain what the word means:
I -i
We need to fosake everything and put our trust in God allmighty.
Believing is all about accepting the truth of what you can not see with your physical eyes but spiritually, and enjoying the physical testimony of the unseen.
God is ONE, the one who created heaven and earth as well as every other thing inthe universe including satan.
Any other form of god beside THIS ONE is an idol god from the powers of darkness which is an enermy to the LIVING GOD.

2006-09-07 20:15:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

We are a body with a Spirit. There is no evidence that we possess a Soul. But, the primordial feelings are there. It is a systemising of such trannscendental feelings that there are Religions. Essentially, there is only One Religion. But the variations are many.

2006-09-07 20:21:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you've faith devoid of religion which merely determines what denomination you hold on with (which one perfect fits and what you have faith approximately Jesus Christ). A Christian develops spirituality yet there are different spiritss that are no longer of God. Paul the Apostle mentioned "attempt the spirits that they are of God" so we could desire to be careful.

2016-09-30 11:16:52 · answer #8 · answered by milak 4 · 0 0

Humm...I agree with you in that it would be ridiculous for anyone to believe in something without any evidence. However in the case for a belief about Jesus Christ, the Creator of this world & all that is in it...there is PLENTY of evidence! One only has to look, for example here is a great web site,...for factual evidence... http://www.icr.org there are many places in which to find even more evidence, not only in science & nature & history but other data exists in various places as well as the internet web sites. God did not "run off" He is with us at all times & in all ways...we are the "runners"....not Him. God has tried in so many various ways to get all of us to see "who we are" & "who He is" etc....the option you have is whether or not to examine the "information"! As for your belief in "god" ...even the demons believe in God....& tremble!

2006-09-07 20:01:54 · answer #9 · answered by maranatha132 5 · 0 0

Faith, as defined by Paul in the Bible, is linguistically no different from the definition of 'stupidity'. But for some reason, faith is viewed as some sort of wonderful virtue by the nutters.

It makes no stinkin' sense.

2006-09-07 19:51:47 · answer #10 · answered by lenny 7 · 1 0

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