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Let me get this straight. People devote their lives here on earth to praise jesus the son of god. I am assuming that they are doing it because they don't want to go to hell.
So when they die they go to heaven. Then you must praise for eternity? What happens if you have been praising for 3,000 yrs would it get boring after a while? Why are people praising? Is it because they fear god? Or is it because you have to when you get there or you have no option? (I just don't get this whole heaven thing.)

2006-09-07 19:26:49 · 15 answers · asked by sheltz32tt 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

dont think that you will be praising God 24/7/365 (or whatever His calendar looks like) just because there is not much mentioned of the afterlife with God.

st. john spoke of the old earth being destroyed and in it's place, a new earth took shape where the chosen would live without fear of violence or hate, for eternity.

surely that deserves consistent praise, perhaps like a prayer of thanks during the day, but there is no mention of us sitting around the campfire singing songs to God.

God is most tolerant, but even He would get tired of MY singing (out of tune) after a while....snicker


2006-09-07 19:36:22 · answer #1 · answered by eaglemyrick 4 · 0 0

I LOVE your question. I'm not sure about the praising and worshiping part but the obeying is a must! I can't say whats next in Heaven, thats where the faith comes in. Obeying also takes faith...a lot of it! If we follow the code as best we can, the rest will work out to our advantage is the promise of God. I guess once you've mastered the faith part, the praising comes easy. Go to http://www.apostolic-churches.net/bible/sbs/ and start with the bible. Endulge your curiosoties there and the answers will begin to come. Be patient, it can take a while.

2006-09-07 19:46:11 · answer #2 · answered by Yvonne B 1 · 0 0

Well if one is just praising Him in order to avoid hell, they have made a big mistake (it doesn't work that way). That would simply be performing a work, and Jesus tells us that we can't get into Heaven by works. Works will flow from the regenerated spirit within us, but they are a result, not a means nor a cause.

We praise Him because we are gratefull to Him for what He has done in our lives, and amazed by what He has done in the universe. Heartfelt praise is fun!

I can't wait to get to heaven so I can learn directly from God (the Chief Engineer of Everything) how it all works -- as an Engineer, that is my highest form of praise, being amazed by His engineering. Believe me, I'll be praising Him for the way He built stars and planets and plants and animals and people and things I can't even imagine -- it'll be better than reverse-engineering a Furby while watching Modern Marvels ;) Maybe if I'm lucky He'll let me adjust some atoms or set off a few supernovas (I do love fireworks...) or something. I don't know exactly what He has planned for me up there, but I know I'll enjoy it whatever it is!

The Assistant Pastor at our church who leads the "worship team" (that is, music and singing) is amazed and astounded at the beauty of Gods creation and how it all plays together -- he praises through music. Believe me praise and worship are really fun for him and the worship team, they praise God in jam sessions! Yeah they'd be pretty bored playing harps for all eternity, but my bet is God has the most powerful set of amps in the universe waiting, and the most perfectly tuned Fender Stratocaster ever plugged in to them (could that be what pulsars are? maybe...) and with the angels as singers it is going to ROCK!

He loves His children, and He enjoys seeing us enjoying ourselves, so my bet is that it's going to be a lot of fun. The Bible describes it as a party. The images used are of a feast, a wedding party, being invited to join the King in running His kingdom. That sounds pretty good to me, and that in itself is praise.

So to think that we "must" praise Him for eternity is simply wrong -- we WILL praise Him, because we WANT to praise Him and we ENJOY praising Him, each in our own way. We can't stop praising Him, that's just how happy we are about knowing Him.

I truly and sincerely hope and pray that you will come to know Him and enjoy Him as I do -- it is great fun and a tremendous comfort.

2006-09-07 20:01:38 · answer #3 · answered by Mustela Frenata 5 · 0 0

Just praising Jesus will not get you into Heaven,or doing good deeds everyday will not either. You must believe that Jesus Died for our sins and you must believe that he IS alive and is returning to take us home with him. Home meaning Heaven where we go when we die here on earth. Look..we are all filthy rotten sinners on this earth and Jesus loves and forgives us all. We need to live our lives everyday for Jesus and we need to repent and ask for his forgiveness. He is our father and he will open up his arms to those whom accept him into their hearts. He knows we are not perfect,If we were perfect then we would not need our heavenly father friend. Just believe that Heaven is where our souls go and we can live happy,perfect everlasting lives. Jesus loves all his children. I learned a long time ago by letting Jesus be in my life that I can deal a whole lot better with things,just knowing that someday I may get to go to a better place..Heaven..believe it...there is no place like it...Jesus told us so and we have to believe him...What could be boring about having a perfect life in Heaven? Think abou t it. God Bless........

2006-09-07 19:55:02 · answer #4 · answered by Shortydeb 3 · 0 0

in case you stay in a Muslim united states and all you know is Islam, you'd be judged with the help of how properly you said the God that you know or perhaps if you probably did what replaced into proper. All goodness and actuality comes from the Holy Spirit. So once you've a touch Holy Spirit which exhibits you no longer to kill, etc. and also you keep on with as a lot as you know, you're righteous. although in case you've not heard the call of Jesus. If, on the different hand, you're a Christian pastor who's acquainted with proper from incorrect and would not keep on with it, then you definately are condemned.

2016-11-25 20:14:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We were created by God to have fellowship with Him, As a believer in Christ it's not about praising because were afraid of not making it to heaven. Our salvation is a gift from God, free of charge, paid by the blood of Jesus. Praising God is an act of love and thanks, honor and giving Him the glory. Once your heart is opened to God and allowing Him to show you His agape love, You don't want to ever stop praising Him.

2006-09-07 19:39:27 · answer #6 · answered by i serve HIM 2 · 0 0

i dont everyone that is praising God is just trying to get to heaven. For a lot of people, God has brought them out of some very bad situations. not dont get me wrong there are a lot of fake people and hypocrites in the church. but evryone hollerin "Jesus!" in the church is not going to heaven. you just worry about how your life as an individual is going and pray you make it into heaven. dont follow anyone elses understanding. get your own and ask God to help you understand

2006-09-07 19:32:21 · answer #7 · answered by ladyjaa 1 · 1 0

great question your getting there you see we praise because he is our creator we do fear him because he is God and the King of all, See we know he is the Rabbi of ours and we need to follow him and learn about him not because we just want to get to heaven but because we love him because he first loved us you see GOD IS LOVE :) we will go to heaven confess and repent and believe that he is God and he will rise you up and help you through it all, ANd revieve him as your personal lord and savior. You can do it its not to late at this moment. Time may be passing but do it now because remeber he is the LORD king of the universe . HEy i hope you understand and get the whole thing now believe because he is God and king ok , Peace be with you my friend

2006-09-07 19:32:53 · answer #8 · answered by BREATH NEVER PAUSE YOUR LUNGS!! 3 · 1 0

I am in love with my Jesus and my most favorite thing to do is worship Him, not because I have to , to avoid hell but because He is my closest friend, my rescue.
But while praise can bring miracles etc... It is only by believing in Jesus and the Blood he gave on the cross for our sins that gets you into Heaven, He got what we deserve, He took the punishment for us. When you ask Him to forgive your sins and invite him into your heart, He does. And when you realize that His Father dearly loved Him but He sent him for us, Jesus gave himself freely, suffered a cruel and painful death because He loves you, if you really get the revelation of His GRACE ,(and if you ask Him to reveal Himself to you, He will) you can't keep yourself from praising Him, it becomes your first desire, even consumes you. Really falling in Love, true love..He alone is worthy of all our adoration and affection. Its a Love thing,falling in Love ... and when you love someone, you want to tell them, you want them to know it, you want to give your life to them in every way that you can.Praise is like that. The amazing thing is that when you worship Him, you rare the one who receives the blessing! All guilt and shame is washed away and you feel new, clean again, like a new baby and the moment you begin to praise Him, you are in His presence, He inhabits that praises of His people. You can hear him, you can feel His love and it is the most wonderful experience you can have. Often, in worship gatherings, many are healed of sickness and pain, heartache and addictions. Praise is the most powerful force for wholeness that there is.
I hope this helps, but really, if you invite Jesus into your life and ask him to forgive your sins, He will, He is not mad at you He loves you and wants you for his own, you will know this love I am talking about, you will never be the same.
May God Bless You

2006-09-07 20:07:39 · answer #9 · answered by m 1 · 0 0

As eternal spiritual beings we are meant to love God, which includes thinking of Him, serving Him, glorifying Him etc. Somebody may glorify God or serve Him to achieve a certain goal, for example, going to heaven, or going back to spiritual world. But those who have actually achieved perfection of existence - those who have developed pure love for God - they take so much pleasure in glorifying God, His transcendental name, form, pastimes, associates and serving Him, that they do not desire anything but to continue to do what they are doing for all of eternity. If person's heart is pure, this glorification not only does not get boring, but it brings ever increasing inconceivable, unending ecstasy for all of eternity. Yes, in the spiritual world people are engaged in thinking about God, serving Him, glorifying Him, talking about Him and they are loosing their minds because of Him, because everybody there loves Him so much.
Would you like to taste the bliss of glorifying God? Pure devotees can teach you, how.

2006-09-07 19:42:43 · answer #10 · answered by H. B 3 · 0 0

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