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2006-09-07 19:19:31 · 38 answers · asked by Raja S 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

According to these sites they are not the same and I have learned something from your question as I have always thought they were the same but just different words to express it.





2006-09-07 19:38:05 · answer #1 · answered by # one 6 · 2 2

From the appearence, it may be the same. Both groups of people claim that He is the God of Abraham, and the one who created the heaven.

Difference is not just one been worshipped by Muslim, and the other by Christian and Jews. But the difference runs deeper than the skin.

1. Looking at the character, Allah was high away from us, and that he remains in 7th (or is it 9th) heaven. His angel came down and send his message to us.

The Lord (Yehweh) is not in heaven only, he also came down to us, spoke to Noah, walk with Abraham, appear before Moses and many other prophets.

2. Allah is all powerful, meaning he can both do good and evil. The Lord (Yehweh), in that sense, is not as powerful, for God can't do evil.

The Lord is Holy, and hate evil. Thus he will not do evil.

3. Allah demanded his people to perform the riture, to obey the law. Up to the point of death, no muslim can be sure of their salvation. It depends on the good deeds they perfrom while on earth. Thus, in another words, salvation from Allah is work, and we have to slog to get it.

Of cause there is a sure way to heaven, that is to kill infidel (Jews & Christian) so that Muslim can go heaven.

Right from Abraham's time, salvation is by grace from The Lord! Abraham is declared righteous by the Lord because he believed. (Genesis 15:6), Heb 2:4 says the righteous shall live by faith.

Romans taught us that only by faith can we please God.

4. Heaven where Allah dwell is not where the Muslim will goes to. Muslim goes to the level below the level where Allah dwells. For the muslim, heaven is the place where they can do everything they cannot while on earth, like drinking, sex with virgins (as much as 40 to serve one man, wonder who will serve the women, 40 young men?)

For the Christian, we dwells in the house of the Lord, and fellowship with him. How? I do not know the details. But in heaven, there is no more husband or wife, nor do we have any sex.

There are many more difference, more than the skin deep. All I can say is, it is the misunderstanding of one man, which cause so much problem now. That one man claim that he is prophets, and order to kills, robbed, and to rape.

That person, if it is ever a real prophet, was the only one which is non-Jews, and only one prophet what never prophecies anything.

He is sincere, he is righteous (before his wife died) and wise. After his wife died, he began to accumulate wives, wealth, and order all the evil to be done on to the 'people of the books' (Jews and Christians.).

I only pray, that people will look into the word of God, and see for themselves the way to God. Koran had declare that Isa (Jesus) is sinless, Isa is from heaven, and Isa will come and judge the world again. I do hope that muslim will place their hope on Isa.

Isa, the Koran also call it Almasih (Messiah), and hope that the Muslim will realised that part of the Koran. Isa is also the Kalimatulia, that is the word of God (Just as it was mentioned in John the Gospel). Thus, if Isa is Kalimatulia, than, read the Kalimatulia (Injil-Gospel), and find out the true.

May the Lord bless you.

2006-09-07 19:57:02 · answer #2 · answered by Melvin C 5 · 0 0

Allah is a compromised god made by the man Muhammed, Mainly because Jehovah/God, blessed Isaac's seed to inherit the land of Israel. While Abraham's half-son Ishmael (Arabs), were not the special people God had chosen for inheritance. I guess you can call it jealousy. This is why the Jews and the Muslims have bitterness between each other. And also why they fight so much over the land.

It's Basically, Brother vs. Step. Brother

2006-09-07 19:41:17 · answer #3 · answered by Brain 3 · 1 1

I don't know who is Jehovah but Allah is the One and only true God of every thing:

2006-09-07 20:08:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No.Allah is actually a Moon God. The Sabeans who worshipped Idols believed that Allah the Moon God married a Sun Goddess Allat and gave birth to 3 girls known at that time and worshipped by the Sabeans and arabs as "Daughters of allah" with name Al-lat,Al-uzza and Manat which is even recorded in the Koran. Please understand that during the time of Mohammed there was no religion called Islam and there were only 2 religions, that is Judaism of the Jews who worshipped Jehovah and Christians who worshipped Jesus Christ, both of them worshipping only One God. All the Arabs( Ishmael's descendants) were worshippers of 366 Pagan Idols .Mohammed who learnt the Bible from his Jewish Christian Wife(Khadija's) Cousin Warqah-bin, a learned Christian became angry with the Arabs for worshipping 366 idols which included Allah,Allat and the 3 daughters of allah and went to Mecca and told the People to throw the Idols. Since they refused he went back to Medina and brought an army and forcibly broke and threw the 366 idols. As this Moon God Allah is actually a Pagan God, many of its followers were not lovers of their own brothers(All human beings) and that is why we see the terror ,inhuman torture,beheadings,senseless violence every day created by its followers throughout the world.
Jehovah is the name for the Jewish God and Muslims who copied the Bible 600 years after the Injil(New Testament) was written were enemies of the Jews and so they inserted the name Allah wherever Jehovah was used. The Koran was written only in 630 AD by copying parts of the Bible.The Koran only has 6666 verses whereas the Bible has over 35,000 verses and therefore it is only a condensation with many errors brought by human beings. Even the Koran published by King Fahd in Saudi arabia has many many bible references clearly showing that without the Mother Book- the Bible, the Koran loses its credibility.

2006-09-08 09:05:29 · answer #5 · answered by Bharathi 4 · 0 2

The Lord of Abraham
The Ahura of Zoroaster
The Eishwar of Krishna
The Jehovah of Moses
The God of Jesus
The Allah of Muhammad
is the AlMighty One Alone God Only who is the Creator and Nourisher of us all.
The word of ALLAH is the name for God in Arabic language, which has been explained, through the following Verse of Quran:
(Al-Quran 2:255)
The Verse explains that Allah is illa hoo
illa means: Who is separate, beyond and nothing is alike Allah. Hoo means: the Extremely Surprising, the Supernatural and the Super-physical_____ Who is not encompass-able by human intellect and is Supreme Lord.

In short, ALLAH is not an idol or an image, which is grasped by human intellect, in terms of a thing, or a region, or a circumference. The word ALLAH is in fact, not a name of God, instead it is an introduction of God. Who is the Absolute Creator and the Absolute Almighty. This introduction is centralized on the following two points:

1.God is the Beyond of everything.
2.God is Extremely Surprising, not encompassable by intellect.

In the light of this very introduction of God____ it is positively clarified that we can not make any image or imagination of God’s existence. Nor, we can take God in terms of the created things. Nor we can ascribe, any name of the creatures, to God as God’s name. such an ascription, is equal to treat the Creator, as a creature.

In this world, we have always witnessed that it is the enemies alone, who try to diminish the dignity of some dignitary, on account of their enmity. By and by, it is also witnessed that when someone is diminished by his enemies, he does not tolerate his insult and begins to treat his enemies____ as his enemies. So, it is the very nature of one’s behaviour, which determines one’s role, as a friend or foe. This very attitude on our part, is actually a living verse of God. That is why, that thousands years ago, God addressed Moses (PBUH) and his nation, in the following words:

“I ___ and I alone_____ am God
No other god is real”
(Duet 32:39)

“Worship no god but Me!
Do not make for yourselves
images of anything in heaven
or on earth or in the water under the earth
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it
For I am the Lord your God and
I tolerate no rivals”.
(Duet 5:7 to 9)

And____ through these words, God has provided us the answers of those questions, which may arise about God’s real existence, till the Day of Resurrection. The answers are so comprehensive, that they remove every doubt, related to God’s existence.

2006-09-07 19:43:51 · answer #6 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 2 0

You can call God by any name,faith etc still He is God.We fail to understand this simple truth. Jesus,Allah,Ishwar etc everything is same and we Indians strongly believe this. This is the reason why India is such a great nation and great civilisation which believes in humanity as the essence of life.

2006-09-07 20:36:42 · answer #7 · answered by indianincredible 1 · 1 0

They are all the same!

Elohim [Heb. 'Elohim pl. of Eloah, God]/ El Yah [Heb. El, Lord + Yah, God]/ Allah [Ar. Allah: al, the + Ilah, god.]/ Jehovah [alteration of Heb. Yahweh, Yahweh.]/ Jahveh or Jahweh Variants of Yahweh also Yahveh- A name for God assumed by modern scholars to be a rendering of the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton. [Heb.]

They are all the same!

2006-09-07 19:49:22 · answer #8 · answered by WWJD: What Would Joker Do? 4 · 0 0

yes he is the same god as jehovah,he is jehovah,allah and jehovah is just different terms for different languages

2006-09-11 01:32:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Jehovah God is the Almighty Sovereign of the Universe.

Allah is a Satanic false god.


2006-09-08 06:22:48 · answer #10 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 0 1

I actually asked a Muslim this a few days ago. "Christians generally think that Allah is the same as Jehovah -- do Muslims think that too?"
She appeared pretty confused and said, "Well, he's the God of Abraham... but Christians took a wrong turn. Not the right messiah. We have the real messiah."
"So, you look at them kind of like the Jews do? Jesus is nice, but not the right one?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"But is it the same God?"
She looked confused again. "I don't know."

I guess they're rather strict with their religion, so if you're not on THEIR path, you're on the wrong one, no matter if it's the same God or not.

2006-09-07 19:32:55 · answer #11 · answered by Heather 3 · 1 3

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