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still, if he is the son of god, why would god let his son be killed? this all makes no-sense to me. what the Christians have to say about that

2006-09-07 18:39:09 · 35 answers · asked by ahmed_mo2nis 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

If god was killed, then who is gonna run the universe??

Moreover, if Jesus was the son of god then that means that god had sex with Mary, then how she is a virgin??????

2006-09-07 18:42:25 · update #1

sacrifice to remove sins??? this can be a Drama movie but not real life situation, if this is the case then this means that every human being can do whatever sins he like, since god already send his son to be killed for the sins of the people, wouldn`t god be sad from the people who killed his son?? how come he didn`t kill them at once???

2006-09-07 18:48:54 · update #2

If god has a son. wouldn`t he like any father who wants the best for his children, create the whole universe for his son to enjoy, he would try to protect his son from any harm, not to leave him killed, & for what?? for some humans he created???

2006-09-07 18:54:56 · update #3

35 answers

Jesus died on the cross to forgive us our sins, so we would not have to endur the same treatment ..

after all GOD did raise Jesus from the dead

2006-09-07 18:40:48 · answer #1 · answered by ♥ Lisa♥ 5 · 2 5

I would agree that the Christians have made a confusing mess of the story.
Jesus was supposed to be the Jewish peoples Messiah that would free them from the roman rule . A great warrior that would lead an army and defeat the Romans. they were disappointed when they got a great Rabbi that taught love and forgiveness instead of a rabble rosier.
That is where the earlier Christian Church started getting it wrong. They as Gentiles are supposed to keep the words and story pure and unchanged until the JEWISH NATION recognizes Jesus as THEIR TRUE SAVIOR.
They muddied the waters when they started changing things around to draw other religions into their rights and rituals to convert them into Christians.And dropping books from their cannons for being too Jewish or not provable.
Only the Physical body of Jesus was killed for a time. And then ascended in both physical body and SOUL together.

2006-09-07 19:03:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God made Jesus "sin." Obviously God the Father could not literally make His Son "sin." God is never portrayed as the source of sin. Because of this, some have softened this theory by saying that God did not literally make Jesus "sin," but Jesus can be considered as the personification of sin in a metaphorical way; namely, He became sin for us. In a symbolic sense and in a substitutionary way, sin was judged on the cross by being borne by and identified with Christ. Our sins were dealt with on the cross when Christ died for us, in our place.

Second, in no way does the Bible indicate that God had sex with Mary. He impregnated her. My view is that, being the master designer of the universe and everything in it (including Mary's womb) He probably has the know-how and ability to cause her to become pregnant without physical intimacy.

2006-09-07 18:52:24 · answer #3 · answered by Celestian Vega 6 · 0 0

Oh dude, you have it all messed up... :) I am not being smart about that either, you just don't understand... But neither do most Christians either:)... Here goes:
We know through Scripture (John 1:1-1:14, plus many other references) That Jesus was God - God manifest in the flesh (in other words made to look like mankind...) Jesus did create everything and knew everything... He is omniscient, but he also wanted mankind to have a self willed desire to worship him. God's plan and desire was for mankind to serve him out of their heart but in order for them to do that they must be created with a mind that could make decisions... i.e. Eat of that fruit or not, shoot that guy or not, etc...
Mankind made his path and could not through the original plan of God make a clean enough break from the world to even get in the presence of God's holiness...
So God said "Well, I will give them another way" - His previous word could not be negated or forgotten as His word stands forever, so a sacrifice was needed. And only a perfect sacrifice would work for all of mankind. Obviously there was no perfect sacrifice as only God is perfect, so he robed himself in humanity specifically for the reason of the sacrifice. The other 33 years were to build a fact (as for as mankind is concerned, we only believe what we see for the most part) based relationship with humanity. Upon his death and burial the sacrifice was made, but then we have the problem of "THIs is GOD??? He can't die..." Yeah, but it was also mankind... He was God but he was man??? Yeah, in our mind it is like me - I am Daddy, but I am Husband as well... Only God is not restricted to Man's rules of humanity. By the way that also answers your questions on God having sex with Mary... He didn't have to, He is God.
HE died for our sins and rose again for our salvation. Therefore this same God (Father, great creator, etc... ) is Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well... He could have done things differently I guess, but then again, I wouldn't know any other way that he could have paid that price without using himself...
I hope this helps - Read Luke, John and Acts in the Bible - That will help and won't take too much time... although what is time compared to eternity??? . that is even more...

2006-09-07 19:01:59 · answer #4 · answered by Keith C 1 · 0 0

All the christianity promises is confusion... According to them God has been able to beget in thousands of years ONLY ONE SON... and that too from a human female... and only to kill him... and as for being raised from the dead this does not make anyone equal to God... all humans will be raised from the Dead on the day of judgement... so all humans are gods??? how very ridiculous...
I encourage the christians to be more open-minded in their thinking... May Almighty God guide us all to the straight path...

2006-09-07 19:13:17 · answer #5 · answered by mmfmmk 2 · 0 0

Well according to christianity... God is a holy trinity... the father, the son(jesus) and the holy spirit!

Jesus was sacrifice to save us all. Even on his cross... Jesus woundered and doubted his father's will. But Jesus died in that horrible way to suffer for all of humanities sins and he was the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity. When we the end comes.... all christians will supposedly go to heaven because Jesus will have died for their sins. He basically gave us all vip tickets for heaven.... but only if you are a christian! We are all forgiven in advance... but still have to honour his death by living a good christian life according to the teachings of Jesus!

(and to answer another answer... Jesus never really walked on water... that's a metaphor used by one of the writers that is very misunderstood. In those days... waters where a world of mystery full of monsters and demons. The represented the darkworld... Jesus walking over water just means that he was above the darkness and evil... I don't know if I'm explaining this properly... anyways... you kinda get the point!)

2006-09-07 18:45:09 · answer #6 · answered by Socrate 2 · 1 3

honestly, this is too complicated for an anonymous website chat. any local church would be happy to explain this too you, or even your local grocery store checker, or your drycleaner, or the gas station attendent. it's all pretty simple. seek and you shall find, but take my advice and ask someone this question in person. that way you'll be able to have a two-way conversation about it. and any other questions that you have as your discussing can be brought up then. good luck! promise, it's not as crazy as it sounds. it's just hard to wrap your head around if you've never been exposed to it before. keep your mind and heart open and you just might discover the answer on your own. consider this... if you had children and they were in danger would you give your life to save theirs? what would your life be worth if you went on living while you watched your own children die? if it were so simple that giving of yourself would save others (everyone else) then you might be moved to do the same as Jesus (God). When he died, he paid for the sins of everyone else. He did that so that we (His children... children of God) could live. He didn't have too, but he wanted to, because he loved us that much.

2006-09-07 18:48:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

First of all, Jesus didn't kill himself. He voluntarily died to atone for the combined evil doings of mankind. He was born for this purpose. And if you continued reading the story, He rose from the tomb & back to life on the third day. Jesus is alive.

Abraham was shown this plan when God told him to sacrifice Isaac, which He later told Abraham not to do.

So, God allowed Jesus to be crucified. Being nailed to the cross wasn't something He did Himself, but He knew it was going to happen and He knew why it was being allowed to happen. Because He lives, we too can have eternal life.

2006-09-07 18:49:18 · answer #8 · answered by Jeff W 4 · 2 2

Firstly Jesus is not God.Almighty God is Jehovah.
To answer your second question we need to go back to the garden of Eden.Jehovah created the first human pair in perfect health and designed them to live forever,which they were to do in Eden,a garden paradise.
However, they disobeyed their Creator,by listening to Satan and rebelling against Jehovah God.As a result they lost the gift of everlasting life.They started to age and eventually die.As offspring of Adam and Eve,we all inherit imperfection and sin.So we are all doomed to suffer and die.
However, this was not God's plan for mankind.And in order to rectify the situation,the scales of justice needed to be balanced,so to speak.As it was a perfect human who lost life for mankind,another perfect human life was needed to buy back what had been lost.However,there did not exist anyone amongst mankind who could equal Adam.Therefore, because God loved the world(of mankind)so much,he allowed his only begotten Son,Jesus Christ to come down to earth as a perfect human and offer that perfect life as a ransom sacrifice,so that whoever exercises faith in that ransom has the opportunity to gain back the gift of everlasting life,which otherwise had been lost for all.(John3:16,17:3)

Without going into too much detail,this basically answers your questions

2006-09-07 18:52:02 · answer #9 · answered by lillie 6 · 0 2

Well all the young men of his day thought crusifiction was cool - So off the young Jesus went taunting Romans and they nailed him to a tree for it

All I ever wanted to know was why Jesus (the son of god) could walk on water turn water into wine and all that but in the 33 years he was on the earth never figured out how to work a pen .

Gospel acording to Mark John Mathew etc Gospel acording to Jesus - opps forgot ?Maybe he commited suicde after he realised his penmanship was a complete failure

2006-09-07 18:44:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

The idea is that we are all god's children and that there is nothing to fear in death, because there is life after death. A life of great joy where you are reunited with loved ones and cared for. That was what the Jesus thing is trying to show people - that even in death we are not destroyed, our essence continues. That's a very comforting thing for many people.


2006-09-07 18:42:21 · answer #11 · answered by carole 7 · 2 2

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