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30 answers

Well, as a Muslim in general, i think it's complete b u l l s h i t.

Excuse my language.

But i just find the ignorance of others to be astounding. They claim to be the best nations in the world yet are rude and void of compassion regarding anybody who has a different religion or viewpoint than their own.
I also find it hard to believe that women who wear hijab are mocked when Israeli women as well as Christian women in Middle Eastern countries cover themselves and their hair. And this is of their own accord according to their OWN beliefs. Read up on it if you doubt my words. Actually, go visit Israel and Turkey to see for yourselves.

It's kind of ironic how they pick and choose what to follow in their religion.

It drives me absolutely insane.

They preach liberty yet admonish us for our beliefs.
Like all of us are terrorists.

Sorry... but let me define terrorist:

One who utilizes the systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve political objectives, while disguised as a civilian non-combatant. Terrorism is a controversial and subjective term with multiple definitions. One definition means a violent action targetting civilians exclusively. Another definition is the use or threatened use of violence for the purpose of creating fear in order to achieve a political, economic, religious, or ideological goal. ...

What exactly does that make Bush? And before you all get high and mighty, look at what's really going on in Iraq. Study the d a m n statistics. And isn't "freedom for the middle east" the supposed political goal?

It irritates me to no end.

I wear hijab and it makes me sad that i have to worry about the people in my city and what they'll think when i've been living here my whole life. I was born in the major hospital. And yet the minute i put it on, i became one of "them".

Sometimes when i'm in a mall or something, i want to rip my hijab off and scream

"See, i'm a human being. I'm the exact same as you. How do you like me now? Am i still a terrorist?"

I hate feeling as though i should be ashamed of who i am....

I love my religion and i know what it means to me. And i know it's not hateful or full of spite. I know it's really peaceful. And i hate how the majority is to blame for the actions of a few extremists.

On a final note, i love my country... which is by all rights Canada... i abide by the rules and laws set by the government, i respect my fellow citizens... i just wish they treated me the same.

Nobody will ever know what it's like until they're in our situation.

And to the man above who claims the Quran states that Jesus is a cheat. I'm sorry but read it again. We believe that Jesus was a prophet and he is a well respected individual in our religion. He is a very special man. The only real difference is that we don't believe he's the son of God. If that makes us blasphemous then i guess according to that same logic, your religion is blasphemous as well. Just because we're different and believe in different things does not make us lesser human beings.

We're equal. The only thing that defines us is our character.

And to all those saying that we should get the f u c k out of "your" country, get the f u c k out of ours! You all think you're so smart and knowledgeable, but read up on the history of Islam. How was it spread??? By force??? I'm sorry. But look up the Ottoman Empire. Who paid higher taxes? The Muslims. Were the Christians and Jews forced to become Muslims? No. They could have their own churces and synagogues. Who invited the Jews into "Palestine" in the first place when they had nowhere else to go? The Muslims.
Don't believe me? Please. Be my guest and read a book on the Ottoman Empire as well as Islamic history.

But then again, why would any of you want to admit the truth? That we're really not bloodthirsty tyrants. Just a few of our extremists. But then again, so were the Christian extremists in the Crusades... the KKK... Timothy McVeigh... ECT.

2006-09-07 18:39:33 · answer #1 · answered by falzalnz 6 · 2 2

How many Americans in general wonder why the Muslim fanatics amongst the Muslim community feel so much hatred for American ideals and lifestyle? Maybe because the Koran teaches hate. It's a scarey thing when you are on the wrong side of that book. And most Americans have every right to be weary. And how exactly does the Western world treat the faith and values of a Muslim? Most Americans are Christians and the Bible teaches love. Most Americans may disagree with Islam, but because of Christianity they live and let live. They may try to convert a Muslim....just as a Muslim would try to convert a Christian, but they don't try to force anyone to become a Christian. Most of the most fanatical Christian's today would never use violence against a Muslim, but it can't be said the same for the most fanatical Muslim. It is only logical that the Western world has reservations and suspicion. It is only logical.

2006-09-07 18:33:11 · answer #2 · answered by Bubbles 4 · 1 2

If you are offended, then how do you think "The Western World" feels about the Twin Towers attack? The Muslim followers have sworn jihad on Christians, have they not? I am offended by the actions of the Muslim extremists. Why do the Muslims want all Christians dead or converted? AND DON'T CALL ME A NON-muslim (not capital on purpose) I am a Christian.

2006-09-07 18:45:18 · answer #3 · answered by anjlkisz 1 · 1 1

What??? Offended? Man, how are we supposed to act? Oh I believe in Jesus Chr... Whack - Your head rolls, because you don't belive in Muhammed or the Muslim Theology.
I am not saying we shouldn't respect other faiths, but good grief - Look in the MIRROR...
Do the majority of muslims respect Americans?
Remember we are the great satan... The doers of ALL evil - in other words - muslims are perfect in every way and Christians are wrong in every way...? That is not even possible.
We are the ones that were attacked... And don't give me this bull that "(in wimpy voice) Well, the Christians came over to take our oil and wanted to change our way of thinking first..." Bull corn - We can continue to go back centuries and we will find that the muslims were the first attacker - Remember Mecca and Medina? How were they converted to the Muslim faith? FORCE and they were mostly Christians before Muhammed...
Please man, look - Give it a break... If you don't like America - Don't come here! This is the LAND OF THE FREE - No one here can make anyone else do anything else! And WE DON"T LIKE WHINERS!

2006-09-07 18:36:06 · answer #4 · answered by Keith C 1 · 2 2

I don't think its just the western world who feels that way about your religion its anyone with common sense... I admit I don't know much about your religion but the same could be said about any other religion including my own. my beliefs are my own. My feelings about the issue though are that any religion no matter what it is that degrades and undermines a certain class of people whether they are black white gay straight men or women is wrong. If you think of it in that way and consider from the other persons point of view for even one second you'll have your answer. Always remember actions speak louder then words. People remember what they see longer then what they heard.

2006-09-07 18:41:21 · answer #5 · answered by Mirage202001 2 · 2 0

I am not Muslim but are you asking

Are American Muslims and the American way against the Muslims in your original country?

Are the American Muslims acting and believing differ ant?

That interesting even if I am not Muslim

2006-09-07 18:34:09 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

it is not the muslim that the western world spurns. it is the radical element within it's faith that is perceived as evil.

unfortunately, most western (and now eastern) nations recall the 9/11 attacks, the affronts by saddam hussein and a very few of those who have declared jihad against us and therefore associate all muslims with the actions of the few.

it is the very few, but very vocal radical element of ANY faith that upsets me. even my own christian faith is soiled at times because of those christians who think that nobody else has the right to live or believe as the wish.


2006-09-07 18:33:05 · answer #7 · answered by eaglemyrick 4 · 3 1

I am personally not a Muslim... and I am greatly offended by the way the Western World treats your faith and values.

2006-09-07 18:27:57 · answer #8 · answered by Big Daddy T 2 · 3 3

Any American Muslims that are offended should pack their bags, go back to IRan or Iraq or Palestine or LEbanon and live the way the live with their faith and values.

You shouldn't have come here to begin with,unless you like our value system and way of life!

Why go someplace that isn't condusive to you!

I'm serious!

I wouldn't go to the outback of Australia because that lifestyle just wouldn't be comfortable to me.

I wouldn't go to Greeland or Finland, it's way too cold for me.

I might go to parts of Bavaria or Germany, I like really good beer.

I only go places where I like to live and feel comfortable. I don't go to where it's uncomfortable.

If you don't like rock, country music, beachs, bikini girls, booze clubs, belly shirts, short shorts, MTV, the Playboy channel and Jehovah's witnesses coming to you door, don't come to America!

It's that simple!

And if you practice your Jihad here, Joe Bob is liabel to burn down your house or hang you from a tree like they did in the 1950 to another group of people they didn't like. So far no one is doing this, but bomb a few K-Marts and watch what happens.

Americans are tolerant only to a degree. Look what the passengers on Flight 93 did. They smashed heads.

2006-09-07 18:36:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hi i am not a muslim or a man of any faith but a man who belives in the love of man and all gods. And i would say yes i am ofended by the way american pepole (christian or not) treat muslims. the trurh is that the 9/11 atacks were staged as a smoke screen to invade another contry and steal natral resorsis to make money. but beyond that it created hate and tension between rases and hate creates violence and that led to increese in terorism in iraq (witch had nothing at all to do with 9/11 staged or real) and leading more pepole to belive the propoganda aganst them saying that muslims are hate full and killers all of them.this in turn lead to pepole coining words like "sand ******" and "towle head" (evan though seeks not muslims were turbans). so to stop this hate from going out of hand on bouth sides stop for a moment and look at you "enemy" muslim or christian and see them as a person not a symbol and then try to find a way to hate them. and on another note please for the love of all gods all you christians take off your jesus bumper stickers a true beliver would not need a bumper sticker to remind them of there fate nor need one at all.
with true and real love to all
Alex Goit
San Clementa, CA

2006-09-07 19:06:58 · answer #10 · answered by Alex Goit 1 · 0 1

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