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32 answers

i am a christian and very proud of it

2006-09-07 18:04:50 · answer #1 · answered by papaofgirlmegan 5 · 1 4

I use to be a Christian. I thought that people who believed other religions were stupid because there was so much proof that Jesus was Gods son. For example, angles came from heaven and told people that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. How could a Muslim deny evidence like that?

Then, when I was about ten years old, I learnt that there was no proof that Jesus was the son of God or even that God existed. The only case that Christians, or people of any religion, can make is that God MUST exist because the universe exists. Even if this argument is valid, why must that God be the God of the New Testament? Or the God of the Old Testament? Or the God whom Mohammad meet? Or Shiva or Buddha?

I abandoned Christianity when I learnt that in order to be a Christian I need faith. Some people think faith is a virtue, but I don't see it that way. Of course I have faith (trust) in somethings. I trust certain people because I know they won't hurt me. I know this because they have always helped me. I could be wrong, but it's unlikely. But having faith in religion is another thing all together. It requires the worshipper to believe something when all the evidence indicates that it is wrong. As I said earlier as case could be made that something powerful had to create the universe, but what that thing is remains a mystery. Believing that Jesus is the Son of God won't help clear up that mystery. And I'm not the kind of person who can have blind faith.

2006-09-07 18:28:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I read The Bible and went to church, and believed it all for many years. Then I noticed that what I had learned from Christianity contradicted my experience. First I tried to make the real world fit in to my Christian view. Then I tried to make the religion fit the real world. Neither of these approaches worked, so eventually I just had to give it up as a bad job. It was either that or go insane, which, unfortunately, is the route that a lot of people take.

And let me say, it's not because I experienced some kind of trauma associated with Christianity, or because I got mad at God and renounced him. It's not because I'm a hateful person, filled with bitterness.

Christianity just doesn't make any sense.

2006-09-07 18:19:36 · answer #3 · answered by RabidBunyip 4 · 1 0

I was raised with different views, I didn't want to be a part of a group who thought their way was the only right way and wasn't tolerant of others. And for my love of nature, and wanting an active role in my spritual beliefs. I also feel that i must determine what is right for me on my own, yes it's a trial and error, but then it is more satisfying, I feel home and content being Pagan, I was never comfortable in the confines of christianity.

2006-09-07 18:09:19 · answer #4 · answered by paganrosemama 3 · 3 0

For all of the "Christians" that feel that they need to cram it down other people's throats, there are extremely few who are worthy of suggesting to others the correct way to conduct one's life. Sure, nobody is perfect, and you can ask forgiveness for your sins. But the Christians that I knew made an art out of being imperfect, and made a huge show of getting their forgiveness. Definately not the type who should be guiding others, let alone shouting at the rest of us how we're gonna burn in hell, and who we should elect to office.
Thank you.

2006-09-07 18:09:12 · answer #5 · answered by KSR 2 · 1 0

i was raised christian by my parents, till i was27 and became Muslim.im not a christian anymore because even during my childhood it never squared with me that a man was God and son of God at the same time.believe it or not.my doubts during that period of youth prepared me for the day i realized i could think and do for myself.my disillusionment with Christianity made it easy to put my guard down when i was introduced to Islam.and even though i didn't become Muslim for about a yr later i always knew during that time that it was the truth.old beliefs die hard and i fought it for awhile because of what i was taught as a child.eventually Islam won out and i can honestly say that it is my intention to never leave Islam.Allah has made it beautiful in my heart.so in a nutshell,it was alot easier to believe in one true God than a 1+1+1=1 God,that never made sense to me even as a child.

2006-09-07 18:37:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It just seems so hypocritical to me in general.

Jesus did not preach for us to judge each other, but to love each other and treat each other as we would like to be treated.

All this sparring between different sects of the Christian religion is just more hypocrisy. Ridiculous.

I believe in God and love Jesus but I simply cannot abide by some of the man-made doctrines of organized religion.

I follow my own path and I think God will understand that. The God I believe in anyway, who is unconditionally all-loving. Not just of some, who follow some arbitrary "rules" but of ALL!

2006-09-07 18:08:32 · answer #7 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 0 0

I've had the unfortunate event of a higher education where I learned about world history and the origin of the early Christian church. Knowing what really happened was disappointing, but liberating. This life is much more precious to me now as I know its the only one I'm going to get.

2006-09-07 18:03:49 · answer #8 · answered by Paul H 6 · 4 1

Because I'm not a Christian.

2006-09-07 22:43:42 · answer #9 · answered by Sincere Questioner 4 · 0 0

Now, please ponder over the fact that Torah says: there is no God save the One, the Holy One. Jesus says: there is no God save the One, the Holy One. And__ Quran says: - there is no God save the One, the Holy One. Then, what is the justification for Trinity or any other type of Polytheism???

Torah, Psalms, Gospel and Quran, all the Scriptures are saying that God is One, the Holy One. So whosoever does not believe in One God, he is definitely denying all the Scriptures. Such a person can not be considered as a believer at all.

No Prophet or a righteous-man has ever dared to say that he, himself, should be honoured like God or worshipped like God. Satan, of course, had certainly said to Jesus to worship him in place of God but Jesus had responded in the following way:-

“Go away Satan! The Scripture says: Worship the Lord you God and serve only the Lord.”
(Matthew 4:10)

In the same way, Jesus has responded in his prayer on the cross while uttering the following lines of the Verse No.23:-

“Praise the Lord, you servants of the Lord!
Honour the Lord, you descendants of Jacob!
Worship the Lord, you people of Israel!”

No doubt, it is a matter of simple common-sense that when God is One__ the Lord is One__ the saviour is one__ the Holy and Only One__ then, how his slaves or servants__ can be held as worthy of the honour & service__ which is meant for the Holy One alone. But alas! The people are honouring and serving the slaves and servants__ just like the Lord. Rather, they have chosen them as God & the Lord__ in place of the Holy One. And__ Christians are the pioneers of such ideas. They have straightaway declared Jesus as God & Lord and the Saviour. Rather, they hold Jesus as the sole sovereign of the Day of Judgement, instead of the Lord, the Almighty God, the Holy One.

Praise be to God, those who read Torah, Psalms & Quran they can not be deceived by John. Because they do know the fact that there is no God beside the One God and ascription of partners beside the One God is clear-cut rivalry and refusal of Alone God. While it stands, already well announced by the Lord in vigorous terms that:-

“Worship no god but Me, Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol or worship it because I am the Lord your God and I tolerate no rivals.”
(Exodus 20:3 to 5)

Like Jesus, Mary and Moses every Prophet and every righteous person has praised__ honoured__ and worshipped the Lord, alone. So, the followers of all the Scriptures, should naturally praise__ honour__and worship the Lord alone as that__ and only that__ is the true faith and all of us should keep our Lord alone as our saviour with us here and hereafter.

Beware please! The mankind at large___ is not a Jew, nor Hindu, nor Buddhist, nor Christian, nor Muhammadan or so on. Instead all nations and all races are children of Adam (PBUH)___ and the most dignified creature of the Creator__ and the Creator is the Holy One. Who has commanded Adam and his children___ to believe in the Lord’s Absolute Oneness__ and to act, exactly, in accordance with the Lord’s Commandments. Otherwise, on the Day of Judgement___ they will be among no community but the condemned-ones.

True servants of the Lord should, therefore, never be named after their Prophets__ as Abrahamics (the followers of Abraham)__ Jacobeans (the followers of Jacob)___ Christians (the followers of Christ)___ or Muhammadans (the followers of Muhammad). They should be properly named as Muslims___ or the servants of the Lord___ as they have been named in the Bible as well as in Quran. The Bible contains the name of slave/servant while Quran contains the name of Muslim. The literal oneness of the name of slave/servant and Muslim___ does indicate the virtual oneness of belief. The belief of all the Prophets__ was one and the same__ and that was faith and trust in One Alone God.

2006-09-07 20:45:02 · answer #10 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 0 1

1. The bible teaches hate
2.The bible teaches intolerance
3. Christians think they can judge who is going to hell
4.There is more than 1 road to God and he doesn't care which road you take
5., He doesn't care if you choose not to take any road.
6. I am pro-choice
7. I know that a person's sexuality is not a choice
8.I believe that Jesus was the son of God as we are all children of God.

I'll let you know when I think of more

2006-09-07 18:21:11 · answer #11 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 2 1

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