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Looking for a real person who has the same things as I do. I have a REAL hard time with anxiety disorder..panic attacks, and a mild depression. I am a otherwise normal, healthy young woman. I have bouts of crying for no reason. I am on Effexor but it isnt helping alot. my chest hurts alot, get sick on stomach alot too.I also have an INTENSE fear of death and having something wrong with me all the time. If anyone out there is like this too, please contact me id love to chat.

2006-09-07 15:50:44 · 16 answers · asked by amandaangel1 2 in Health Mental Health

16 answers

God Bless You. You sound like I wrote this. Yes, I have had all of those things. It sounds like the Effexor is not helping you. I too tried it and now I am on Wellbutrin. It is much better. I was also on Zanex for several years but am currently off that and saw my doctor today and he prescribed something else that is not addictive.
My Panic attacks started when I was married previously and was in an abusive relationship. I have dealt with depression off and on my whole life. I just did not know what it was until about 20 yrs ago when I started seeing stuff on tv about child abuse and it brought back feelings I had when I too was abused by a family member. I have been through group therapy, and that helps some because you can talk out alot of things. I do not think I will ever be completely over it tho. Marrying an abusive alcoholic did not help. Then about 10 years ago, my fiance was killed in a car wreck about a mile from our house, then my grandmother passed away 6 mos. later. All through that time, my sister was diagnosed with a brain tumor and told she had 18 mos. She also had lung cancer at 44. She passed away the following year.
Seems so many people I know have passed away and it does really upset you. I have a fear of death also but I try not to dwell on it because I just feel if its GODs will, worrying will not change it and I have come to realize I should enjoy every day I have because I spent so much time of my life preoccupied that I let alot of years go by that I could have enjoyed more. Now I have grandkids and my daughters are grown. I also have a wonderful husband. I am truly blessed and try to tell GOD everyday thank you for letting me see this day and be here.
Also my best friend committed suicide about 6 months ago so I am still having some things to keep me depressed to a degree. Anyway there are other factors involved. I did not mean to get carried away with myself but I do not know it helps sometimes to realize you are not alone. Do not feel bad about seeking help.
Surround yourself with those you love and that love you. I would love to hear from you. Email pgzapf@yahoo.com and I will email you back. I am not on instant messaging but I can get on it.
and talk to your doctor about switching your medication for sure

2006-09-07 16:30:49 · answer #1 · answered by Patti Z 2 · 0 0

Anxiety has taken over most of my life. I am on 4 different meds for it and it is still there. I will admit it isn't as bad as it once was....but I still have to take Ativan 2-3 times a day to control it and I as well have stomach problems. When I get to anxious it makes me so sick i throw up. I feel my anxiety in my neck when I know an attack is coming on. I also can't sleep very well. I don't think I have had a full nights sleep in years. I know part of my problem is a self medicate. Meaning I take sleeping meds a lot and I drink. I am sure they are just making the problem worse. I am working on both of those problems, but of course it makes the anxiety worse.

If the Effexor isn't helping go back to your doctor and get something else. There are also books that help you to understand your feelings and teach you how to get through a panic attack. I have had many of them and been in the hospital a couple times...but have been able...with the help of Ativan....been able to stop the panic attacks from happening at all. I do get anxious everyday, but the panic attacks don't happen anymore. Knock on wood.

Get in touch if you want to talk.

2006-09-07 16:07:43 · answer #2 · answered by Aimee B 2 · 0 0

I think you should stay on the Effexor for a little while longer. I felt just like you did, crowds scared me, I worried about every little thing. Then I took Effexor and my fears disapeared. It helped so much. You might want to try a higher dose, that is what I needed. I'm on 150mg right now, but the max is 300mg. You could up it.

Now, you mention pain, if the effexor doesn't work give it at least a month or two at the highest dose before give up. You can try Cymbalta. It is a newer drug and works to alliviate acute muscle pain. I don't know if that would help your or not though. But Effexor is still the best. It is also an anti-anxiety drug. Anything like Xanax or Valium will just work for a while and then you could get addicted to it. Klonipin is another one, but I think it is a bit better.

Zoloft is an older drug, it could work but it only works on Seretonin levels where as Effexor and Cymbalta work on Seretonin and Norphenephrine. Anyway, trust me, i was just like you and the Effexor worked. Give it a while longer at a higher dose and you could be anxiety free just like me.

2006-09-07 16:02:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been depressed since i was around 13. I had a really hard time also. Three years ago, i finally went to my dr. and was put on Lexapro. It worked really well for me. I took it for maybe two years and weaned myself off of it. Now I am doing fine. But I do still have anxiety at work A LOT. I really think you need to sit down and talk to someone about the feelings you are having. You need to vent out your fears and sadness. Maybe you need to talk to your dr. about something to help with the actual anxiety attacks, not just preventative like effexor. I hope you do find some answers and help with it, because believe me I do know how you feel.

2006-09-07 15:59:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi! You are very smart and can see that your reaching out is good for you.
Perhaps you are just plain normal, going through "change" as in growing pains. I won't say a sense of humor will cure you but I wish there was a joke I could tell you now to make you laugh. It will help to realize that this could also be a phase that someday you will look back at, and say, Man am I glad that's over, but till then:

1. Find someone that you can trust.
2. See if you can build list of people you can trust.
3. There are support groups and many times associated with churches. Many times they don't care what religion you believe in.
4. See if you doctor's office has knowledge of support groups.
5. Try to write it down to get it out...yes out of your system.
6. Then burn the list or tear it up, yes that helps.
7. When you feel bad, it's ok, yes very very ok to cry.....so what...if people can't cry, it's their secret.....maybe they only cry in secret.
8. MAke a list of what you want to do....if you had no limits in the next 10 years.
9. Try this group. Many deal with disabilities, and their site is great!NO EXCUSES, NO LIMITS

Denny Chipollini
Inspirational Speaker
Personal Fitness and Lifestyle Trainer
Founder of Generation Hope

10. Reach out to any guidance counselors you know.

11. Try to go to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy yourself a small (now $.88 or $1.50) "mum" or other plant with flowers. Flowers are good for the soul.

12. Believe that you can do something today. All you need is within you............now listen to your heart....it says this day is made for change.

Much Love, me...........

2006-09-07 16:12:31 · answer #5 · answered by May I help You? 6 · 0 0

I know the feeling. I had my first full blown panic attack at the age of 17. I still struggle with it at the age of 53. I have had good luck controlling the panic attacks with Paxil but still have bouts of mild depression. I am reading a wonderful book by Pema Chodron, The Places that Scare You. It is beautifully written and a pleasure to read. It is about how we always have a choice in life and not to fall back on habitual patterns. Also good is Recovery, Inc., a self-help group for people with mental illness. See if there is a chapter in your area. Good Luck.

2006-09-07 16:01:43 · answer #6 · answered by Suzanne S 1 · 0 0

amanda your not otherwise healthy--i know what your saying but you need to get off the effexor it's not the right medication for you and you need therapy and meds and also some deep soul searching to find out how you became this fearful in the first place so you can start living your best life -- i hate to see you living this way . Do you have kids? Please take my advice life is sooo short and you sound like a really nice person who wants help.. best of luck and if there is anything more you would like to share contact me...

2006-09-07 16:05:17 · answer #7 · answered by kelly 3 · 0 0

I went thru a mild form of those symptoms several years back. Have you had any huge changes to your lifestyle? I think that's what had caused mine. Wish I could help more. There should be support groups out there. Have you logged onto yahoo 360 yet? In Mountain's (the one with the ants logo), There are several support groups listed, but I don't know what type. Jokes seem to help. Ive come across some funny stuff today in Yahoo Answers. The frog fill-in joke was FUNNY! I'm in a funk over my A_ _ Hole neighboor dog situation; look up dogs.

2006-09-07 16:03:04 · answer #8 · answered by Suze 2 · 0 0

I have not had anxiety so much but I am familiar with depression. My number one suggestion is meditation. Anytime you experience any of these feelings or just when you want to practice try focusing on your breath. This brings you out of your head and connects you to reality. It takes time for you to be adept enough to see profound effects but if you take my words seriously and practice practice practice I would honestly be surprised if you didn't find peace.

I also recommend a book called the Power of Now by Echart Tolle. This book will help to give you the tools to practice living in the present moment. Most of our pain we cause ourselves because we are depressed about the past of fear something about the future, etc.

If this post touches you feel free to contact me with any question or need for support. I sincerely wish you find the healing you are looking for.

2006-09-07 16:02:26 · answer #9 · answered by Love of Truth 5 · 0 0

I can totally relate. I had the same thing you did. But mine was more angoraphobia. But I got the major panic attacks, knots in my stomach, everything. Its hard. Me and my husband both suffer from anxiety, I take lexapro and my husband takes xanax and ours work for us. You might have to go back to your doctor and ask for a stronger med. You sound like text book depression. My husband says get xanax it will help. He went through the same thing for a while, couldn't even get out of bed. We both understnd how you feel and what you are going through. If you need someone to talk to you can always email me or him at angelbaby639@yahoo.com. We are more then happy to help you through this. Good luck and please go see your doctor. You wont be cured over night but he can help.

2006-09-07 16:25:40 · answer #10 · answered by sj830 2 · 0 0

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