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I pray & try my hardest to be good but I still have a horrible quality of life.....God won't help me & I get sabotaged in my efforts to help myself, It leaves me very depressed & angry!!!
I am Disabled, Poor, one of my friends betrayed me & dumped my children at the Dept. of Human services & They are putting us through hell to get them back......I am Trying to find ways to deal with my anger & help myself - How come god NEVER cuts me a break??

2006-09-07 15:38:52 · 28 answers · asked by Catcanscratch 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Actually someone else gave me this computer for helping with his computer & My family pays for my internet because I don't have cable or anything - People who think a disability isn't difficult need to be in a wheelchair for a week & experience discrimination by almost every potential employer they come across & people who would just as soon watch you die than talk to you

2006-09-07 15:57:38 · update #1

Actually someone else gave me this computer for helping with his computer & My family pays for my internet because I don't have cable or anything - People who think a disability isn't difficult need to be in a wheelchair for a week & experience discrimination by almost every potential employer they come across & people who would just as soon watch you die than talk to you

2006-09-07 15:57:39 · update #2

28 answers

Living a christian life is probably one of the most difficult things that a person can do. You are beset on all sides by persecution and there is the fact that bad things will still happen to you. I cannot honestly tell you why God is allowing these things to happen to you but I want to encourage you in a few ways. The first is that this is not neccisarily your fault. As we see in the book of Job and Ecclesiastes, bad things can very easily happen to good people.
Secondly I would like to encourage you to understand that you cannot control your anger, depression, or pain. These are things that you are going to have to let go of and lay at the foot of the cross. I am not saying this to be pat. You must stop relying on yourself and begin trusting that He, whos strength is made perfect in your weakness, will begin the healing process in you. You have probably heard that God helps those who help themselves. This is a myth to a certain extent. No matter how hard you work at it you will not be able to satisfy your own desires, it doesnt matter if you become rich, are miraculously healed and get your kids back. You have to depend on Him to help you get through this.
Thirdly, seek a support group. Find a local church body that is willing to accept you for who you are and support you in this time of trouble. God never wanted us to do this life alone. He set up the church to help support us in our times of need. That is what it is there for.
And lastly I am going to suggest that you try to learn from the experiences that you are going through. It probably isnt what you want to hear, but in James chapter one we find that our trials and tests are meant to deapen our faith, and make us stronger. I know it doesnt seem this way but perhaps you are going through this now so that you can support another brother or sister down the road, you never know.
I will be praying for you and I hope that you were able to get at least something usefull out of what I said.

2006-09-07 16:11:35 · answer #1 · answered by Kenneth F 2 · 2 0

First I have to say that I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time. Everyone has their good and bad phases in life. God is with you and loves you. I believe that in some ways he tests us on how we handle certain situations and to make us stronger or to learn an important lesson. Choose how you handle this situation wisely and think, how would God want you to handle this situation. Don't give up on God as he will never give up on you. The anti-christ thrives on people straying from God and through Jesus you will overcome this obstical. Remember things happen to you for a reason and it can only make you a stronger person. Something must of happened that made your friend worry about your children and may be this was a way of them saying - you need to do something different with your life OR this person is a very hurtfull person. Either way, keep praying, talk to a minister or priest or whomever you can speak with at church. They may be able to help you. I'm sure you are doing whatever you can to get them back.

God bless and keep him near you.

2006-09-07 16:02:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First, you are to be commended for your strength and discipline. Difficult it is to maintain discipline in the face of hardships. I would also like to apologize for all the rude people who answered this question. God never said that the life would be all roses. Surely, not every single minute of your life is negative. Surely, something bad doesn't happen every single minute. You are at a disadvantage and unfortunately, people take advantage of that. It is similar to being a minority. You are treated with contempt, anger, hatred and fear. Because you are not the majority. Being Christian is difficult, but it is worth it. Hopefully, you experience a sense of peace and joy those around you do not. Even with all kinds of different struggles going on, you feel that somehow it will be alright and it will all work out. I know that those around you who persecute you may seem like they have an easy life, but they don't. They struggle with life just the same and even worse internally they feel horrible almost most of the time. I used to be there, so I'm not just talking to be talking. They are not content with life and are constantly looking for something. They don't even know what they're looking for or even what the purpose of living is, but they know something is missing. All of the rude people who answered this is the perfect example of this. Either because you said no athiests or the nature of the question, they felt it necessary to throw in some negative comment. This is for their own personal self justification and what I was referring to when I talked about an inner struggle. Doing these types of things relieves some of that anger and contempt they feel. If they did not do these actions, then they would continue to feel these things and they may even intensify. I feel for you and I pray for you. And also do I pray for the all the rude, selfish and agnostic people out there. If ever you want to talk, look me up. I am always open ;) God Bless.

2006-09-07 22:03:41 · answer #3 · answered by magicka 1 · 1 0

It is popular today in churches to believe that if we are good enough Christians God will make us healthy, weathy and wise... But the thing is we are never good enough and never will be good enough. That's why we needed Jesus - and we know we can not add one thing to the perfect blood of Jesus. Jesus did it all and it is not about whether you are good or bad any more it is about do you believe in Him.

I hate to hear of you troubles, and to be honest I have been going through some hell of my own... But I do know after going through some majorly bad situations in the past few years - that God is not against you. The world and the system of this world may be against us - but it is not God. I do believe God will do what ever He can to help us - and it seems like he doesn't come thru until it is too late.... The best thing is to keep your balance. You are Spirit, Soul and Body. Take care of your Spiritual side with prayer and church, Take care of your Soul - your mind and emotions with whatever help you can - book, therapy, friends, etc...And Take care of your Body - with medicine or whatever care your body needs.

It's ok to be angry at God - he can take it... I'm sure that even though you are mad he is working out a way for you to get your kids back - but it could take some time.... Rest in the fact that He knew this was going to happen before anyone of them were born and he still gave you those children. He will give them back to you. He is working behind the scenes. It is always darkest before the dawn....

God Bless.

2006-09-07 16:04:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well Jesus said that in this life we Would have trouble. A lot of people don't think about that promise of God. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties. Do you belong to a Bible teaching, Christ honoring, Spirit led and filled church? If so then why can't you get some people to help you out? If not then maybe that's one of the reasons you are experiencing such a difficult time. As a Biblical counselor I would advise you to seek some Christian counseling. I don't counsel women or conduct sessions over the Internet or I would volunteer to help you out in that fashion. I could quote you some verses about how God uses trials to shape our character and build our faith and drive us to prayer and such, but like I said, the Internet isn't the place for someone to come alongside a brother or sister in Christ with anything more than some sage advice and the promise of prayer.

I pray that God will strengthen you through this time of trial and make his comforting presence manifest to you as you seek to honor Him in your daily life, and if there be any change that He is leading you to make I pray that it will become clear to you what it is and that you will have the faith and the courage to obey, in Jesus' name, Amen!

1 Peter 5:6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares about you. 8 Be sober, be watchful; your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion, seeking someone he may devour. 9 Resist him, being steadfast in your faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 10 But may the God of all grace, the One having called you into His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little while, may He Himself make you complete--He will establish, strengthen, and firmly ground you. 11 To Him be the glory and the power, forever and ever. Amen.

2006-09-07 16:14:17 · answer #5 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 0

Obviously the biggest threat to these kinds of friendships would be the heated debates that could potentially arise. That being said, the preservation of such a friendship would depend largely on the level of devoutness of the parties involved. For example, a truly devout Christian realizes that a part of his/her religious practice is to spread the word of God; but this type of engagement could turn very sour, very quickly, if it were played out between a devout Christian and a devout atheist. Remember that devoutness is the natural enemy of an open mind , and that any kind of interfaith friendship necessitates open mindedness. Conversely, if one were more relaxed in his/her faith, the probability of a frustrating debate arising would be less, since an open mind is necessarily more receptive and welcoming to opposing ideals. As for the first part of your question, I am neither a Christian nor an atheist.

2016-03-27 02:14:27 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think it's not just Christians who struggle in life. Everyone struggles in this temporary life, because it is a test. Sometimes people are tried to see how they will handle adversity. Will they crumble and complain, or will they pull themselves up, no matter how difficult it may be? That is the real test. Consider the story of Job, for instance. He was tried in a way that would have made any other person complain. He had sores all over his body, and was in great pain as a test from God. Instead of complaining when he had ants eating from his sores, he allowed them to eat of his flesh because he felt that was what God wanted for the ants. Talk about patience!!!

I'm a Muslim, and I've had my own struggles in life, but I've pulled myself up out of darkness with the help of my Lord. I don't have a lot, but what I do have, I'm grateful for. It's all in your attitude. Yes, you will have setbacks. Yes, there will be times when you feel like you'll just have a nervous breakdown. Life can really do that to people. It can be really tough. It's not a bowl of cherries. It's real life. And it's messy sometimes, and sometimes you just want to not have a memory of everything you've been through. But if you didn't have a memory of painful things in your past, you also wouldn't have memories of beautiful things you've experienced. It's a mixed bag, not just for Christians, but for all people.

2006-09-07 15:52:00 · answer #7 · answered by .......... 3 · 2 0

i am very inclined to say that if you are so poor you should sell your computer and have the internet bill cut off...but i do not know your exact situation so i will assume that by poor you mean that you can pay current bills but ot aquire anything new or any saveings.

I am not christian I am Pagan, but i am not an athiest,,,,so i will continue

the gods ,or your god will help thoes that help themselves.
you cannot blame everything that goes wrong in your life on god.
god is not a personnel scapegoat. he is worried about your spiritual life not your mundane life. you need to take responsibility for your mundane life. after you begin to do this you may find that things will come a little easier to you, you could cosider this the blessing of god.

disability is not inability, if you do not believe me go watch the special olympics, and watch these kids that are physicaly and mentaly disabled not only do bot EXCELL at things that many people with strong healthy bodies cannot do...slalom ski raceing is the event that i coach, and the downhill mogul,,when they have a mogul course to do it on.

there is always something that you can do. unless you are a quadrapalegic,,,,but you typed this so this is not the case.

you need to learn to love yourself and quit feeling sorry for yourself and get out there and make a difference in your own life.

2006-09-07 15:50:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i hope this helps
the bible says that we have to change .but Jesus is the one that dose this in us.and this is how it worked in my life
i was strung out on drugs ,alchohol i was a thief ,i cursed like a mad man i even lived in the back of my pickup.and i could go on .
but one night on a bridge looking down on the trafic.i yelled out to GOD there has to be a better way . within one week he had me out of there .deliverd from the crank .no d.t.s or any thing .now the rest came little by little.
i think if he took everything away at once you would go bonkers .
one of the most importent things i ever had to do was forgive everyone .the reason i say this is because of this.in mathew chapter 6;10 -15 is the lords prayer this is not something to memorize it is how you should pray .first paise GOD then ask for your need then' ask Him to keep you fom temptation 'and your dedts .this isnt just abought money. it is allso abought sin it is a debt also .....
then the most importent of all is verse 14&15 we hav to forgive to be forgiven .the the rest will fall into place ...dont hold a grudge on anyone.it will back fire on you . read this and you will under stand .matthew 6;10-15 .you will see ..............
GOD BLESS YOU .....................todd cooper................................

2006-09-07 16:17:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't know you, but I am honestly very sorry for your hard times. I can't say I understand, I've never been through what you have, but I know it is very hard. I'm also sorry you had some negative people come in here and make it worse.

The way I see things, as a Christian, is simple. God will not put us through more than we can handle. If you truly believe in God, which it sounds like you do, and you have total faith in Him, then you must trust that He has allowed these burdens to rest on your shoulders because you are strong- strong enough to handle it. I understand you feel like the whole world is out to get you, and you're afraid that anything you do or say or touch will somehow be turned against you and go bad. Please believe that this is NOT the case. I battled depression until I looked at the bigger picture. I once heard a brilliant saying: "I complain that I have no shoes until I see the boy with no feet." This pertains to my problems, as I now see they were not so bad. But all together at once, they were utterly debilitating. I was so angry at everything, someone fixing coffee at a gas station next to me would make my blood boil. Does this sound familiar?
I finally realized that old cliche is a beautiful and theraputic thing- "Count your blessings". I actually physically started counting my blessings, and concentrating on them. I thank God now that I am alive, that He has the faith in me to carry some of His burden. I thank him that I have family, I thank Him that there is a roof over my head. I thank Him that I wasn't born with a debilitating disease, or a terminal one. I thank Him that I was born in a free country - I can't imagine having to live with a veil over my face and ranking somewhere between a dog and a cockroach on the food chain. I think of the people that are suffering, battling hunger daily to live. I thank Him that I am blessed.
My best advice to you is to REST. I know your mind is going 100mph, constantly, but you will worsen your physical condition by allowing your mental condition to take over. Have a prayer session. Do what you can to relax as much as possible, and have a big prayer pow-wow. You need to let these things go. Admit to God that you can't handle it. Throw in the towel, tell Him the truth- you're out of strength and out of ideas, and you need Him to handle these hard times for you. This will be the time He carries you. Please depend on Him, it's what He wants us to do, and once you do, you will find yourself at peace. Hope I helped, and God Bless you - I will pray for you too.

2006-09-07 16:06:32 · answer #10 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

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