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There is NO proof of a leap from one life form to another. for example, there is NO proof of a mammal being bred from a reptile.

There is NO proof of a "short necked" giraffe that died out because it could not compete with food, against the "long necked" giraffe.

2006-09-07 15:09:56 · 30 answers · asked by eaglemyrick 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

interesting answers. if the only argument is that there "no God", then i must be on the right track.

as for the virus evolution...what you are referring to is called "microevolution" which does occurr within the SAME dna pattern. this is NOT a new life form, but no more different from it's "unevolved" root, than the offspring of a "mixed race" couple.

the biological "evidence" does NOT support evolution, whereas history proves many of the facts of the bible, including the birth, life and death of Jesus.

the people, places and things of the bible are also mostly proved through other historical documents of the eras of the bible.


2006-09-07 15:19:28 · update #1

i am still waiting for an example. none of the works that were reputed have proof behind them.

i do not disagree with the bones, fossils or even the feathered creature. what i am asking for is evidence that these creatures evolved into something, or from something of a completely different genus.

again, i am waiting.


2006-09-07 15:24:14 · update #2

i find it amazing that many of those who would educate me are so set in using rude and insulting language. only a couple of those who replied have the decency to do so with proof and no malice.

i do have to state once again though, that there has been no posted datum that concur with evolution as a fact.

notice that i dont even refer to a religion, and yet, those who cannot come up with an explanation, automatically attack God, Jesus and my perceived religious belief.

2006-09-07 15:29:39 · update #3

30 answers

You are correct, no proof. All of the skeletons they have ever used as examples have been proven to be lies. One skull they had used for years has since been proven to be that of a pig. One was of a deformed man born in the 1800's with a disease like that of the elephant man. They keep on trying and always will, but in the end they are always proved to be fools.

2006-09-07 15:15:27 · answer #1 · answered by Prophecy+History=TRUTH 4 · 1 4

There is proof of evolution of birds, finches throughout Europe and North America are different. There is proof in elephants, going from woolly to the two modern styles. Then there are camels, the different simian species (Read monkeys, apes and humans) and even in humans, look at the attributes of African decent people, they have skin that is difficult to burn, vs ones from a more northern clime that burn easily but have more body fat for the most part to stay warmer. There are examples so common and in depth that to answer your question would take way too long.
The issue you are looking at is not that you want to prove that creation happened, but you refuse to look at DNA evidence and site specific examples to support your argument while ignoring the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I know this is not going to be the "Best Answer" but I hope it helps you open your eyes to a bigger reality than you allow with your narrow 7 day creation view.

And evolution doesn't "create" new species, it allows different successful lines of species that have changed to grow and thrive where the versions that don't work as well die out.

Yes, there were short necked giraffes. They evolved into long neck giraffes, zebras and other horse like animals.

2006-09-07 22:19:53 · answer #2 · answered by paul_p_25 3 · 2 1

Excuse me, but could you send me a link to the "other" historical documents besides the Bible that reference God creating Adam and Eve and the Great Flood? What? Can't find them?

Bad argument supported by bad logic. That there is independent evidence that someone named Jesus lived in the Middle East 2000 years ago has absolutely ZERO to do with evolution or the lack of it.

2006-09-07 22:45:19 · answer #3 · answered by Mark M 3 · 0 0

I would like you to produce the fossil record of every animal and plant that ever lived on Earth so that we can clarify your points. Obviously, we can't do that because not every living thing becomes a fossil when it dies. In fact, most things don't. Some become fuel for your car while most get broken down by predators, scavengers and the environment to their smallest bits. While we don't have every skeleton of every deceased animal, we do have a variety of fossils of a good number of animals through time. Those skeletons tell us that there were living things that share common traits with living things that exist now, but they are not the same animal as they have distinctly different features. We also know that all highly complex living things on Earth today were born from other living things. Have you personally seen God hand-make a living thing out of clay recently? No, plants, birds, people, all come from another generation of plants, birds and people. We also know that the first generation of plants birds and people aren't exactly like the last generation. Do all human boys look and act exactly like their fathers? No, each individual is different in some way. We also know that if living things are challenged over generations in a particular, repeated way by their environment, their offspring will look different from the original generation because the ones who handle the challenge better will succeed.

Agricultural business has been using these slight differences to breed fatter chickens and faster growing cows for centuries. The chicken that is sold in grocery stores today would be too fat to survive on the farm of its ancestor only 200 years earlier. If animals and plants can be so significantly and rapidly modified by the environmental pressure of selective breeding, then there is no logical reason to assume that if the selector is the force of nature (predators, weather, resources, etc.) the same thing would not continue to happen. No other explanation so completely explains these phenomenon nor have allowed us to produce so much through their understanding.

Evolution provides a coherent explanation of the origins of humanity that is consistent with the way in which life is regularly observed being created (through birth, seed, cell division, etc.). It is consistent within the parameters of science, requiring empirical evidence and coherence with the laws of chemistry and physics, and has been further substantiated more recently with computer simulation, game theory and more in depth genetic science. Genetic science is based upon evolution and has allowed humans to genetically engineer new forms of life that help combat starvation and more importantly produce needed medication like insulin. Nearly all insulin used today is generated by genetically engineered bacteria. Evolution further provides scientists the ability to predict the next pandemic and prescribe the appropriate flu shot.

As for a short necked giraffe, they could still be alive if they adapted to live off of the lower canopy, which they did. But don't take my word for it. Go look at one.

2006-09-07 23:00:55 · answer #4 · answered by One & only bob 4 · 1 0

You clearly have a point of view that is slanted by your religious belief, which makes you immune to looking at the evidence with an open mind. You seem upset that the answerers assume you are religious, but you didn't ask this question in Biology, did you???? All of your simple minded examples have been brought up before and refuted soundly, but you would actually have to read something other than books your pastor recommends to find that out.

Why should I try and convince you in the short space available in this forum? I've studied science generally and many books on evolutionary theory for years, thought long and hard about it, read arguments for and against, and you expect me to glibly make the case to you? Sorry, life (and intellectual growth) is just not that easy my friend. Do your own reading...but read sources other than those published by Answers in Genesis, or the Discovery Institute. (Although I did include a link to AiG which shows that Xians recognize alot of the tired old arguments against evolution don't cut it)

Whether you "believe" in evolution or not is immaterial, it is the cornerstone of biology and is supported by a congruence of evidence from a variety of independents scientific disciplines.
Furthermore, there is nothing ...NOTHING....in the theory of evolution that denies the existence of god...many christians actually accept that god could have used the process of evolution to make creation possible. It has stood the rigors of scientific debate for almost 150 years, and there are not a lot of other scientific theories that can claim that.

The only people whose beliefs are threatened by evolution are the fundamentalist, biblical literalists, the young-earth creationists. And I concede there is little chance of converting that delusional mindset to the actual truth. Now it's fun to argue and trade insults and all that, but I realize I'm never going to change your mind, just as I know you are never going to change my mind that "god did it"

2006-09-07 22:37:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Nylon eating bacteria. See, nylon did not exist until DuPont created it in 1935. Even though it is "irreduceably complex", we know EXACTLY what gene mutated to allow this bacteria to be able to consume nylon.

No, there's no proof of a frog giving birth to a hamster. That's because the transition fossils all show the reptile and the mammal diverging millions of years before either one existed.

It would be nice if people actually read something about evolution and weren't willfully dishonest. The very fact that you don't look exactly like both of your parents is evidence of allele mutation, ie EVOLUTION.

2006-09-07 22:21:35 · answer #6 · answered by Protagonist 3 · 1 0

What do you think all those bones mean? Tinker toys?

Reptile fossils with feathers are a 60 000 000 year old fraud right. Your parents might not be able to read, but you're in school. Learn.

Reptiles and birds are different species.

Look at dolphins and whales. They are obviously similar in origin but completely different species. You could argue this but show me a different type of mammal that spends all its life in the water.

Why do all birds share certain characteristics, ie. hollow bones, feathers, three toes, and yet some are carnivores some are herbivores, some fly and some don't.

These are much smaller differences than the ones say between a human and a mountain gorilla. How do you ignore this? How does it fit your theory?

2006-09-07 22:18:40 · answer #7 · answered by icetender 3 · 2 1

Through DNA analysis it is easily determined that all domestic dogs are descendants of wild dogs in northern/central Africa. These domestic dogs are physiologically very much the same as their ancestors but there are distinct changes over time that separate the two today. I am not talking about the changes that came about because of breeding but rather subtle changes in the DNA that is the basis from which we can determine their origin and that in fact they have changed, however subtle the change maybe. Because change is slow it would be very difficult in our lifetime to witness this taking place but by using DNA we catch very minute variances that have occurred. Scientists love to use fruit flies to demonstrate how their can be genetic change in just a few generations because these insects have a very short life span and as a result reach the age for mating very quickly allowing scientists to track and study them during our own lifetime. ***These subtle variances in DNA are not likely to manifest themselves in physical differences in creatures by themselves but over the span of a million years you would see that many variances came together to create a significant change. On the other hand, if the change is too much in the way on specialization it may leave that particular species more susceptible to disease or environmental factors thus leading to a total demise and extinction of a species.

2006-09-07 22:26:44 · answer #8 · answered by Miss Battery 3 · 2 0

well for one people always asociate evolution with humans or animals. but no one ever thinks about plants.
why are wild blue berries smaller and less sweet than the ones you but in the store?
well i'll tell you.
the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons picked the sweetest blue berries for obvious reasons. the seeds inside the blue berries that survived the human digestive system were then planted in the human lantrines and grew slightly sweeter and bigger berries like the ones they came from. this is natural selection.do you want more recent proof? what happens to the caribou who can't run fast enough? they get eaten by the wolves and there fore don't reproduce more caribou who can't run fast. the caribou who do run fast enough produce fast children and slowly but surely the slow ones die out by a process of elimination.
if you still need more proof read GUNS, GERMS, AND STEEL- the fates of human scocieties- Jared diamond.

if you cannot comprehend this at al your brain has the same size and function of a wild bluberry.
the sugar beet. evolved

2006-09-07 22:35:16 · answer #9 · answered by unknown 3 · 1 1

The human jaw has gotten smaller and smaller, but the wisdom tooth still wants to grow in.....and because many human jaws aren't big enough oral surgeons take out lots of wisdom teeth when people are in their late teens and early twenties.

Some people don't even have wisdom teeth now. Some don't even have the "buds" of wisdom teeth in their jaws.

Maybe not evolution per say, but more like intelligent design at work in changing the human species.

Classical evolution has been falling out of favor because it has way too many holes in it. The asker is way out of touch with REAL science and intelligent design theory.

2006-09-07 22:22:12 · answer #10 · answered by WhatAmI? 7 · 1 0

If you keep thinking of Evolution the way you think it is, then you will never find any living proof of it. But if you think of evolution in the way man progresses from ignorance to intelligence, from farming by hands to tractors, from handwriting to typing to computer, from snail mail to e-mail. from land phones to cell phones, from barely walking through distances to the use of airplanes, from being an ape like neanderthals because of biological survival in the lush vegetations to a straight spined homo sapiens when he learned to till the grounds because there were no more available food from the trees in the garden. then maybe you would really understand what evolutions is that could be acceptable to your creationist belief.

2006-09-07 22:25:27 · answer #11 · answered by Rallie Florencio C 7 · 3 0

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