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are these rules good to you?

1 G-d exists
2 G-d is one and unique
3 G-d is incorporeal
4 G-d is eternal
5 Prayer is to be directed to G-d alone and to no other
6 The words of the prophets are true
7 Moses's prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets
8 The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings now contained in the Talmud and other writings) were given to Moses
9 There will be no other Torah
10 G-d knows the thoughts and deeds of men
11 G-d will reward the good and punish the wicked
12 The Messiah will come
13 The dead will be resurrected

2006-09-07 14:57:13 · 21 answers · asked by Jewish or Christian? 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i copied and pasted these rules... God isn't spelled out cuz that's how the jewish are... i am unsure of if Jesus truly is the messiah or not, for there are is much evidence that they had to LIE or stretch the truth in order to be CHRISITIAN. and SUNDAY SCHOOL IS FOR CATHOLICS!

2006-09-07 15:05:17 · update #1

21 answers

1 God Is.
2 The Yahweh thy Elohim is one Yahweh.
3 ?
4 Everlasting
5 Pray to God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Jesus broke down the wall that separates us from God.
6 Test the prophets to see if they are true. The OT prophets have been proven true.
7 Moses is a true prophet.
8 The Written Torah were written by Moses inspired by God. The Oral Torah (talmed & others) have some errors in it because some have additional rules & deny the Messiah Yeshuah.
9 Torah is good. Jesus wants us to study the OT & NT also.
10 God is all knowing.
11 God disciplines His own children.
11 There is the rapture before the wrath of God gets poured out onto those who destroy His creation.
11 God is going to resurrect all those redeemed by the blood of the lamb in the completion of the first resurrection. The second death has no authority over them.
12 The Messiah comes & the antichrist fries in the glory of His return. He tosses the Beast & False prophet into the lake of fire. He tosses Satan into the abyss. The Messiah rules 1000 years. And no one dies and everyone is happy.
13 After the 1000 year reign of Christ Satan gets let out of the abyss. Then all hell breaks out. Satan gets thrown into the Lake of Fire. Then comes the Great White Throne Judgment. God is going to resurrect the rest of the dead that are where the dead are with the dead, or the dead in the sea, or the dead in hell. They will be judged according to their works. Those whose names are not found in the books of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, this is the second death.

2006-09-07 15:31:04 · answer #1 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 0 0

Jewish or Christian?,
They put me in bondage with the penalty of failure being death. At least any attempt of me trying to fulfill the Law of Moses. The Law is unbending. But the Law of Faith is accomidating, making the adherance to the will of God more complete.

1) Agreed.
2) Agreed.
3) No.
4) Agreed.
5) Agreed.
6) Agreed.
7) Agreed, No.
8) No. As I understand it, the Ten Commandments were given to Moses. The rest of the Torah was inspired and Orally transliterated as writings. They have been written to this day. I would not believe that all of the Talmud was inspired writing. Possibly none of it, as I understand it.
9) In the sense that there is only one written Torah, I think that's right. It has been fulfilled by the Messiah, Jesus the Christ.
10) Agreed.
11) Possibly true. The Righteous are rewarded. The Unrighteous are punished.
12) Agreed.
13) Agreed.

2006-09-07 15:09:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. T - God does exist
2. T - with an explanation = Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are "one" = they are "agreed" or they have the same purpose. (to save and exalt man)
3. F - God does have a body of flesh and bones. (Man has been created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)....we have bodies....so does God...of course His is perfect though)
4. T - God is eternal
5. T- The right way is to pray to God (Heavenly Father) in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. T - with an explanation - The words of the actual "true" "authorized" prophets are true and then only when they are speaking by the Spirit and saying what God wants them to say (which is probably most of the time, if they are a true prophet)
7. 1st part = T (as far as they have been translated correctly), 2nd part = I remember a scripture in the NT that states that none were greater than John the Baptist (He baptized Jesus Christ)...Of Course Moses was awesome!!! and he is right up there in the "best of the best". 1 prophet who I personally believe was greater (in the sense of having a greater/ larger mission) is the prophet Joseph Smith - Doctrine and Covenants 135:3 Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the fulness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord’s anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own blood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated!
8 - T - (also called the Pentatauch)(I don't know about the "Oral Torah")
9 - T - with an explanation - those commandments (the Mosaic Law/ 10 Commandments) were the preparatory law...when Jesus came He fulfilled the law of Moses and gave the higher law....God sends prophets in all ages (in the Old Testament times)(and in the New Testament Times)( and also today there is a living prophet on the earth!) and they say things and WRITE things that the people need to hear during their lives...for example...could Noah just have read the scriptures and known that He was supposed to build an ark?...no...he needed modern/ current revelation for his time...every dispensation does...
10 -T - God does know the thoughts and deeds of men...and the intents of their hearts
11 - T -God will reward the good and punish the wicked - in His own time and way.
12 - T - with an explanation - Jesus Christ is the Messiah and He will come again, this time in power and glory.
13 - T - There will be different times that the people will be resurrected (Resurrection of the Just = at the beginning of the Millennium)(Resurrection of the Unjust = towards the end of the Millennium)

You mentioned you didn't know about Jesus Christ...I would like to add my testimony...That I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He was crucified for the sins of the world.

2006-09-07 16:07:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope. Those aren't all accurate.
The New Testament is the covenant we are under and that it is a time of grace. Jesus is Messiah, He has come and will return for those that have accepted salvation. The New Testament and Old Testament (or Torah) is from God--every word of it.
God is EVERYWHERE and is all powerful and all knowing. You are to have no other gods, other than the LORD. Moses was not the greatest prophet--Jesus Christ was and is. Jesus Christ is also the Lord our God. The Trinity -- God in three persons --- Jesus Christ the Messiah and Son, God the Father, the Holy Ghost.

2006-09-07 15:30:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is not only incorporeal but because of the Holy Spirit and the sacraments of the Church, God can "make his home" in us.
Prayer as worship, yes, should be directed to God alone. Due to the Body of Christ, many who have gone before us, are now with God and thus, share in his glory and power and can be of much assistance.
Moses is the Father of the Law much the same as Abraham is the Father of Faith. Moses was not a prophet. Elijah is considered the greatest of the prophets.
The Messiah has come. His name is Jesus; Emmanuel.

2006-09-07 15:18:31 · answer #5 · answered by Babs 7 · 1 0

I am an orthodox Catholic. My answers are:

1- I believe YHVH exists
2- I believe there is one YHVH
3- I believe YHVH is in a type of spiritual form not a human form
4- I believe YHVH was, is and always will be
5- I believe all my prayers go to YHVH's ears. I pray directly to Him, or to Jesus, or to the Holy Ghost. I also pray to saints and Mary because I believe that they intercede for us. Jesus said they so. When I pray to Mary or St. Joseph, they take my prayer to God or to Jesus, who then go to God.
6- I believe that all the words in the Holy Catholic Bible are true
7- I believe Moses's prophecies were true because they were fulfilled in the New Testament. I don't believe one prophet was better than another. They were all selected by YHVH Himself so they are all great.
8- I believe that the first 5 books were directed by Moses to be written down. I know nothing about the Talmud.
9- I have never heard of there ever being other books to be added later on. My Catholic Bible is finished and I am just waiting for Jesus again.
10- I believe YHVH knows everything that we will do and say before we do, whether it is good or not. He knows the future.
11-I believe that Jesus will judge us when He returns and He will bring us before YHVH with His judgement and YHVH will decide if we can remain in Heaven or will be sent to hell.
12- I believe that the Messiah has already come and will come again to judge that living and the dead
13- I believe that when Jesus returns He will raise all of the dead and will judge us then

2006-09-07 15:21:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Go ahead, type out the word GOD, the Torah says it's okay, they did! He won't strike you down, I promise. #6-The words of the prophets are true. Case in point. If prophets don't lie, then Jesus (who you consider to have been a prophet), didn't lie either. Read what He said! (yes, ask a friend for a Christian Bible). If you don't believe he died and arose from the dead, resurrected, then you are calling this prophet a liar. Think about it. He told us that noone can get to God except through Him,,,did he lie? Do prophets lie? Nope, in your own words. I am praying you see the light before it's too late for you. God be with you....

2006-09-07 15:07:03 · answer #7 · answered by Barbara 5 · 1 0

As a Christian, I must tell you that Jesus came as the redeeming lamb, the sin offering of leviticus 1.

since Jesus is God also, prayers to God alone is O.k.
I know very little about the oral torah - so no comment
Jesus Said John the baptist is the greatest prophet.

Everything else is acceptable to Christian beliefs.

I don't know your motives for this question, since I guess you already know the answers, but I pray (To The LOrd Almighty) this helps

2006-09-07 15:03:12 · answer #8 · answered by Slave to JC 4 · 1 0

1-7 yes I dont know about the oral Torah The Bible is God's word. 10-11 yes (we are all wicked though unless we accept Christ) The Messiah has come

2006-09-07 15:02:18 · answer #9 · answered by notw777 4 · 0 0

2 Timothy 3 speaks of the final days and one in each of those Godliness that denies the flexibility thereof.adult males who face as much as the actuality. with corrupt minds, ever studying yet no longer able to return to the understanding of actuality. whilst Muslims talk approximately Jesus all you get is lots of double talk.James a million:18 a double minded guy is risky in all his techniques. And none of it makes any experience. the only end i will come to is they do no longer fairly have faith what they say they think. James 2:19 Thou believeth that there is one God; thou doest properly: the devils additionally; have faith and tremble. Their sort of thought has no longer something to do with a christian thought in Jesus.

2016-10-14 10:48:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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