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Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the christian point of view as expressed by the ideals written in the bible. However, many christians these days forget many of the basic ideals expressed there in. Jesus said, "love thy neighbor," so why do so many christians accuse people of other faiths and hate them for it? Jesus also said, "judge not less yea (you) be so judged." Yet I hear people of the christian faith calling all others evil sinners who will judge in hell. Who are they to judge me? That responcibility is left only for St. Peter at the gates of heaven. There is also a prayer that says, "forgive us for who we trespass against, as you forgive those who trespass against us." An yet I still hear christians condemning people who sin against them to hell. Are they not also god's creation? Are they not equil in his eyes? So, we should learn to forgive ourselves, as well as those who have harmed us. This is what god wants, and if you can't, please enjoy hell. I won't be there.

2006-09-07 14:21:58 · 26 answers · asked by ianr1984 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Oh, and btw, if you are not one of these people, good on ya! Please don't change, I want more people from this time to be with me in heaven.

2006-09-07 14:23:04 · update #1

Oh, and those who don't believe as me or the christians, please don't be influenced by the St. Peter thing. It was just an example, though I believe we will all be judged for the life we lead. I however believe only if we are truely evil we'll go to hell. But I believe all souls are sent back if they didn't learn the right lesson, even those whom have been reformed in hell.

2006-09-07 14:27:46 · update #2

Heh, Jesus this Jesus that, I'm not a bible thumper, nor do I like em. So whoever made that post, I think you didn't get the message I was trying to send.

2006-09-07 14:29:52 · update #3

I will not say that I haven't judged... I am doing that right now with this question. I'll be honest and admit my trespasses. I'm only trying to bring to light that if we are to truely receive god then we must learn to love and forgive. Only once we have peace in our hearts can we really attain the grace of god. When someone says I'm going to hell because I'm not a christian I say thank you and turn the other cheek. I'm not christian, and I am christian, I'm eclectic, I borrow my faith from all worthy religions. I'm a Buhdist, a Hindu, a Christian, a Wicca, a Shamanist, and a Xian all wrapped into one.

2006-09-07 14:35:41 · update #4

I guess I should have refraised this question to, why do we openly sin before the eyes of god? I'm a sinner, and I cannot change that. All I can do is forgive my sins as I would forgive anothers. I have been sinned against, but I do not hate the sinner. I give him a hug and say, you have hurt me my brother, but I forgive you for it, I want you only to know what you have done.

2006-09-07 14:41:09 · update #5

26 answers

I thnk this is a question you would have to specifically ask the people that you say are being hypocrits. You or I cannot determine ones faith by their actions. It is not you who gets to judge a Christian and say they are being a hypocrit, when you yourself are being a hypocrit. Can you honestly say you have never judge someone by the way the look, walk, talk or by the people they hang out with.

2006-09-07 14:26:16 · answer #1 · answered by Gena G 2 · 1 1

jChristop05 was right on...and i couldnt say it any better. I too, sometimes judge...but we are to judge SIN...not the sinner. I am a sinner saved by the Grace of God. I still sin...all the time...not because i want to...but because that is the nature of the flesh. I think the part that seems bad about some Christians is because we are all not walking in the truth as we should. Some are at different levels, some babes, some mature, and some in between. I can't fix that. We mature as we read God's WORD and learn about what is right and what is wrong. And then only God can bring the change in us...not us. We can do nothing right in our own flesh...only God can. I try very hard to respect others and their beliefs....

When i witness...i simply tell someone about what God has done for me....not that they are going to hell. God loved me enough to send someone to me...now he's sending me to tell someone else about his love for me...and them......God wishes that no one should parish, but they will because they reject his son...and only thru the blood of Christ can one be saved. The TRUTH never changes....it doesnt matter if we believe it or not.

2006-09-07 21:42:50 · answer #2 · answered by bandaidgirl 3 · 1 0

You know what - there is no such thing as a perfect person in any faith. We all got a spec in our eyes and we tend to judge others because we either think that they are disobeying the Word of God or else we think we are better than them. Either way, I realize that there is a more helpful way to show people the way to Christ without judging or criticizing them. You are right that we should not judge, we should love and forgive. But there are times that people need to be told what they are doing is wrong because the Bible does talk about correcting one another in brotherly love. No Christian wants to see anyone in hell irregardless of what comes out of our mouth, and I don't think we can fathom the magnitiude of sins in the eyes of a righteous God. God hates it and will not allow it in Heaven, therefore we need to do all that we can do to help people into Heaven and out of Hell. Righteous lifestyle is so crucial to God and sometimes those living in the comfort zone forget that belief and live any way they want and still call themselves Christians, and that is wrong. Check out the book of James. But I do agree with the majority of the things you have written.

2006-09-07 21:29:21 · answer #3 · answered by wonderwoman 3 · 2 1

Christians are hypocrites to their own faith because they don't know personally Jesus. They are trying to follow God through religious rituals and not relationship. The rituals of man are worthless and vain repetition. As the bible says it is like a clanging symbol or a tinkling brass in God's ears. If people want to follow dead religion then that's up to them. Me I need to hear from Jesus everyday to even be able to love my neighbor. As far as judging goes. I can look at the sky when it's blue and say the sky is blue. Or when it's cloudy that it's cloudy. I can look at sin and say it's sin whether I see it in my own life or someone Else's. Hate the sin...not the sinner.

2006-09-07 21:30:03 · answer #4 · answered by super 2 · 2 0

Hypocrisy is not limited to the Christian faith, it is a human failing. When people fear they lash out at anything they feel threatens them, consider the mob mentality. It's frightening and vicious without sense or reason. The Bible has dozens of examples of people who in times of fear went into panic mode and did foolish things. The Bible is supposed to be a learning tool, but as with any scholastic endeavor, some people are better at it than others. It can be a very demoralizing experience to see someone who you respect show an unloving or judgmental attitude.

2006-09-07 21:34:53 · answer #5 · answered by Lynn K 5 · 0 1

The problem is, that the Gospels are really two stories, one of a revolutionary zealot roaming the Holy Land with his band of brothers, enforcing Mosaic law at the end of a sword like the good Essenes he was.

And the second story is a mish-mash of layers of apologies heaped on top of that original tale, some derived from Mithraism, Buddhism, and Egyptian myths. All in order to make it into a religion, make it popular, and all encompassing. It's the religion of the masses and anyone can take any bit of it that they like and say they're a good Christian and make a case that you're not.

It's a failure of real values everywhere, an excuse for centuries of horrors. Instead of people who believe one thing they know is right and stick to it their entire life because they refuse to do otherwise, a Christian can wake up in the morning and kill an abortionist and go to bed praying for world peace.

2006-09-07 21:22:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I would say that, in the end, we all fall short, some time, some where, some how being human and all, so we should cut everyboy some slack. However, I believe all negativity is fear-based. Fear/cornered-rat-syndrome and the implied shame of being afraid can cause some UGLY reactions. Eliminate fear, eliminate ugly behavior/reactions. Simple, right. Have Faith; It's a great bravery booster.

2006-09-07 22:53:18 · answer #7 · answered by kuttingej1 1 · 0 0

From my experience, you don't have a very accurate view of Christian, but that is just my experience. We all continue to sin.... we will not be relieved of our sin nature until Jesus returns. So it is impossible to teach the ideals expressed in the Bible without being labeled a hypocrit. I try not to judge people... I sometimes do though. But I also try and differ between my opinion and what the Bible says. The Bible identifies certain behaviour as sinful, and I will faithfully stand behind that... well as faithfully as my maturity can handle. By the way, I don't know where in the Bible it says St. Peter will judge you... God will judge us all. The only pass is to be covered by the Blood of Christ.

2006-09-07 21:28:09 · answer #8 · answered by jchristop05 3 · 2 3

I think no one is perfect. You are putting all believers of God and the bible into one place. maybe you've had some bad experiences with people that call themselves christians but they will answer for what they do and have done. you shouldn't worry about anyone but youself. have you ever heard that phrase I would have been a christian if it weren't for the christians I new.

2006-09-07 21:45:31 · answer #9 · answered by jimmy 1 · 0 0

Christians are hypocrites. Everyone knows this. They constantly judge people for being gay, having abortions, marrying into other religions or having children out of wedlock.

Their bible says things liek rape and incest are acceptable... they say it's okay to stone a homosexual to death. They basically pick and choose what to follow. Whatever is convenient for them.

But then again, always remember that there are good Christians out there who respect everyone - nice, giving people who realize that their way is not neccessarily my way and they're okay with that.

2006-09-07 21:27:57 · answer #10 · answered by trash1ey 4 · 1 1

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