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i understend that some ppl dont even belive in him but when it all comes down he did create us and today my friends and i got in trouble for preying before we ate lunch. its just wrong we should be allowed to

2006-09-07 12:27:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

1. Spend more time learning to spell.
2. School is for education, not fairy tales.

2006-09-07 12:32:59 · answer #1 · answered by stevewbcanada 6 · 0 2

You should be able to pray if you want. I have never been offended by someone who wanted to pray before they ate. What does upset me are comments like "i understend that some ppl dont even belive in him but when it all comes down he did create us". Some of us don't believe that and basing an opinion on something that is so controversial like that gets under my skin. I am not upset by anyone's religion or opinion, but keep in mind not all of us feel that way.

2006-09-07 12:36:25 · answer #2 · answered by emmadropit 6 · 0 0

if you are in america,

they cannot tell you that you cannot pray before lunch,,,

but you do not need to make a big show of it either.
i am not saying that you did but usually when i see these types of stories in the news the people that ogt in trouble were making a big show of what they were doing and causing a disturbance.

you can talk to your friends about god, but you cannot discuss it in class...

if you want to know why, it is because of this.

when i was in school a teacher did an after school study about religion. the only way that the school participated was they changed some buss scheduals to get us home.

all religions were able to participate....

we had myself, (a Pagan)
A LeVayan Satanist
A devil worshiper.
10 catholics,
10 other christians.
several wiccans 6 or 7 i think.
one buddahist
and several athiest's and agnostics.

we were asked to describe our basic beliefs and each take one question form each other participateing member...

we drew names to see who would talk next...

the first 5 talkers were christians.... then the LeVayan Satanist was picked... 8 of the members left the room and refused to listen to him talk....

what they did not know was that the door was on a one way lock once they left they could not come back into the room or continue any discussion...

furthermore 2 were ejected from the room for deragatory remarks made durring his speach....

then my turn,,, i had not spoken for 5 minutes and 4 more left...
and then 6 people were ejected for disturbing my talk with deragatory or inflamatory remarks...

well you can guess it,,,,we now had a pagan a devil worshiper a satanist 7 wiccans and a buddahist among several athiests and agnostics...

however. when the people's names who had left the room came out of the hat, they wanted their turn to speak..and made quite a fuss about being denied their opportunity....

thoes that would deny the opportunity of others to speak still wanted their chance.

this was a small study done in a backwoods school by a agnostic teacher.

the results were that religious discussion should not ba a part of class function because people simply cannot respect each other. and it would cause a rift in the stuident body...

the next day 5 of the christians refused to sit at their assigned seats because they refused to mingle with the un-godly.

basically if you cater to one religion then you must cater to them all. if you allow one you must allow them all.

you could say a silent prayer before lunch with a quick bow of the head and noone would even notice. and i support your right to do so.... would you support the right of a devil worshiper to give a food sacrifice to his diety in the school lunchroom....and do it out loud... possibly right beside you?

this is why they do not allow religious discussion in schools.
because people cannot be tolerant of other belief systems.

2006-09-07 13:00:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So long as your not disruptive there shouldve been no problem. People just keep quoting separation of Chruch and state like its the end all be all of the Constitution. Which its not even a part of the Constitution.. but what is part of it is the Freedom of Religion and expression. Where else to practice these freedoms but in a public building that Should be teaching you just that

And pippy Poo.. is so far wrong her answer actually made me somewhat angry. You are not "teaching" anything. You were with a group of your Peers Praying in a similar maner in a public Building. This is not wrong, This is not meant to exclude anyone, and like i said if you were not being disruptive about it, you were not doing it to cause trouble. So there is no problem.

2006-09-07 12:36:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would fight that !!! Getting in trouble for praying... what are they a dictatorship? Sad day indeed. I believe they can get in trouble for that unless you were forcing others to participate.

Let me have a word with your school... They wouldn't do it again.

Just because a small percent of people don't believe in a God we should not take away the freedom from the majority.

2006-09-07 12:39:06 · answer #5 · answered by Wolf_Girl 3 · 0 0

You can certainly talk about God as long as your not disrupting class. You can't do that no matter what you talk about. But no one can tell you you can't pray over your food at lunch. That's not right and it's not legal. The school can't sponsor an official prayer because not everyone in school believes what you believe. But you as an individual can certainly pray silently any time you want, and there should never be a problem about you praying over your lunch or anytime you aren't in class.

If you pray silently, who's going to know? And you can certainly pray over your food. If someone tells you you can't, go see the assistant principal, tell your parents, because the law is clear and you can pray over your food if you want to.

But I'm curious about why you are praying in public? Jesus said not to do that. Get your Bible and turn to the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, start at verse 5. Jesus says, "When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

People in our country started making a big deal about praying in public because of pride. They are proud they are Christians. They think they are right and everyone else is wrong. They think this should be a Christian country and they pray in public to be seen by everyone. They think this is a testimony to Jesus, and they also want to stand up to non-Christians and show them who's boss. But a real testimony to Jesus would be to do what He says, and it seems some Christians don't know what He said and don't care, because they aren't really following Jesus. They just follow a religion that uses his name. They're just proud of their culture, even though they had nothing to do with where they were born ro what religion they were taught, and so they'resticking out their chests so everyone can see. But Jesus said people like that already have all the reward they're going to get. They want everyone's attention and they get it. But prayer isn't to get people's attention, or even God's attention. Jesus said God already knows what you need before you ask. For Jesus' followers, prayer is just a way of relating to God and acknowledging God's in charge. It's certainly not about showing non-believers that Christians are in charge.

So, if your teacher or someone tries to tell you you can't pray outside of the classroom, they are wrong. Be polite and respectful, but tell your parents and tell the assistant principal or principal, because you can pray. But you might want to read what Jesus says to do about praying and decide if maybe doing what Jesus says is the best way to be a Christian. I'm pretty sure it's the only way to be a Christian.

2006-09-07 12:56:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The whole human history shows that nobody succeeded in prohibiting true religion to develop.
Some human powers may forbid rituals, but nobody can touch the faith in human hearts. If the believers continue to show selfless love and peaceful attitude, they will be warmly welcome.
Let us get back to the essence of truth rather than to formalities.

2006-09-07 12:40:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, you should be allowed to pray on your own before lunch.

When it all comes down to it, there is no evidence for god, and no proof a god created anything. The reason god isn't taught or discussed in school is because school (assuming you go to public) is for science and facts, not religions and myths.

2006-09-07 12:35:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

we may be able to. you're factually incorrect. My baby has come homestead many cases with homework on diverse religions for Social research. Even US funds effective factors references to God. What can not be carried out, although, is for the authorities to make investments endorsing one faith over yet another or maybe endorsing a faith over atheism. that's because of the "make no regulations with reference to the institution of religion" clause contained in the first modification.

2016-11-06 20:44:55 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You are so right. You should be allowed to pray in school, actually it should be encouraged. But the people who don't believe in God get all upset and say that they don't want to be around it or whatever. We have to be respectful to others beliefs or non-beliefs. If you want to, you should be able to pray before lunch. Just bow your head and do it quietly. I know, it's unfortunate that we have to be quiet about our belief in our creator. But God Bless you for wanting to praise Him!

2006-09-07 12:35:28 · answer #10 · answered by angib18 3 · 2 0

You can if you are learning a subject called "comparative religions" but religion itself cannot be taught if only one, singular religion is taught in a manner that states it is the only way. By doing that in the public schools you are "excluding" those you do not believe in the same religion.

2006-09-07 12:36:21 · answer #11 · answered by gjstoryteller 5 · 1 0

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