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This is my opinion on god... Dont be offended... if you easily are.. then dont continue to read.

I want to know what people think of my following statements.
And dont tell me stuff like "cause hes all powerful" "true love" and "he will find you"

My grandad just resently died. He had no faith in god.. or anyother super all powerful somthing. God did not find him Mabey a split second before he died. But what kinda hope did that good lord give him throught out his life. Why wait till the end.. if at all even.

God has not found me. I can openly joke about his existance being fake.

Every time i talk about him not being real. some one religous almost pours out IN MY OPINION "stupid unreal crap" Its like trying to divide by zero. "god sees all and does all but cant make a hot dog so hot he cant eat it" "but he could cause hes all powerful" you see were i went with that one?

I think god is what people latch onto to accept there life on earth cause there mind cant stay open.

2006-09-07 12:00:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

and you cant say your mind is open.. cause your open to all that unbelieveable stuff and that believe in it..

if your mind was truley open you could dout your own god. from day to day.

If he was so powerful why make the human race split and create hate. buy making some people believe and some people not. HE could just snap his figers and every one believe in him.. just like that.. have him prove hes there.

God will never be proven to exist or not.. as long as its in our minds.. He needs to do somthing for us.. to show us.. EX.. do things like run our churches. he would have plenty of time to do that since he can be anywhere anytime.. and in multiple places.

2006-09-07 12:04:55 · update #1

Heree we go again.. "god will find you" "dont search for god you just find it" "love" again "

2006-09-07 12:06:30 · update #2

HQC - has a response im looking for.. thats what this question is for dont you people read.. i want a response thats what i call "non-loopy"

2006-09-07 12:08:44 · update #3

Lets say i end up at the golden gate and have to explain this.. i can say.." can you explain to me why you dint give me hope when i was 10.. (im 19) or even at the age of 8. why torture me by making me hate those who are blind in my opinion to your non existance or so i thought.

it would be his fault and if i wanst able to comprehend his answer why not make me able to comprehend it. he would be a cruel person to keep me so confused. if i do then goto hell he sent me there from all this.. shouldnt god help me stay away from hell .. this is all that divide by zero crap..

2006-09-07 12:13:38 · update #4

Ok and then people say that "cause jesus said" and "mark said this" the romans.somthing somthing said this"

if i write a book right now and have it secretly passed down throught the generations and it comes out somtime in the futuer.. just think people would think that this amazing dude who is now god.. did all this amazing stuff. and now lets praise him.. .. but you all know that it was jsut some person with an amagination.. also what about drugs to make people see stuff way back when ... what if your readinga about someones acid trips... and dont say theres other people writing about the same stuff.. cause yeah there are other people taking the same drugs and having the same trips about a higher power. to help them satisfier their minds..


2006-09-07 12:22:13 · update #5

13 answers

I agree with you. Personally, I get tired of the whole Spiritual Debate. You've got Bible Thumpers that quote from Scriptures that are usually outdated. The Spirit of message may apply in a general sense, but the rest of it doesn't really apply to modern day living.

Most of the the Pearls or Truths that come from the Bible are stuff people could have figured out on their own using some Logic and Reasoning Skills. St. Thomas Aquinas was the individual who helped with the split between Religion and Philosophy 1,000 years ago because before that, those two were intertwined.

However, in practical every day living, not everyone has time to read the Bible. I don't. I have other things to do with my time vs.sitting around reading about what other people 2,000 years ago wrote.

While there's merit in reviewing history to avoid repeating mistakes, the Bible is like an outdated Operating System. It was useful 2,000 years ago because it kept people in line by giving them a Loose Moral Structure to work within to keep them from doing things that would hurt them in the long run.

The reason why the Bible and Religion was stablished is because it was an "Temporary Intellectual Protocol" that gave blanket statements explaining what science and technology of that time period could not explain. It was just easier to write things off by saying:

- "God did this"
- "God did that"
- "God made ______"

People have questions and for the more complex things on this world, it was just easier to explain things with Religion. Then people would stop dwelling on it and could go about their business.

If people sat around 2,000 years ago trying to figure out why the Sky is blue, they'd be there forever and be non-productive. They didn't know about nitrogen, wavelengths on the light spectrum, etc. It was just easier to say, "God made the Sky blue."

If you really want a plausible Scientific Explanation that would be he Gaia Theory and Carl Jung's Unconscious Collective Theory.

The Electromagnetic Field surrounding the Planet interconnects people's minds like Planet-Sized Brain Cells in the same way that the Electrical Field in the Human Brain interconnects all the brain cells that generate Consciousness of Thought in an individual.

The Consciousness of the Planet would be similar to that of the "Consciousness of God" (or whatever Supernatural Deity you subscribe to).

"God" would be the Forest and People would be the 7 Billion Trees that make up the Forest.

"God" would be the Digital Image and People would be the 7 Billion Pixels that make up the Digital Image. Most people can't see it because they're zoomed in at such a close magnification that people scattered across the Planet just look like random dots.

If you stand one inch from a painting hanging on a wall in a Museum,all you're going to see are splotches or colored dots that don't look like anything coherent. However, if you step back far enough, you'll start to see a pattern that will emerge.

I personally dislike the way Bible Thumpers talk about going to Heaven or Hell. If they're going to preach to me about Heaven or Hell, I at least want reasonable Scientific Explanation on how that works. I dislike it when Bible Thumpers preach the Gospel that they read and they don't even have any Scientific Background.

A reasonable Scientific Explanation would be if you said that people's spirits are Electrical. The Planet spinning at 1,000 mph creates Centrifugal Force, which can be used to determine whether people's Electrical Souls rise up to the Stratosphere where they're free to move around as Spirits or where they get polarized to the center of the Planet.

I could easily understand how people who are "Hell-bound" with their Spirits in electrical form polarize to the center of the Earth where there's a lot of Magma symbolic of the Fires of Hell and where the Spirit or Soul that is electrical becomes "chained" or "shackled" because it's locked down by the Iron Core's Electromagnetic Field.

People who rise up to the Stratosphere or "Heaven" where it's further away from the Iron Core would have more freedom and mobility to move around as Angels or Spirits.

That would make more sense to me.

However, you just continue to hear Religious Fanatics and Atheists flaming each other nonstop and usually both sides don't even have any useful information or anything new to contribute aside from insulting each other, which doesn't prove anything.

In Mathematical Terms, God would be the Number 1 because God supposedly defines everything. Satan, as the opposite of God, would be the Number Zero because anything divided by Zero is Undefined.

However, if you really want to mess with people's heads, just tell Bible Thumpers that God and Satan are actually the same entity.

It's been said that God is the Final Judge. If God was really that smart and could defeat Satan, the most logical solution for defeating Satan if you have the Power of Interpretation is by reinterpreting the Signs so that "God = Satan."

If God defines the parameters to where Satan is God, any other entity claiming to be Satan would those powers because the Definition of Satan has been changed.

If God defines everything, then that would make the most sense. If God becomes Satan, then God never has to worry about Satan ever trying to mess with him because it has changed from Man vs. Nature or Man vs. Man to where it's only just Man vs. Self.

Man vs. Self is easier to deal with because it's just you. You can always fix things within you. It's harder when there's someone else that is mucking things up for you.

If you really want to split hairs, if God assumes the Title of Satan, there's also another aspect.

- God defines as "1"
- Satan is undefined as "0"
- If God (as Satan) chooses to define something as undefined, that's still defining it

If people pay attention to "Star Wars," there are a lot of interesting things that Darth Vader says that is reflective of Religion.

Darth Vader puts the Iron Death Grip choking one of the Commanders who insults his Jedi Powers and says, "I find your lack of Faith disturbing..."

The other thing Darth Vader says in "Empire Strikes Back" is, "What Obi Wan failed to tell you is that --I-- am your Father!!!"

If you really want to pervert Religion, you could claim that it's referring to "God the Father" where Darth Vader is a Satan Icon and Luke Skywalker represents the people who embrace Religion.

When Luke Skywalker learns of this, he screams in anguish, "Noooooooo!!!"

Darth Vader then says, "Join me! And together, we shall rule the Galaxy as Father and Son!" That would be symbolic of God the Father and the Son as Jesus Christ.

That would be a real shocker for people of all Religious Faiths if God the Father turned out to be Darth Vader :).

2006-09-07 12:44:35 · answer #1 · answered by "IRonIC" by Alanis 3 · 0 0

The God I know gave you free will. With that you can reject him if you wish. It is a shame when people bash you for that. It would seem a rather nice thing to share ones faith but it clearly should be your choice. I have always taken the position that I behave in what I believe to be a manner that would be pleaseing to God and if someone asks a question about God or my faith I attempt to answer it.

By the way I am sorry to hear about your Grandfather passing. You are correct that he may have made a last minute confession of faith. It would be a comfort to a person of faith to know, but only God and he would know for sure.

As for an open mind I would agree that we Christians do have a closed mind to the idea of rejecting God. But that is not because we can not accept life as it is. Or at least it should not be that way. I know that if I stick my hand in an open flame it will hurt. I have a rather closed mind about putting my hand in a fire. That is a good thing. I have a closed mind about rejecting God because I don't wish to experience what I believe to be the consequences. I hear that fire is involved there also.

God may not be real to you and that is a choice that you may make. But sometime try and think of those people who approach you about God as a parent yelling at their child who is about to fall into an open fire pit. The approach may be a little harsh but they know the danger and don't want to see the child hurt.

oh yes I hope you don't have a closed mind about the dividing by zero thing! Just kidding!

2006-09-07 12:28:57 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather.

Second, I'm not interested in criticizing your belief that there is no God. I do, however, have an interesting exercise for you which I don't *think* falls into the category of "the same unprecise loopy answers." Maybe you'll enjoy this--it's called "pascal's dilemma," named after the famous philosopher Pascal.

OK, here's how it goes. There are 2 scenarios:

1) Let's assume for a moment that God does not exist. What will happen to me if I did believe in God? Nothing, if you believe in the big bang, reincarnation, some equivalent of Nietzche's Thus Spake Zarathustra, Buddhism, Atheism, etc. There is no down-side. Nothing bad will happen to you, right?

2) But let's assume God does exist, and you decide NOT to believe in God. Well, my friend, you may have a problem, according to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other monotheistic religions. The possibility of Hell does exist in this scenario.

Conclusion: Your best bet is to believe in God. :)

What do you think? I'm curious to hear an atheist's response to this.

Peace be upon you (Assalamu alaykum).



My question to you is: Prove to me that God does NOT exist. Give ME examples. Whichever side the scale tips, go with it. But first we have to do the proper weighing, don't we? It's kind of like an innocent until proven guilty, jurisprudential approach: God should exist in your mind (based on Pascal's dilemma) unless you can prove otherwise. And if you can't, hey man, just force yourself to believe and go through the motions, then hope for the best after you die. I know it's hard to force yourself, but do you really have any better options?

And again, I'm not trying to proselytize you, I'm just answering your question based on my personal experience.

2006-09-07 12:05:52 · answer #3 · answered by HQC 2 · 0 0

The concept of free will would pretty much rule out you encountering God when you're not looking for Him. He's not going to force you, even at the last second, to see Him.

Our minds can't stay open? I'm not sure I understand your statement. We've accepted, interacted with a being that isn't physically seen, and we're the close minded ones? Jesus said that if we looked we would find. If you don't truly search for God, if you block the whole idea of Him, how would you expect to encounter anything?

What are you latching on to my friend?

2006-09-07 12:08:44 · answer #4 · answered by luvwinz 4 · 0 0

Mankind were created to be mindless drones performing menial arduous tasks that were too difficult for our founding fathers (Astronauts, not miners) to carry out on a continued basis. The basic elements of a laborer were present in early hominids, they simply needed an evolutionary kick-start. These founders cross-bred with earthly hominids and we became much more than they ever anticipated. We were supposed to be much like the animal in the field; naked, instinctive, primal, and no more intelligent than a Black Lab.

These founders were revered as Gods for all they had accomplished, could accomplish and eventually would. Early hominids were bicameral beings, unaware of their own conciousness, easily led and needing to be led. As the founders eventually resumed their journey, to perpetuate the universe and protect against universal final entropy, mankind was left to his own devices. Those of mankind that were taught and groomed to be leaders became just that, our leaders. Leaders of a flock in need of a shepherd. Throughout the centuries, we have evolved further away from our bicameral ancestry. With the advent of electronic information, we are doing so at an unprecedented rate. We are waking up and realizing that "God" is nothing more than a deep emotional reverence for another being. We are realizing that we no longer need to be led.

If you integrate the God/Devil relationship with antangonist/protagonist dispositions of our founders, much of the bible makes sense. It has simply been altered to avoid the exposure of our true origins.

Is that better than "love"?

2006-09-07 12:27:00 · answer #5 · answered by hogsrule 2 · 0 0

God will only do things that bring glory to Himself. God only does what His will is and not ours. God does not have to prove anything to you or anyone else, just because you demand it of Him. Your joking about God is not going to increase your changes of salvation if your dont stop doing that.

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.

There will be a day when you along with the rest of the non belivers will kneel down to this God you don't believe in, but by that time it will be too late.

Romans 14:11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

Deuteronomy 7:4 For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.

If you are not serving the Almighty God, you are serving satan.

2006-09-07 12:08:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Surely you realize that what you are saying is deemed "stupid unreal crap" by those of us who DO believe in God. OK, I won't bore you with the stuff you say you've already heard, but picture this - standing at the Golden Gate trying to explain all this stuff you've said. Sorry, man, it won't fly. Read the Bible, go to church, talk to a pastor. Hear the truth.

2006-09-07 12:07:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2006-09-07 12:03:00 · answer #8 · answered by Ron A 1 · 0 0

God doesnt have to 'find' you, God is within you, and you don't have to find God, for the same reason, so just relax
religions are one way for man to approach the divine, but they are only a stepping stone, and not always necessary
seek God within you

2006-09-07 12:03:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm sorry about your grandad.

I don't believe in God, and when I am going through a hard time I don't want to hear about any sort of religion. It's useless for me.

To HQC - how does one force oneself to believe something they don't believe? You try it sometime.

2006-09-07 12:06:09 · answer #10 · answered by Kathryn™ 6 · 0 0

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