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i beleive in evolution and all that i just dont get where everything came from

for instance if everything evolved from the tiniest shizz ever (elements i suppose) where did the tiniest shiz ever come from?

and is it possible evolution works likes this

(things just starting to evolve =1)
(first things evolved=7)

could we see bacteria evolve then?

i typed this quick sorry if it doe snt make sense

2006-09-07 10:11:21 · 32 answers · asked by dukieboy 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

don i hate u...

o yea and are we seeing the evolution of bacteria and such things when we see stronger deadlier bacteria like that new strain of TB

2006-09-07 10:16:44 · update #1

32 answers


2006-09-07 10:14:35 · answer #1 · answered by T Time 6 · 0 2

I believe in evolution also. Many people say, in the bible, it says that God created everything, and it doesn't mention evolution. I tell them that the Bible doesn't doesn't say how He did it. That there is called evolution.

I understand your chart for evolution, but it's more like this:

1 2*3**
1 2 3**
1 3**4**

It all started with bacteria. then there was different types of bacteria. Then there was ifferent types of bacteria plus something else. At one point, some things evolutionized as far as they could go (sharks and dinosaurs are good examples). Some made it, and some didn't. Some items branched off from one another. This is evolution.

Not being able to explain where the very first "shizz" came from could be used as proof that God exists...

I hope this clarifies things.

2006-09-07 10:24:47 · answer #2 · answered by makawao_kane 6 · 2 1

Evolution does not answer the question of where the tiniest of shizz came from.

Im not quite certain about your example of evolution, but I can tell you this - evolution does not imply that something is linear in evolving...in other words, evolution doesnt mean an ant turns into a more complex animal that turns into a more complex and intelligent animal that eventually learns to speak. Humans are not at the top of an evolutionary ladder - rather, we are equals to all other life on earth.
Genetic mutations are beleived to be what causes major evolutionary changes.

Hope that helps.

2006-09-07 10:17:18 · answer #3 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 1 0

There is no way to help you understand evolution because it doesn't happen. It is a false theory and is losing it's followers quickly these days. It shows how people are so ready to believe anything rather than to believe that there is a Creator and we owe our lives as well as our allegiance to. We want to believe that we can live independently from God, but look around. Does it look like we are doing a very good job? Have we found a way to end wars, crime, poverty, hunger, disease, or to conquer death? Governments are becoming more and more corrupt and science and technology aren't really getting us any closer to living longer or better. We can't create the perfect government or society. We aren't changing or evolving into anything any different than what we were thousands of years ago. The fossil remains don't support the theory of evolution. It is an empty, uneducated ideology. Look at yourself and how wonderfully you are made. Look at the cells that make up your body. One cell is such an amazing creation. Just look around at everything you can see, and then try and explain evolution and no intelligent designer. Someone designed and built every house that stands and everything you wear and so forth. It stands to reason, using all your common sense, that we, the earth, the universe with its intricate laws of physics, was created. No, it could not have evolved. It just didn't happen. It was very well thought out and we are the result.

2006-09-07 10:42:07 · answer #4 · answered by wannaknow 5 · 0 2

there are two different types of evolution: micro and macro. i believe in microevolution (you'd pretty much have to be an idiot not to see the variations in nature) but i don't believe in macroevolution. also, you can't say that "evolution is just a theory" and expect that to be a good argument against it. gravity is also "just a theory", but if you throw a ball into the air, down it comes. i have done a lot of research on the topic and have found that many of the serious evolutionists who get out to prove creation wrong end up converting to creationists in the end. there is not much evidence that really supports evolution, and even charles darwin had said that the human eye was so intricate that it must have been made by the creator...

to me, evolution doesn't make sense. as was already said, it takes more faith to belive in evolution than creation. even if those cells did evolve into more complex beings (which i don't believe), the cells had to come from somewhere. and just because labs can create amino acids or clone life doesn't mean that it can create it.

and genesis is NOT a bedtime story. what i think is pathetic is people's needs to fabricate a theory that has nothing to stand on (what did it all evolve from? don't know, do ya?) in order to justify the true fact that they just don't want to have to believe that sin is real and we all do it. they don't want to admit to themselves, or anyone else, that they are wrong or imperfect. that's why even people who believe in heaven don't believe in hell.

2006-09-07 10:56:05 · answer #5 · answered by jenn w 4 · 0 0

Hmmm, no one knows for sure where the spark of life came from. Evolution does not pretend to present this. It is still a big unknown.

But organisms slowly evolve with traits that make their survival rate much higher in this world. Those traits get passed on to their offspring But that doesn't mean the entire species changes, it branches off into other animals and species. This, of course, takes millions of years to occur. But there have been some finches on the Galapagos islands that grew shorter beaks because their food supply changed drastically. This took about 50 years to happen. Anyway, when you hear people saying we came from monkeys, that is just WRONG! Humans and apes had a common ancestor, but we did not evolve from apes or monkeys.

2006-09-07 10:16:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Wikipedia has a fair coverage of both Evolution and Natural Selection (see links below).

In general:
Genetic mutations happen all the time
Offspring are born with these mutations
If a mutation offers an advantage, the offspring has a greater chance of survival (this is selection)
The mutated offspring live longer, and have a better chance of passing on the new mutated trait.

Plenty of pitfalls too - see talkorigins.org link below for some of the nonsense that is bandied about and some good answers for you to consider (link below)

Common example: Humans are more evolved than Apes... utter bunk! Both humans and apes are evolved to their environment. We would have just as much trouble surviving in their world as they would in ours...

2006-09-07 10:20:59 · answer #7 · answered by joetho 3 · 1 0

Do not know how it started, that is on the frontier of science right now. There is a lot of guessing but nothing provable yet. We just don’t know at this time, but we will, in time.

We do see bacteria and viruses evolve. I will go with viruses because they are more common in everyday experience. The reason doctors stopped prescribing antibiotics for everything was because we started to see germs resistant to them. It is also the reason that when you ARE prescribed antibiotics you are supposed to take ALL of them, to make sure you kill ALL the viral infection.

2006-09-07 10:20:12 · answer #8 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 1 0

Many think that there was a comet that hit Earth (meteorite) in it's early stages of development. This meteor potentially had bacteria or other small life forms on it that were condusive to Earths climate.

What I personally know is that there are other beings in the universe that are responsible for "seeding" or bringing life to condusive planets. I know this sounds a little out there, but it makes complete sense to me. They seeded Earth with small life forms. This does not include bacteria. I am talking about things like ameobas. They tended to the seeding and helped life develop through natural processes of evolution. Almost like a gardener tending to his garden. Then, once life was seen as developing on the most fruitful path, they let it all take it's course.

Where bacteria comes into play was actually from a meteorite, but it was not intended to be on Earth. It was like someone throughing weeds into your garden. It threw things out of wack. Bacteria causes diseases and other unfortunate things to happen. It was not originally intended, by we adapted.

If you would like to know more about this, contact me. I have knowledge of how homo sapiens were able to make that jump into an intelligent lifeform.

2006-09-07 10:26:34 · answer #9 · answered by Metacoma 3 · 0 1

Don't really have the answer to that one yet, though it doesn't follow that divine intervention is to only available solution.
One interesting theory is that the earth was seeded from collisions with intersteller bodies (comets, asteriods, meteors) that had insteller bacteria aboard. This bacteria took hold (after millions of years) adapted and thrived in the earth's biosphere and it all started from there.
It is called Panspermia, and is quite fascinating. and deserves further study.
It hasn't appeared on the Fundies radar screen yet, when it does there will be much rending of garments and gnashing of teeth.

2006-09-07 10:21:45 · answer #10 · answered by Dane 6 · 2 0

Just because science can't answer the question of "where it all started," it doesn't prove or even disprove the existence of God. I actually believe that it did start with God but KNOW that for certain. I just believe it because it makes more sense to me. Once science comes up with a plausible theory (like the evolution theory) I'm more than willing to hear it out.

2006-09-07 11:07:32 · answer #11 · answered by StolenAnjel 3 · 0 0

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