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taken drugs you would understand tha they had just ben stupid and regret it
and if it werev you that had taken drugs what would you say to your parents
(hypotheticly speaking)

2006-09-07 09:59:14 · 33 answers · asked by bitter sweet 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

33 answers

I wouldnt be freaked out or anything. Id think they made a mistake that a lot of people have made before, and Id explain the dangers of doing some of that stuff. I dont know if I would have told my parents unless I had a problem. Its always good to talk about thing with them though! Good luck!

2006-09-07 10:02:13 · answer #1 · answered by maeknits 2 · 0 0

The reaction of the parents is dependent on what drugs have been taken, how often this is happening and with whom it is happening. Experimenting with drugs, be it Nicotine, alcohol, cannibis or harder substances, is a part of growing up 9/10 teenagers today will encounter, it may be idle curiousity, peer pressure, the need to rebel or thrill seeking. The facts are long term drug use messes you up, no matter what you're taking. However confrontations, over reactions and a lack of communication and understanding on the matter can damge the relationship you have with your kid.

If you feel that they may have a problem with drugs, address it, but be sure to emphasis that the problem you have is with the drugs, not them. Villainising your kid will only encourage a negative and rebellious reaction that will likely make the situation worse. Make sure they know you're not angry or disappointed, but concerned for their safety and health.

Talkin to them like adults, logically and calmly, with respect and understanding will let them know that this will not turn into a screaming match and that this is something you can talk about.

2006-09-11 00:54:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a line in the animated children film "Finding Nemo" where Marlin (Nemo's dad) who worries excessively about his son and is over protective says to another fish that he will never let anything happen to Nemo. The other fish responds that this is a strange thing to say because if he did that, nothing would ever happen to Nemo and there is a pregnant pause.

The point that the other fish is making to the over protective parent is that kids need room to grow to explore their own identity to take risks in a supportive and as safe an environment as can realistically and practicably be facilitated.

I would hope that a good parent can give balanced and constructive advice of the pros and cons of experimentation with illegal substances and whilst setting rules for their house and expressing their disapproval in a balanced and even handed way, perhaps sharing their own personal experiences, they will accept the right of their child to make decisions for themselves ,when they are competent to do so and this is a flexible age relative to the decision and the maturity of the child.

The parent perhaps migth also be grateful that the relationship that their child has with them is such that their child feels able to discuss what may have been a very significant event for them.

Good luck. Its not easy

2006-09-07 10:21:13 · answer #3 · answered by Fram464 3 · 0 0

Hi I havent got any children but i know children who at the moment are taking drugs, it really depends on the child themselves if they care about themselves and family i suppose they will agree to get off the drugs, but its a total different story if your child has no cares for anything and maybe not care about anyone. Are we saying here that you have taken drugs and you want to tell your parents, well i would say to you if your not hooked on them no one needs know and if you know you have been stupid and will never do it again, but if you feel guilty and you feel better then what i would do is, go to who you feel comfortable with mum or dad if you are happy telling them both, and just say , " i know ive been stupid but i have taken some drugs and i have only done it the once and wont do it again. Everyone trys something once and that was it and i feel ashamed and guilty and i will never do it agan." If you dont mean it and carry on taking the drugs and they found out it will be worse for you and them. Just do what you your heart tell you is right.

2006-09-07 10:09:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Drugs are bad for you no matter what. You should always teach your kids that drugs are bad and not to use them. If you are the child and you want to tell your parents that at least means you know you were wrong. You should start by telling the parent you are closest to. Tell them that is something you never want to do again and come up with a way that will remove you from the temptation. Weather it be changing schools or have your parents more involved with you life, whatever it takes.

2006-09-07 22:41:26 · answer #5 · answered by babyrat269 2 · 0 0

i have 2 kids, a baby and a toddler so i have gone over this scenario 4 the future.
if 1 of them had tried drugs i'd understand that they were curious and maybe let it drop if it woz a 1 off but if it woz an ongoing thing i dont know how i'd handle it.
as 4 me being the kid, i have tried a few spliffs and didnt think much of it so didnt do it again, i've never tried anything else and have never told my parents cuz i'm old enough 2 do wot i want and dont live at home and dont feel the need 2 tell them as it woz only a 1 off although if i woz addicted 2 something harder i'd probably ask my parents 4 help.

2006-09-07 10:11:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't have a "kid", I have children. Obviously if a child has taken drugs, they have been running with the wrong crowd, or they have been left to their own devices way too much. My children have never tried drugs, alcohol, nor tobacco. Until they were "of age", I knew where they were at all times and who they were with. Good friends were encouraged, and bad friends were not allowed. I never used drugs, alcohol, or tobacco and I instilled that practice into my children. Children will usually try whatever their parents tried. If you drink, your children will drink. If you smoke, your children will smoke. If you used drugs, more than likely your children will use drugs. Parents have a hard time coming down on kids for doing the things we did at their age. When the child sees leniency in some act, they will capitalize on it. The old saying, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" seems to fit when it comes to the things our kids try. For their sake, we must hold ourselves and them accountable.

2006-09-07 10:11:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If my child uses drugs,they will be subject to the following:
1. Random drug screens
2. Drug screens if I think they might have used.
3. If it was a one time deal, 'a mistake', etc. then I expect them to earn my trust back. It's not going to just be given.
4. I would show them that no matter what I still love them and the very first thing I would do is give them a hug.
5. Find out who gave them the drugs.
6. Depending on the drug used and for how long, get them checked out medically ( tested for Hep. C, TB, etc.)

If I used and told my parents I would have expected to be grounded and have to earn my folks trust back. My folks are cool and if I told them it would be something like "Mom, Dad, I really screwed up and did . I'm really sorry and know I messed up and hurt you.

2006-09-07 10:11:18 · answer #8 · answered by Charles B 4 · 0 0

As a mother, I found out that my kids had taken drugs. I understood they had made a stupid mistake, and it happened to 2 different children.

When I discovered that my daughter and her friend had experimented with some drugs, I did not allow her to visit that friend again, and that friend was only allowed at our house when I was home. I became more assertive in knowing where she was and who she was with, and took her for counselling. She is doing well now, just 2 years later, she got her GED and joined the army where she is drug-free and happy.

My son admitted to me that he had taken drugs when he was in the home of people I thought were trustworthy. He was not using by the time I found out. I am more careful about his friends, and I watch carefully for signs of drug use, but he has proved himself trustworthy since then. I still watch for signs of changes though.

If you have made a stupid misake that you regret, tell your parents. Expect them to be concerned and become more strict. Agree to counselling, drug test, or anything elst that assures them that you are seriously sorry for the mistake and are not doing it again. Beieve me, it is a scary things for parents. We love our kids, and know the seriousness that drug abuse can lead to. I know of young people that have permanent brain damage, and death as a result of drug use Understand your parents concerns. A yelling match will not dispell their fears, but with time you can win their trust again.

2006-09-07 13:50:16 · answer #9 · answered by mamasheilag 3 · 0 0

I'd think if my child had the sense to tell me what they had done it would be very brave and mature of them! But.. I'm guessing i would only realise that after the yelling and the "you could have killed you self" lines. (also you don't say what drug we are "hypothetically" talking about!)
Personally I'm not a parent, but i would say it it was something like weed and you know your not going to smoke it again, keep quite, if its something more hard core then if people know it could get back to your parents so tell them calmly what happened and Hope they don't get too mad! They should see eventually that you were brave and mature for telling them!

2006-09-07 10:09:58 · answer #10 · answered by greenday_fan 3 · 0 0

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