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You hear this alot as a Republican counter arguement but please be clear there is a significant difference between supporting our troops and supporting this war, combining the two is a big mistake. Supporting troops means giving them the money and to buy sufficient armor and have sufficient weapons to protect themselves (which this administration did not do when the war started), supporting this administration is supporting an unjust war. The troops have no say in where and when they go but you as voting citizens have a say in weather or not we send them to fight and die for a foreign country or use them to keep us safe at home.

To illustrate the point, here's the QUESTION: Would you have had the same feelings toward supporting the war and the troops in Vietnam? Or do you believe as many Americans believed that supporting the war was NOT supporting the troops. You were just sending them to die in an unjust war. Remember this is Vietnam we're talking about.

2006-09-07 09:45:13 · 14 answers · asked by choyryu 2 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

14 answers

I agree with everything you posted. And I believe that the Bush supporters know the difference, but like in most things, they have to cloud the debate by trying to hide behind patriotism as an excuse to let corporations run America. The Bush administration never wants to find Bin Laden because the Bush family going back to daddy and the Bin Laden family have been best buds in oil ventures for years, despite the wayward radical Bin Laden son, Osama.

Of course all Americans are concerned for all the kids that are running over there getting killed. the argument that being opposed to the leadership has nothing to do with it. As usual though, the average citizen cannot think on any complex level - it has to be black and white, for or against. The old "America, love it or leave it" motto. It should be "America, love it and stay and change it with the leaders are incompetent".

2006-09-07 12:47:00 · answer #1 · answered by Andre1998 2 · 1 1

I did support our troops in Viet Nam. They were fine brave young men in a hellish situation. Please remember that these young men were drafted. They not only had no choice about where they were going they had no choice about branch of service or even to go into the service at all. When JFK sent in the first troops I think we were doing a good thing, helping people become free where things went wrong, in my opinion, is when we started running the war by committee. Everyone had something to say and no one listened to the generals and the people actually doing the fighting. What was worse though was when these young people came home and were spat on and called baby killers and the people doing these things had back up from people like John Kerry. He even testified before congress about how rotton ALL the troops were except for him of coarse. The youth of America were horrible to our returning troops. This was just so wrong. If the Viet Nam conflict was wrong I still am not sure but when we left the way we did it created the impression that the USA does not stand behind its committments. By not supporting the war and not supporting the troops were did damage to our position in the world. That damage is still with us today. Today all over the news you hear that democrats want us out of Iraq. Again we are not supporting the war and some want us to quit. I do not know if we are fighting this war by committee but I hope not. The best part is no one is spitting on the troops when they come home.

2006-09-07 12:49:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There was very little support of the troops in Vietnam mostly because of the arrogant liberals. Many of these soldiers who did what they were called to do, came back only to be spit upon by those who insisted it was an "unjust war." Those horrible events are what makes so many so strong about supporting the troops today in the JUST war. Whether or not you believe we should be in Iraq at all, doesn't mean you can't support those men and women who are risking their lives over there because their country told them to do it. To do anything less is wrong and unjust.

2006-09-07 09:50:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I believe eveyone should support the troops because they have been keeping this country free from the beginning. I may get in trouble for this but for those people who dont support the troops, you should go live in another country. I am not sayin you have to like the idea of war but the fact is, we are in one and theres nothing much that can be done about it. So stop wasting time complainin about the war and how you hate it. Support our men and women over there because they are the heros.

2006-09-07 09:53:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Supporting the troops is not the same as supporting the war.

We can respect the job they do and the sacrifices they make. But it is our responsibility that when we ask them to put their lives on the line, it is for the right reasons and that we support them by providing what they need to get the job done. Suport for the troops is also pushing to get them out as soon as possible. In war, you want the OTHER guy to die for his cause or country.

You don't hear people condemning the troops-- you hear people condemning the reasons for going to war (IN IRAQ) and the piss poor execution at the direction of the piss-poor leadership (Rummy, et. al)

Had I been old enough, I would have supported the troops in Vietnam even tho it was a bad war as well. We did a huge injustice to those people - many were draftees who had no choice in the matter. War is nasty business.

2006-09-07 09:50:16 · answer #5 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 1 3

If the troops support the war, and most of them do, how can you support them and not the war? I have heard from more troops who have requested additional tours in Iraq than that have opposed the war.

2006-09-07 14:28:27 · answer #6 · answered by STEVEN F 7 · 0 0

Our troops are guilty of nothing more than taking orders to fight a war that is going nowhere. That came from a Vietnam veteran.

2006-09-07 09:50:49 · answer #7 · answered by marquita 3 · 3 1

Agreed, nice rant. The same is true of Vietnam however many people were down on the whole thing and took it out on the troops.

2006-09-07 09:50:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Hell yes, I support the troops!!!

It's the damn brain-dead politicians that I'd like to draw and quarter!! Especially the ChickenHawk-in-Chief!

2006-09-07 09:54:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Support of the troops, not the president

2006-09-07 09:50:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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