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I believe in god, Why is it that everyone talks about god and that if he do not follow his way’s your going to hell.

I came across a man today that asked me how old I was and I told him 23, he asked me about life (I work with him) I live in Cali so rent is crazy, he asked me how I do it on my own, I told him I live with my boyfriend of 6 years, he looked at me and said, “ I committed a sin and I was going to go to hell….” The bible says never judge? Like I said I believe in god, and if god is everything that the bible say’s he is, he forgives, and he doesn’t judge…. and he will understand why I did what I did. I’m not going to hell because I live with my boyfriend god understands why…. So for those who follow god but judge others …go read the bible again and stop acting like you do everything right….trust me you have committed many sins in your life.

2006-09-07 09:40:06 · 21 answers · asked by Just me 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

First of all…..I do believe in god I said that….remember….second nobody really knows anything….it’s something you believe in something that is in your heart…. So unless you died and came back alive then judge me, second hypocrites I think so.

2006-09-07 09:58:56 · update #1

21 answers

Heh... opened a real can of worms with this question, didn't you?

First things first: you have done nothing wrong. The guy who chose to judge you is the one who has done you wrong, because he is in no position to pass judgement upon you, any more than his is qualified to forgive you of any sin you may have committed. It is not his opinion that will matter when it comes time for you to be truly judged.

The problem is that people often have a very narrow view of life, and think their opinion is the final word on everything. For them, there is no possibility of another, equally valid point of view, and their interpretation of scripture is LAW, as far as they're concerned. Heck, I'm an ordained minister, and I still try to keep an open mind -- who's to say that MY interpretation or MY beliefs are correct for anyone other than myself and those who happen to agree with my version of reality?

In other words, I don't throw stones, because the glass in my house is too thin.

2006-09-07 09:52:58 · answer #1 · answered by theyuks 4 · 2 0

hypocrites - that's all it is. Something about don't throw stones if you live in glass houses? People are weird - if you notice this too - it's the "churchie" people who look down on you and tell you "it's a sin" this and "it's a sin" that - i don't get it either - they are always the 1st to throw stones and cast judgement - plain and simple they are hyopcrites. Just point that out to him next time - about judging you and see his reaction - it ougtta shut him up.

And trust me - everyone has sinned - jeez - i live in sin, have premarital sex (with my magnomous (sp?) partner of six years) - i think these people better start enjoying life on earth in case they are wrong about an after life! Also - if you speed, you break a law, isn't that technically sinning? I agree with the one guy who thinks it's funny they pick and choose what suits them. And look at the divorce rate - why get married? Right now, getting married does not benefit either my partner or myself and things work fine just the way they are - live your life - pretty much screw everyone else (not literally screw - u know what i mean). Let them 'pray for you' all they want if it makes them feel better - ha

2006-09-07 09:48:59 · answer #2 · answered by Weasel 4 · 0 0

The bible also says that you can judge them(People) by there fruits(works). God does forgive, and He does judge, and no He will not 'understand' why you did what you did. That would be saying that God sins. No He does not. You know nothing of God except what some wacko preacher has said. Study for your self, and stop using you head for a hat rack, and think for once in your life if you have something to think with. Use your brain. Study. And then maybe you will know what it is that God has said.

2006-09-07 09:50:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think there's a common misconception that people have in regards to Christians. I think that there are some Christians who feel it is their place to act as judge and jury on a person's life. As a Christian, I am committed to bring others to know the love of Christ. But I know that I am not in the place to decide that a person is going to hell, because I struggle to keep from sinning every day (and I fail most of the time). But with His forgiveness, I start a new day and try harder the next time. Please don't let one outspoken man harden your heart to the other loving, caring Christians out there. Good luck to you :).

2006-09-07 09:57:41 · answer #4 · answered by huskygirl74 2 · 1 0

John 15:14 You are my friends IF you DO what I am commanding you.

1John 2:17 Furthermore the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that DOES the will of God remains forever.

1Corinthians 6:9b-11 Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor...will inherit God's Kingdom. And yet that is what some of you WERE..

So, Jesus said we must repent and change our conduct to be his friend.


People cannot judge you, and yes we have all sinned, but he that practices sin willfully is the one whom the sacrifice of Jesus cannot cover. Hebrews 10:26.

Luke 3:8 Therefore-produce fruits that befit repentance.

Just read one of my questions on.."How can our sins be forgiven and how to get forgiven?"..Best wishes..Tina

2006-09-07 10:43:20 · answer #5 · answered by tina 3 · 0 0

just me - i'm sorry that person condemned you like that. Jesus said in Luke 6: 37"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Everyone makes mistakes, and you probably know that Jesus wouldn't approve of that kind of cruelty. I'm a Christian and I make lots of mistakes. I think it is safe to say that you know what is right from wrong. Wrong things make you feel guilty - and right things make you feel good. God has generously given us all things - one of those being a conscience. Making tons of mistakes myself - I know God allows u-turns and God forgives. He doesn't shove His condemning finger in our faces - He guides us gently and gives us every opportunity to do the right thing. God has plans for your life. I recommend you take your own advice, and read the Bible for yourself. My favorites are the Book of John, Psalms, Proverbs, and Romans if you happen to open one up. *This is very important* Nobody likes being misled by others. I urge you to read Romans 10. In order for God to forgive you for your sins - you simply need to ask Him to forgive you and believe that Jesus died for your sins. Whereever you are - He will hear and He will respond. Forgiveness is a beautiful, wonderful thing. I know because I have it. I want you to have it too. There are no words to describe how amazing God's love and forgiveness are. I hope you take my humble advice and accept God's forgiveness today. It is my prayer for you.

Calling people sinners and hypocrites isn't going to make you feel better. If you believe in God, treat Him as He should be treated...respected and acknowledged and loved. God created you to have a relationship with Him. He has allowed you to do this through Jesus Christ. Now that you are aware of that - you have a decision to make that can't be brushed off any longer. You can choose to live with God as God, or you can keep Him on the sidelines. The Bible doesn't say "all you need to do is believe God exists". Make no mistake - God has promised you great things including forgiveness, mercy, grace, love, joy, peace, and eternal life. I "know" I have these things, just as you "know" certain things. It's not my place to condemn you to hell - I don't know you, your heart, or your eternal destination. Likewise, it's not your place to belittle my experiences and life and tell me I don't "know" all of God's promises will come to pass. God doesn't lie. His word will endure forever. He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. I hope you make the effort to draw close to Him. He made you - he knows you. He loves you. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God - I urge you to open up a Bible so your faith may grow.

2006-09-07 10:04:02 · answer #6 · answered by j-Z 2 · 1 0

Homosexuality is a sin a useless ringer for the different ones. A kept human being may have a substitute of techniques about it. Repent means a substitute of techniques/heart about sins, and understanding it truly is incorrect. A Christian that's gay would recognize being homsexual is a sin and would pray to God to get rid of it. she or he will be tempted and fall and sin again yet a Christian will upward thrust and get again as a lot as his or her ft. "Christians" that bypass to church and say they are okay to be gay are incorrect. P.S ~ being a Christian means having a relationship with Jesus. Going to church means no longer some thing. you do not get kept by technique of going to chruch. Christianity isn't "Churchianity"

2016-11-06 20:31:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, you are not going to Hell. He was just a self righteous jerk who was probably attempting to hit on you. You struck a nerve when you said you lived with your b/f.

And no, most of us know we are imperfect. But that's okay because we are sent here to learn and to make mistakes.

Someone needs to hit that guy over the head with a 2x4.

2006-09-07 09:48:03 · answer #8 · answered by lilly 5 · 1 0

You know what cracks me up most about that? If you had a boyfriend of six years and lived separately, Christians would actually pretend to believe that the two of you weren't having sex. Why is it, that they don't believe what is obvious truth, while they put blind faith in what they can't prove? Odd.

On a more pragmatic note: What the man did to you in the workplace is a form of Religious Harassment and is reportable (to the company and DFEH) and illegal.

2006-09-07 09:47:09 · answer #9 · answered by georgia b 3 · 1 1

yah theres a verse that goes something like. why do you pick at the sliver in anothers eye instead of the log in your own? even the bible says do not judge others. i hate when people pick and chose what they want to

2006-09-07 09:46:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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